Should I play this game?

Should I play this game?

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Only if you can install the data packs.


>It gets good 10 hours in bro I promise
It's one of those kinds of games, though. It's like 100 hours long so it takes some time to get your skell. Wouldn't recommend rushing to get your skell, however, since exploring on foot is more fun than driving around.

>exploring on foot is more fun than driving around.
This, entirely this. You don't get your Skell till chapter 5 and when you get to that point the game becomes challenging if you don't try and do pretty much everything you can to level up.
The Skell oversimplifies the entire process of gathering materials and even combat to a point where unless you're trying to kill things at least 5 levels over you then it's incredibly easy.
One more reason to do as much as you can before you get the Skell is you have an insurance on it just in case it breaks during battle, and that insurance is on a timer, so if you break it before the timer is up, you have to pay out pretty much the price you paid for the Skell, so doing as much as you can before you get it really helps with covering that. Also buying new Skells costs loads of credits, so there's that.

It's a great game but...

>The party system
>The mission system

Abysmal. I still haven't even best it yet because it's such a hassle to even get fucking missions together

when it launches on switch, yes

Get the decensor mods.


It only takes like 3 hours on a normal playthrough before it starts getting good. If you know what you're doing, you can do it in a half hour. Pic related, 4 1/2 hour skell.

Only if you can uncensor it.

It's not that important, and people who already did it can show off their "offensively oversized from the view of the chestlets working at NoA who decided to censor it" titties.

Both are fine. Recruitable NPCs always appear at the same location, and there are tons of shortcuts in NLA that make it easier to recruit party members.

Accepting missions is perfect. I don't know what you could even change about it.

No, but definitely listen to the soundtrack.
The theme even won an award.

That tit slider removal is the most baffling-ass localization fuckery I've ever heard of, and yes I'm including 4Kids bullshit. I could maybe see a reasoning to if you could go pure loli mode, but even the lowest option still gave you a solid C cup.

Lowest option was a B cup. They set everyone at a C when you could go all the way up to watermelon breasts before.

Funnily enough, Lin still has giant knockers, especially for a 13/15 year ould.

I don't know why, but the the game is too difficult for me. I don't think I understand the battle in-depth.

Yes. 160 hours later, I'm still playing it.

That's probably why they're casualizing Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Too many people couldn't understand the combat system in the original, let alone X.

I've been thinking about trying this on Cemu. Anyone know how it runs?

It was one of the games Cemu was designed to play, along with Bayo 2 and BotW. Still better on the Wii U itself, especially with the mods available for it, but it'll run acceptably.

I've heard mixed things. CEMU is practically a BotW emulator at this point so my bets are it has issues.

Which mods?

its a great game, but dont start it unless you got the 100-200 hours needed. Its definitly not a game you want to restart multiple times.

I understood the original's more than X's combat system. So idk what my problem is.

All right thanks ill give it a shot. I got another question. When I look up torrents for the game I see the normal game and a "undub uncensored" version I guess I want the undubed one?

Do party members use the second cooldown
or do they just spam arts as soon as they are available?

See for yourself:

if you already have a wii-u, why not? its a good game all things considered.

- Reduced EXP
- Reduced grinding
- Uncensor mod
Those are the big three.

Some wait for secondary cooldowns. It depends on the art. Most arts they just use when prompted to by soul voices.

That just means it's not in English, because ultra-weebs and their staunch refusal to play games in a language they actually understand.

yeah, i hate having lin and edna in my party beacuse they kept saying the same LETS COOK TATSU JOKE over and over again.

speaking off tatsu, fuck that guy. his worthless to the story and nowhere near as cool as riki.

I liked the dub solely for Shulk's voice but the uncensored is a good idea. Sub or dub will come down to your preference.

X's combat is far more complex. Way more arts, overdrive, switching combat styles, switching between melee/ranged, the new elements, potential, etc.

People couldn't understand it, and that's one of the major complaints that Monolith Soft got from their Japanese consumer base. So they're vastly simplifying the combat in 2 so auto-attacking is more effective and you almost never want to move.

For example, they took out auto-attacking while moving and being able to see if enemies are aggressive or not, things that were in both previous titles.

its all about stunning the enemy. use attacks that combos well with eachother to either stun or weaken the enemy.

X is actually more about abusing resistances and potential. They nerfed the amount of arts that can stun, topple, stagger, or break.

I dont get the appeal of this game
I tried it on CEMU and it wasnt that great
the characters are ugly and the combat plays itself aside from you moving your character around
I consider my opinion invalid though, since I didnt play more than an hour and didnt really give it a chance
I just want someone to explain what is good about the game

I really wonder why they went with a larger shift in terms of characters and worlds with X and 2. Granted X was the only game I've played but 2 is a whole other level.

1.9.1 has game crashing all the time and AMD only has outdated fix for ultra bloom.

1.7.2 is what doesn't make it crash and it has much worse performance. Also AMD has a graphic back that fixes bloom.

I don't get it, I'm not one to play complex games but I was still able to understand and beat it. Sure it took a while but when I did I found it very fun.

>the characters are ugly and the combat plays itself aside from you moving your character around
The combat gets better once it gets harder and you can fill your bar with arts and mix up weapons and class skills.

The meta around endgame is infinite overdrive where you are barely autoattacking at all because all cooldowns become much faster.

Maybe when I can, I'll look up a guide on the battle system, how to play properly, and give it another shot. I think one of my problems was that I never know what I'll need for the fights ahead or something.

i can understand why the game puts people off. it plays itself like a signal player MMO and the story takes a much less focus compared to the first game. for me, it was exploring the world and giant meachs that kept me going. the side stories were though and i liked how some choices had meaning.

Not knowing what you need for fights is common. But you can still just carry 1/2 extra elements, or use resistance down augments to make your attacks deal more damage.

Some people just like weird stuff. I loved pic related and can admit they are very very flawed games. Too bad no part 3 where they learned from all their mistakes.

>infinite overdrive
No, just abusing overdrive and potential to get a 5 second kill on a 4mil HP super boss.

How do i build a character that does a shitload of damage?

You forgot about the multiplayer super bosses with 1000000 health bars

>auto-attacking with moving removed
God why?

Yggralith Zero? The best build against him is still to pump out as much damage as quickly as possible. Certain longsword potential builds can shave off ~30 kills in a combo.

They even made art CDs attached to auto attacking, so moving is never a good idea.