Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend

Tournament 17 should hopefully continue today.

Other urls found in this thread:

draw waifu charred blorija stat

kinda sad most kaijus sucked

>tfw nobody had faith in your team, not even your teammates

Blojirra defeats Bullet Hell with ease.
The school girls defeat the Ayy-ecutive and his employees.
Host When barely manages to win versus Ivory Towers.
Glowlem defeats the snow thingy.

Thinking of making a coffee-themed vermin.

I have the names Coffae and Caffiend already, need a third one for inspiration.

4 teams won an 4 Kaijus won

It was all pretty close tbqfh

Blorf family tournament when?

Which matchup are you looking most forward to seeing?

Over the past three days, I have been working on a semi/quarterfinalist redemption 2v2 tournament. This is the sixth bout of said tournament, between Desperattle and It Ain't Meow and Bing-Bing 64 and Spinsanity.

You already posted it.

host doesn't have blast so he will be a dead weight who only blasts. During first round he attacked only 3 times.

Lil' Ayycutive and his employees vs the Waifus

how would bullet hell fuck up?

Man, I hope I can draw a better version of that in time.

He has good muscle and decent speed, though. His final form has high enough muscle for it to be good even versus a high guard kaiju.

>Chow maim lost again



>3 times
Huh? I thought he has only been in two tournaments, this being his second.

Start drawing first

>most of the people you wanted to win lost
at least HOST WHEN made it, but i would have liked boo to carry on.

Sorry bud, that's how life is

>VFC Host has to animate VFC Host for the Champion's tournament

Did Neal say anything since last night?

VFC host has left us, hes not even doing the champs tourney. He said it last night during the drama


There's no "Neal."

I haven't seen one of this posts all weekend, I think he isn't coming back user....

how do I into shading

right is a friends shading vs mine on the left

whats with these delays

I mean, Ivory Tower was a clutch victory. Had Templechu either missed, or used a muscle attack, Boo would have finished him of in one hit.

i didn't see him

he responded to VF saying he's done with all of this for a long time, and he's not sure if he's ever coming back because of how stressful it is

>ivory towers vs host when

>believing an user

You're just exaggerating his statements. At most, he didn't confirm anything, and only one reply may have been presumably him.

I already know who's going to win because I'm cursed and any vermin I enter can't win

VFC posts a lot without his trip. it was obviously him.
I don't see that

which team are you on

thats not the thread from last night retard

>not having at least 1 champion


He didn't say shit last night


>having vermins at all

>not having more than 1 champion

Working on a few Vermin concepts right now, but I not sure which one I want to flesh out fully. Any thoughts?

m-maybe we'll break the curse this time


ok don't believe me and keep waiting for the champs tourney

>tfw RUUUUUUUZZZ won so we all got a champion

I've never had a vermin I submitted make it past stage 1, so this is a first for me

I like the ur quan a lot

I created RUUUZZ so I take all the credit for him
You can't stop me

Hey mats
boty of your veterans made it past round 1 and now they fight each other in round 2

same unless you count loser's bracket in wc tournaments

draw a pile of shit with his hair and a random trophy lodged in it

I like branch warmer and delinsquid

What the he'll are you talking about? I had faith in our team! feralittle's creator

That video has always worked for me :^)

Boys we have a traitor. Bet you are whine vines

so where's the bootleg tournament? we have two clients now, why isn't everyone hosting their own tournaments?


it's a fuckton of work

i don't think anyone's a big enough faggot to actually try hosting with a stolen engine

my captcha

>Skeletronus gets his revenge on the structures

I went a checked the last thread- what vfc possibly said was

"I kind of feel like I've had my fill, at least for a little while"

This is different from "omg I hate you all, I'm never doing anything again."

Just let vfc have his break before the champion's tourney

velocidad sounds like a great vermin

Don't remind us.



here's a hint

I didn't draw any of the vermin in the tourney

He was more or less saying what has already told us. He just wanted to compliment the creator behind Wargraav and Skeletronus.

i am 90 percent sure he posted near the end without a trip and some muppets music

It evolves from Velocilad

>papasaurus rekts

>whine vines
I already have had at least two of my past entries reach the third round.

Maybe but he never said anything like "I give up on everything bye"

If I start hosting tournaments I'll do random 1v1s during the weekdays on the booru but that's it


Which abilities should we look out for
other than funballs we already know


sniper's line has some really deadly abilities, with guarunteed crits on the strongest enemy
unfortunately it's hard countered by engi-neer

Coolbee can be as fast as the bosses at max HP.

personally I think th doesn't like me because I made pomf.


It's okay I shill my rock everywhere
Admittedly though it's partially to make fun of vermin that are constantly shilled

name 1 shilled vermin that is not skeeto.


>be at a marching show most of last night
>come back to see /STOPBOYS/ lost first thing
I-is it ok for me to be this sad?


>vermin fighter left for 3 weeks then said he was done with vermin
>there has been no skellyposting in 3 weeks
was vf all skellyposters?


I don't even post her anymore. All she did was make skeleton puns, I really don't understand the hate.

Blojira is carrying on our legacy.

i love hibiskiss but thompson shills it to death

There was the dude who thought that the team made up of both of his skeleton entries could win.

Nah, they just finally got the champs they've been asking for.

Sup Forumsermin is dead son, and it is all the skellies fault

But is shadowmister jr a shilled vermin?

Pretty sure it's banter