Neutral ivs boiz

Neutral ivs boiz
She came home

How would this elincia build be?
+spd -res Elincia
Threat Def

Why not LaD for quads?

I dont have LaD.

Really fun game. Is a damn shame I was forced to uninstall it.

Rooted or couldn't control whaling?

No I saved orbs for months waiting for the cyl banner and when I used all the orbs I got nothing but 1 bad unit (Not even on focus unit) so yeah it was pointless to continue.

>tfw -att +def Elincia
>Tfw she's still an absolute monster

I'm so fucking glad I got Hinoka.

Lucia when?

But you get a free neutral CYL anyway


Not him but dropping hundreds of orbs and getting nothing fucking sucks. I had a period where across ~400 orbs I only got one 5 star(about 150 of that was during hero fest too) and it felt awful.

Here, this is for you user.

>I have gotten fucking Brave Roy and Chrom with this new banner


And? I skip the bride banner, the summer banners, the Delthea banner, the hero fest and the Hectos banners because of cyl and I got shit one neutral unit is not going to change that.

>dropped close to 150 orbs for summer Corrin
>Finally get her

At least with supports now she can actually have enough speed to double things.

I'm still holding out hope that IS will implement some sort of IV reroller in the future because I really fucking need one

>got Elincia out of nowhere

Goodbye quads, but hello meaty damage and maybe surviving a hit.

I see. Well that sucks I guess.
I only have 3 5* units so I guess I'm just too new to it for such things. No stranger to losing out on gacha though, saved quite a bit for Mobius in a collab event with Battle Cats but nothing to show for it. Can't play BC anymore but eh, I know your feeling.


>IS has finally noticed the severe lack of good reds and are now adding in two monster reds
>One of which is essentially free

fucking finally

Congrats, your Elincia has only 1 less attack than a +att Cherche
Just through threaten spd and fury on her and she should still be able to quad some enemies if you give her a spd buff

>Got Elincia on second batch
>-atk +spd
Ivs ruin this game, getting a 5* unit should be a nice thing but shitty ivs takes a dump all over it.
Iv rerolls when?

>severe lack of good reds
Reds are good, the problem is the severe lack of greens which give you zero reason to run offensive reds. I guess their solution is to just brute force their use with a unit with an effective 37/39 offensive spread

>Ike never hit that despite how eternally soaked she was for him
>ended up being taken by some cuck with shit growths
goddammit ike why did you have to be an autistic fightsexual?


>Delthea is worse than Reinhardt and Linde! Don't use her!

>BK can have 43 spd with fury + Hone Armour

Sweet fucking lord

What do I used my wrath fodder on? I'm thinking Athena, Reinhard/Olwen, or B!Lyn

Delthea is there to buff not to nuke and she is still top tier.

pretty sure wrath only works on infantry and armor


>18 res red with 1 movement


What the fuck is with that resolution?


Tried getting Elincia on a hail mary summon, got a -Atk +Spd Ryoma. What should I do with him?

>blue beats red

Use him?

>paired up +ATK -DEF Ike with a +ATK -DEF Bride Caeda

It should be fucking illegal to be this fucking unkillable.

Ryouma is still good even at -att
Just slap fury, vantage, and luna/moonbow on him and you're set

Besides it's not like he has anything worthwhile to pass on

>1/5th of an Est
wow thanks

>daily maps are over

>Meta has two blue mages in the tippy top tier, one of which has huge mobility
>Bringing a red armor unit to the party
There's a reason cavmeme is a thing and armormeme isn't.

It is at 700+


Are you me?
I have the same fucking setup, plus Julia and Genny

I'm this close to feeding B.Ike to Ryoma. Is this wise Y/N

>tfw run into armor meme team in arena assault
>laughably easy and safe win no matter which of my 7 teams i\m using
just stop, people

What do you even do in this game? I see constant threads of it on Sup Forums. Isn't it P2W?


>3 days ago considering 5*ing Palla for my meme flying team
>Now fighting the urge to inherit my only Palla's Goad Fliers to Elincia

Thats a 180° from my previous sentiment.

Right now my Julia is with an Oboro, so there's that. I hate my Julia. She feels worthless. My combo is currently set with Hector and Brave Lyn, though Brave Lyn is no longer paired with Hector.

You pick a team and fight against other teams

this banner is fucking weird. Oscar is mostly unaffiliated with Crimea now that he's a merc, and Neph, while a better choice still is unfitting in a Crimea banner compared to hardcore Crimeans like Geoffrey, Lucia, Bastian, Kieran, and Renning


Nephenee is my waifu!

I had a spare Brave Lance+ and I think Donnel looks like an idiot. Just how it goes.

Bad IVs or just shitty skills in general? I pretty much survive thanks to Breath of Life and Ardent Sacrifice
And when that is just not enough, bring in the calvary mages to fuck their shit up

>Isn't it P2W?
Not really. Lots of f2p players do well enough on their own and whales usually get matched up against other whales

It's probably the most generous gacha game out there right now, but that's only because most of the other ones are unbelievably anti consumer

>40 def
What IVs?

What do you think I've been doing
Alright, sounds good enough. Got another question though, since Chain Challenge a shit- not in terms of specific units, but is there a be-all end-all type setup (by "type" I mean fliers, healers, mages) that brings the best results, or do I get good?

Xander dies in one hit to Mr. Tiny hands too and he's meta, every team should have a hard counter to Rein that can kill him when he initiates.

>*gaos your path*

Who's unit support?

We don't need another Literal Who banner for PoR. I was expecting a Crimea vs Daein double banner like with SoV.

This is her at level 1

>unsheaths falchion


>green beating a blue

wow did you know julia can beat reinhardt too????



>randomly pull Caeda 5*
So who wants Darting Blow 3?

That's a damn fine combo right there

Florina has Darting blow at 4*. Dont be retarded

I breezed though almost all of chain challenge with a healer, dancer, -att Ryouma and +att - spd Reinhart with deathblow

Reinhart would kill almost everything and Ryouma would kill the occasional units Reinhart couldn't.

Chapter 11/12 is the only hard one because of the amount of constraints on each map, and you'll probably need to make three teams designed specifically for those maps to get though it

>22 base attack

I think an Oscar banner could work if he was with Boyd and Rolf as 3-4* units or in a Greil mercs banner.
Nephenee could work better with Brom and Heather
eventually we're going to have a lot of these literal who banners if every character wants to be repped

>Picked B.Roy for free because he's my boy
>Failed to pull B.Lyn

hold on to fortify fliers for when you want to make a flier team

>pull a +Atk 4* Rein
>tempted to promote him to easier deal with remaining Chain Challenges, but also despise cavalry in this game

giving steady breath to burger king so he can fire off black lunas everytime someone dares to initiate on him is a better meme

>roll this qt
>+atk -res
>have bunmilla and valdyboy the waifu stealer lying around unused
do i do it? are flymemes real now?

Do you also have a best girl?



>Taco meat

>no Honkers
I'm afraid flier memes are still just outside your grasp

Elincia is still a good unit on her own without flier buffs though

A good flyer team is so much damn work.

Just do it, there's no point to being "honorable" lots of the chain challenges pretty much require them.

I've cleared everything with no cav units, git gud

>nothing to do for a whole week

Why are these events so spread out?

At least it isn't a month.

so that you can roll new units and level them up instead of spending all your stamina on tempest

There's nothing to roll for though?

But tempest is the fucking best time to level up new units.

> saving orbs for a Halloween event that might not even come

I-it is coming, right anons?


I'd prefer an Autumn banner anyway

What would that have?

I'd be really really surprised if they skipped halloween

Has FEH made more than Awakening yet?

I already got Neph so I am fine saving orbs, but I still don't have Vantage to give to my Hector. That's literally the only reason I'm tempted to spend orbs until the halloween event

Reeee wasted 300 orbs for Tana and only got her useless brother at -spd. So far have wasted 200 orbs trying for Elincia with no luck.

Being a flyer memer is suffering.

Would you rather get 100 orbs or 100,000 feathers?