ITT: Oh yeah that happened

ITT: Oh yeah that happened

>no pierce

They should remake it but with Donte instead

>Kaneko helps with DMC3
>Dante is added to the Nocturne rerelease
What's the issue?

And it fits perfectly so what's the problem?

>murder is canon in mario

Hey, is that Devil May Cry - Featuring Demi-Fiend from SMT:Nocturne?

Featuring Donte from the Devil May Cry Series

I used him anyway.

Bark like a dog!

Here's your PS4 killer, boss.


>cum till you drop




What? When?

No seriously, this gets mentioned two or three times a day. How could you seriously pick this example for the OP?

Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts

>explosive dropping parrots
Yeah, I'm out. I can handle with the hassles of Dead Rising being ported to the RE4 engine, but fuck that.

Is there a Tohou game for EVERYTHING?

They were bonus characters for Taiko Drum Master Doko Don.

The Project X Zone games in general.

What is Leimu doing there?