is this game going to save the jrpg genre and start a new golden age on the Switch?
Is this game going to save the jrpg genre and start a new golden age on the Switch?
Not really. It seems good but nothing groundbreaking.
It might switch (hurr) the JRPG paradigm to having PC+Switch instead of PC+Playstation+3DS in order to get 99% of the JRPGs worth playing.
So when can I expect the PS4/PC version?
I enjoyed the demo, but the bloom is killing my eyes. Kind of wish the kept the Bravely sd look, to be honest.
What? No. It's just a good game. Who told you it was going to start a new Golden era? Provide sources
Why don't they make Octopath Traveler the official name? It's catchy enough and I think they're too late in development to still change it.
>You can summon other characters in battle that you have already allured.
>Dancer lady summons another girl
What did they mean by this?
I know it's currently called a Switch exclusive, but this is Squeenix we're talking about, so expect it to be on smart phones sooner than later.
>Unreal 4
It'll be ported to everything under the sun by 2021.
Squeenix has always been faithful to Nintendoo though
Being a new installment instead of a remake for a nintendo console.
Are you retarded? Be honest.
No its not.
Why everytime a Nintendo exclusives hows up you faggots go "THIS IS GONNA SAVE THE GENRE" like retards?
Quite that shit already.
Wait, huh? I saw the trailer and thought this was a 3DS game.
I gave you a reason and i receive memes. What a let down.
Ah, retarded. My apologies.
What the actual fuck are you on about. A new JRPG series = golden age? There are new JRPG series all the fucking time. Start making sense
No sweety
Well dropped for me. I'm done with new consoles. I'm an old fucking man with a backlog a few lifetimes large.
>Poor man's SaGa
>Save the JRPG genre
Nah, but normalfags will surely be attracted by the multiple main characters and praise it as revolutionary when it has been done time and again since the early 90's.
Yes, but this one resembles a lot the ones from square's golden age. Gameplay/aesthetics similar to FF with a feature twist.
>Switch is too weak to get proper RPGs
>large company feels bad for Switch owners and give them RPG maker game with $500 budget
>Switchfags treat it as the savior of the genre
Enjoy your backlog lad
>Golden age
>Square Enix
I will, starting with Hope this game is good for y'alls sake.
Why do nintendo fans have to hype up everything on the switch as the best game in their genres ever? Is it because they never play anything on other platforms and have no filter? I've been seeing this shit since at least Tales of Symphonia.
Live a Live isn't even a good example from a supposed golden age of a company that doesn't exist anymore.
That game bombed horribly for a lot of good reasons.
>I'm underaged!
I guess im the only one who doesnt like it, everyone else seems to praise like its GOTY.
I played the demo and thought it was okay, but the more I think about it the more I dislike it. The story seems pretty generic and random battles are annoying. The combat system is also pretty meh. I probably won't be buying this.
The World Ends With You didn't start a golden age. Neither did Bravely Default.
Ok, i could have posted the Sagas, Legend of Mana, Bahamut Lagoon, etc ... It is just a good example of an age in which you could buy a lot of jrpgs with a certain degree of experimentation.
Is there any reason this is switch exclusive?
Did Ninty money hat it like Bayo2?
That other square retoRPG lost sphere isnt exclusive.
Please explain.
It's just normalfag entry level trash, people like it because it's so unoffensively bland and mediocre it can appeal to a lot more people than driving off others.
It works better in the west because the retro craze and Nintendo brand is stronger than it is Japan.
>It is just a good example of an age in which you could buy a lot of jrpgs with a certain degree of experimentation.
There's tons of those even now, especially since you post Metal Max, which only got resurrected during the DS days.
Those who indulge in remembering a "golden age" of RPGs or say that JRPGs are dead are awfully short sighted.
>Please explain.
It's Squenix throwing a bone at Nintendo like they did with BD for the 3DS, nothing really extraordinary.
You are retarded
Why do you keep saying Square Enix when i said Square? Read it again jesus learn to read.
>Those who indulge in remembering a "golden age"
Sorry, i was too busy with this cinematic experience. What were you saying again? indulge what?
It definitely makes me a bit less salty about having to buy a Switch just for Odyssey. At least I'll have two games now.
but the jRPG genre was already saved
>throwing a bone at Nintendo like they did with BD for the 3DS
>mfw non-FF SE JRPGs are leagues better than FF these days
marketing probably, you look at and it's clearly Romancing SaGa but that IP is deader than dead on both sides of the pacific, even the recent Vita game flopped.
>you look at and it's clearly Romancing SaGa
Outside of the multiple main characters, no.
>but that IP is deader than dead on both sides of the pacific
I guess that's why there's also a remaster of Romancing SaGa 3 in the works
>even the recent Vita game flopped.
It didn't.
And yet still pretty mediocre.
>pretty mediocre.
Nigga that is the nature of JRPGs. You either are charmed by them or shouldn't be playing them.
>Nigga that is the nature of JRPGs.
Stop shitposting.
Woops, wrong picture.
I love that Giant Boss Portraits are back
The demo's been getting praised since thursday,
It's not a shitpost if I believe it. You can love something and still feel it is objectively not that great.
how is one game going to save a genre?
Whatever titles we're getting in the following 2 years are already in pre production or far ahead and nothing will change them.
Jesus you fucking idiot, Square were the golden age, SE arent capable. Are you dense or retarded? Both? Learn to follow a fucking conversation goddamn.
There are plenty of great JRPGs though.
Just because you enjoy wallowing in mediocrity doesn't mean that there aren't great games just because you don't even know they exist.
The only thing NIntendo/Switch could possibly save is console gaming. They don't really do much for gaming overall except hold it back.