Why the whitcher 3 fails to be a playable game

The combat system is repetiiuve and broken, anyone who has played it at all will realize its a bad game, if you think its good thats probably because you havent played it

whitch (hahaha) is better? playinga real game or playing this non playable game aka (shit game) the whitcher 3?

>This image again

Go play the game.

if you're gonna blur out an image on purpose, don't blur out the HUD. Also sage for obvious bate

Obvious Witcher fanboys, can't admit that their game is trash. SAD

i did play the game it is trashattempted derail by trip fag
this is actual screen shot stop trying to shill for you EA fan boiii

the image itself looks like shit though, its not even blurred, complete non argument


I agree the combat doesn't work well if you play on high difficulty. Still a great game though I'd recommend playing on easy unless you want the damage sponge enemies to increase fights times by 500%


the election is over t_d. time to go back to rebbit

look at that fucking grass LOL

nice try kiddo but using mods or editing your shitty image wont help, if its vanilla wheres the HUD?

STLM & Fantasy 4.0.3 Reshade

it's beautiful isn't it?

>That blue haze.

Thank god I could remove it with mods.

again not vanilla there is no HUD stop lying

kill yourself


Looks like some teenage girls instagram filter, fucking shit.

wow butthurt whitcher 3 fan boi is agnery because he set himself up for falirure then i knocked him down BTFOOOOOOOOO

Not an argument.


>Having to use mods to make the game look decent

Do you really need the graphics to be DUDE 4K EPIC HD SKYRIM MOD to enjoy the game? Really faggot? Quit nitpicking holy shit.

Yes because I have nothing else to complain about and I am perpetually angry

I know its bait, but Home key lets you remove HUD senpai

Are you saying its worse than the Vanilla lighting?

I liked the game a lot and found it perfectly playable.

I understand you don't want them to end up like over confident assholes and it's important to critique things, but let's not be foolish.

>lets not be foolish
aka liking the witcher? haha alright smart guy

even if ironically, this post is quite retarded and underage

here is ur reply

>this is the quality of Sup Forums now

not seeing any arguments here

You cannot even write witcher correct retard.

>The combat system is repetiiuve
It is indeed repetitive, but its fast enough so that its still engaging.
>and broken
As in it can be abused? Its a singleplayer game, balance isn't needed, the player can decide which moves they want to avoid if they are too strong.
>anyone who has played it at all will realize its a bad game
Most people who played it liked it, as you can see from scores on any website.
>if you think its good thats probably because you havent played it
See above, also see DLC purchases, most people continued playing and revisiting the game.

Anyway, I am also bummed out that CDPR outright LIED about the visuals in their early presentations. I hope it was incompetence and failure to deliver, and not malice and deception from the beginning.

im actually 21 and work at a take out food restaurant, thanks

>goes on to say it's bad, not unplayable
Try and make a cohesive argument next time with some valid points.

it's nintenshills
they hate the whitcher 3

in this day and age if a game has this many flaws it is literally unplayable

>still working high school jobs
I'm sorry user. No wonder you're taking your anger out on good people who enjoy good games

>console minded design
>console fans hate it


This game also promotes white genocide. Its Jewish propoganda.

just becayse youre a enemy of convenience based foods doesnt mean you need to get butthurt

To be totally honest, I don't care who the OP of this stupid thread affiliates with. I just want to see some quality shitposts instead of easily-disseminated, heavily-flawed "arguments" that fall apart because of user ineptitude and laziness. Give me something to really take a bite out of instead of "It's shit!" and console war #infinity.

i have it on xbone and its much better than that bullshit pic

If its a well made post, its not a shitpost. By definition all shitposts are low effort SHIT POSTS.

Unplayable is:
>You can't launch the game
>It runs at average 10 frames per second
>You fall through the world at every turn
>There is literally impossible to avoid damage that kills you 100% of the time in situations where you aren't expected to lose
>Movement is turned off through no fault of the user

because people pointed out most of botw quests are worser than the whitchers quests

Unplayable: can't play.
Literally unplayable: can play, but I don't like it.

nice reply lol, feeling a little new today i see

Nah, I (You) deny when people put no effort into their attempts.

you would know
fresh off the reddit press i see?

wtf stop give me my rightfully earned reply

you guys are more retared then switch users stop swtiching and make up your mind, seriously SHEEEEEEEEEESH ugh

>mass reply
we should ban most people that does this


C'mon m8. Sup Forums has always been this shitty.

I'm just here for the (you)s

>most people that does this
gtfo to mexico

why do people care about graphics again?
we don't need better graphics than ps3, we need more interaction
what's the deal with games like gtav having all thos great graphics when you can't destroy the windows from buildings?

Take that grimdark dogshit out of here.

not blur, its lower res upscaled to look bad

Because normal people are more impressed by shiny graphics and nice explosions rather than gameplay. They only play a given game for 10-20 hours max if it has that much replayability. Advertising to the lowest common denominator = more sales = more money = most commonly taken route by money-grubbing publishers and game developers alike.
Nothing you can do about it.

Because it looks good. It is pleasing to the eye when shit looks good.

fancy graphics are pretty fancy tho

Is there a game where the combat system isn't repetitive?


Thread died for this.
Hide and Sage.

people sure are mad about this game
