Just beat this and got all achievements for this. And I have to say I really loved it...

Just beat this and got all achievements for this. And I have to say I really loved it, Idk why everyone here is complaining about SJW Bullshit even though there's none of it in the game.

It feels like an improvement from Dishonored 2 and had a much smoother release.

Okay Pajeet.

How long is it?

Shill softly.

I'm finally learning the language of the game with foresight + displacement. It's definitely tougher than Dishonored 2 was

It's just a crappy dlc not even worth pirating

>no SJW bullshit
>MC is a disable black lesbian

wew lad

Nobody like Billie Lurk, she was a stupid character in both the brigmore witches DLC and the second game. Death of the Outsider should have you playing as either Daud or Corvo as they go to hunt down the outsider, not some fucking nobody character nobody likes or gives a shit about. Daud was THE fan favorite character and he does almost nothing except die in this DLC, just so we can get "muh stronk lesbian woman of color" bullshit

>Enjoy Dishonored games. Two was a little phoned in but still fun.
>Think about picking up this DLC
>On the one hand, the developers are using an already established character in the franchise
>On the other hand they may be attempting to push the diversity narrative and I don't want to support that in any way shape or form

It's a tough call but I didn't buy it. There's just no way to tell if this isn't part of the SJW train and I'd rather play it safe. I'll be a little sad if they weren't attempting to push diversity at all but eh, I'm willing to take that potential loss. Dishonored isn't THAT good.

dude she's a disabled black lesbian, how could that possible not be an attempt to push an agenda?

In addition to that, both the head oracular sister and the owner of the bank are both black women. The game also tries to get you to murder every single overseer just to save some dumb heretical witch.

I saved the overseers and burned the witch alive.

you should probably kill yourself

why, because I don't like communist propaganda shoved in my face?

Only reason billie lurk was chosen as the MC of this DLC is because she's a disabled black lesbian. She had no redeeming traits otherwise.

this is gonna sound tumblr as fuck, but i gotta ask, would you rather they used a new white character instead of the character thats already there?

>communist propaganda

no retard, they should have gone with either daud or corvo. They should have at least given you the option to play as Daud, like how D2 lets you play as corvo

Billie was a dumb loopy cunt and she made it hard to finish this DLC

>They should have at least given you the option to play as Daud
Fuck that noise. The two characters in Dishonored 2 added nothing. Corvo shouldn't have been playable in 2. You'd get his powers at NG+ and that's it.

if you don't want me to talk politics on Sup Forums maybe people should stop putting blatant progressive communist diversity propaganda in their games

Not an argument.

Fuck back to Sup Forums, retard. You ain't welcome here. We talk about video games, not your retarded "muh marxism" bullshit

If you play this game you should go vote for Hillary

>Corvo shouldn't have been playable in 2

fucking pleb faggot, I never even bothered playing as Emily. Corvo is even better than he was in D2 because he's old and grizzled now

then stop putting marxism in video games

Unfortunately you aren't the sheriff of Sup Forums mate

What pretentious youtuber did you steal the term "the language of the game" from, you faggot?

It's still constantly crashing for me after almost every load and cutscene, sometimes even in the start screen, even though it's the first PC game I've acquired through Steam legally in 3 years. Performance is great when it does work, it's just that getting it to work at all is borderline impossible.

So pirated some other game and tried to see if it was something across the board, and it's been running perfectly. So now I'm just replaying Castlevania Lords of Shadow for some reason.

Nappy haired, crippled, lesbian, black woman is the MC, we are talking about it, your just an entitled child who is upset that we don't like that aspect.

I honestly don't get it. It's not like the story is some tumblr fantasy. Does the mere existence of a black female protag just upset you guys? I mean, they exist. There is going to be a game or two starring them.


yes because the only reason she was put in the game is specifically because she's a black female

Nah dude, she was put in the game because she's a cool character who'd previously been established in the story.

I seriously don't get you people, she's black. Move on, who cares? There's already so little discussion about this game online and the small corners of discussion are poisoned by you racist fucks.

Do you firmly believe that in 2017 when EVERY major game has to have a female black lead somewhere she was put as a main character solely because of being "cool"?
Are you THAT delusional? Or perhaps a marketer?

I'd take the second guess.

Tbh I was really hoping Billie or a Billie / Daud pair would be the protagonist of Dishonored 2, but noo it had to be Emily because the hambeasts have spoken.

Yeah, thats it, I'm a shill. And totally, EVERY major game has a black female lead. What fucking planet are you living on?

It's not the existence of Billie, though I don't give a shit about her as a character. I just don't think she's very interesting, but Corvo isn't exactly winning the award for "Most interesting protagonist".

It's just the idea that I would potentially be giving money to SJW fucks disgusts me. And therein lies the problem, I am unable to tell if this is a genuine case of them just using an established character or if they're promoting a retarded agenda, and if I can't tell, I'd rather just not support it to be on the safe side

Dishonored isn't big enough to contribute to whatever grand SJW conspiracy you seem to believe in. But hey man, crusade your crusade I guess.

Haven't you watched the E3?
Literally all AAA new releases that didn't come from Japan have black women in it.

I just think its retarded that you'd rather talk about some imaginary agenda than the game itself. The game is literally first person, her skin color doesn't matter. It isn't like Billie goes running around talking about how difficult it is being gay, no one in the society cares. She isn't even really disabled, she starts the game with all her limbs and gets them replaced by magic fuckery.

It's hilarious how triggered people like you get over things that don't affect the game at all.


There's no "grand conspiracy" in the organizational sense but the games industry, as well as the tech industry, has been overwhelmed with SJW bullshit. I work at a game company and I assure you that rational thought has long gone out the window when it comes to the kinds of stories that get told nowadays and what characters get used.

It's disgusting what the company I work at has devolved into and I don't want to support it happening to other companies and to gaming as a whole. Gaming used to be about videogames and now it's about putting as much of the SJW agenda shit in as possible.

How insecure are you holy shit

where is the microphone for the Nightingale achievement?
I gave up becuase I though Shan yun would come back after that mission

Even if this were true, (it's not off the top of my head Spiderman and God of War had no black women in it and to spread shit like this distracts people from the real issues with last E3) what's the issue

holy shit black women exist what propaganda


>cuck of war
>not sjw

Stop goalpost shifting to spread dead memes


Shut up faggot, I'm black and sadly agree with the other guy, this is so blatant it's insulting

I don't mind black characters obviously, but you cannot deny that a literal black disabled lesbian as a protagonist is nothing more than propaganda