Are you hyped about legacy servers announcement during this blizzcon?
Are you hyped about legacy servers announcement during this blizzcon?
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You fucking wish buddy. We all know its not going to happen, as much as I want it to.
user..let it go..
>extra $15/month for each expansion
Only if they're Vanilla progression, TBC had shit zones
We defeated Sargeras(well illidan cried like a little bitch while titans did all job, but still counts), wow literally ended so no reason to not launch them
>people still shitpost to piss off nostalrgia fags
tbc actually made more tanks playble than just warriors without making them all play the same like wotlk
If Blizzard made legacy servers I can guarantee this is how it would go.
>would keep the old level cap
>Would port over the current talent system that's in place to make it easy and give their pleb customers an easy way to get into their """""legacy"""""" servers because the people who actually want the oldschool experience are a fringe minority
>EVERYTHING would be hella nerfed because people would cry that nothing is accessible
>Their shitty achievement system, pet log etc would all stay because "Convenience"
>They'd add world quests to every zone because it was "needed to give people something to do"
Basically you'd just end up with Vanilla/BC/Wrath except with a legion skin and with none of the actual difficulty or charm or mystery. Especially since everything is now catalogued on WoWhead etc, plus you'll have all the cancer that is modern mods. GearScore etc. The best thing Blizzard could ever do for legacy servers is to NEVER touch them themselves and just let the community create and manage their own, but we all know that will never happen.
This is the most retarded post I ever saw in month
idk why youre including wrath with tbc or tbc with vanilla
wrath is nu-wow sit in city queue raid log shit
tbc is wrath but with difficulty
vanilla is an actual mmo
I remember believing this would be announced at last year's blizzcon.
I'm excited about the new dances promised during wrath of the lich king trailer
After a while everyone would become bored with what was available in legacy servers and they'd have to begin adding more content, similar to OSRS
Vanilla is a boring slog, prove me wrong.
Why can't they add more sandbox content?
It would literally save mmos AND WoW at the same time.
Everyone would try to copy them, and then we would get bored about every mmo being sandbox.
They have this fuckhuge world with dead expansions content lying around no one plays for more than 2-3 hours while leveling or some hardcore RP. If they only made resources and shit farmable around the world, make people try to get rare drops, and gather mats for worthwhile items, I would resub instantly and be hooked for 2+ years again.
Who cares?!
I want Warcraft III HD and Warcraft IIII.
the pre-cata expansions would be fantastic on the current engine, dunno why blizzard hates its fans so much
>EVERYTHING would be hella nerfed because people would cry that nothing is accessible
The opposite would be the problem. Now, a mob like Defias Pillager actually is tough in a sense that it can legit kill you if you miss several attacks in row (since fireballs take a third to quarter of your HP at appropriate level) or pull two, but grouping up or grinding mobs elsewhere and coming back later shouldn't be beyond anyone's ability. But once you get to endgame content, modern min/maxers (basically everyone, seeing as that theorycrafting and boss strategies and and everything else you might want to know is readily available in the Internet) just walk over the content because it was balanced around clueless newbies running outrageously bad raid compositions with 500ms latency and 10fps, all the while half of the raid is AFK. MC will get beaten by first PuGs that manage to scramble half a raid of freshly dinged 60s together and subsequent raids will be cleared within an hour of release.
If they pulled off something similar to everquest TLP servers, it just might work. Unfortunately in future expansions they raped the shit out of everything in early content so it's unrecognizable from vanilla. If they could somehow preserve the engine and mechanics, but roll back old talents and skills it could work. I think even with current talents it may be feasible if they make a Mark of the Mighty style buff (20-40% damage reduction from all sources) and slap it on everything. Though itemization would still be cancer as fuck, so who knows.
>can be fantastic
Get fucked, faggot
>(since fireballs take a third to quarter of your HP at appropriate level)
No, and never did
You needed to get hit by 5+ fireballs to die on him
No one could kill him in less than 3 anyway back tehn
Another exaple how people who never played during vanilla still want to talk about it, just like the faggot you replied.
Thanks faggot, suck my dick you nigger.
Because people have asked for all three of those expansions as legacy servers.
>a-anytime now!
lmao'ing hrd
>do I fit in yet, I'm trying so hard
>omg it was 20% not 25%
stfu idiot
>You think you want it but you don't
>25% is 1/3
American education, everyone!
I won't. Community is what made vanilla great, not the game itself.
Bullshit. They can hit anywhere between 60-80 damage, average player health at the level you're expected to kill them at is probably 300-400. You can also get crit for 120ish damage. The bigger problem is that you're never fighting just one thing, the spawn rate is super high so you're probably chaining up to 3 mobs in a row (more if you don't have a snare).
>TFW Leveling rogue.
Kick was probably the only reason I hit level cap in Vanilla.
Vanilla was literal dogshit, move on with your lives
>SC1/D2/WC3 remaster
>SC1 specifically remade for Koreans
>Okami is coming back to playstation
>Sonic Mania and Crash bandicoot got great reviews for nostalgia baiting
Also blizz has had problems with gold sellers in the past and we got the WoW token, Blizz has problems with private servers, so the right thing should be to give us one.
Also some might say ''It'll divide the players''
But WoW classic/tbc/Wrath is ''You don't want that''?
Plus on the blizzcon ticket thing, they said they have a Blizzard vault that saves code and everything else, art etc.
Don't say they can't do it.
>He doesn't know about the even bigger bad guys announced for next expansion
lmao, wow will never end until it stops being a hundred mil+ earner every year.
>this will never happen
Nah, it's too late for them to do that, also afraid they'd go ahead with that idea of just making content blocked off at a point, but having the current game model.
>chaining up to 3 strong mobs in a row
>any class without pet or druid
>during vanilla
No, just no
every legacy private server has died within 3 months
why do you think an official legacy server would be any different?
People get max level in like 2 weeks, and clear MC shortly after wearing fucking greens. The content has been farmed for so long it's gonna get burned in no time and people will just cry how we didn't get new content instead of rehashing a 12 year old experience.
>Vanilla WoW with current models/animations and some balance tweaks to make some specs more viable like balance druids and prot paladins
>every legacy private server has died within 3 months
Nostr, neo nostr, ed and many others
Defias Pillagers are level 14-15 and (according to
I don't mean deliberately. I mean "oops he hit low health, walked two steps and another fuckboy charged out of that house." type of chaining. Sorry for being unclear.
On that note though, priest definitely can chain mobs past level 15-20ish as long as there aren't too many casters or pressure for spawns.
How retail currently feels.
>Gold sellers
>Chinese gold selling bots
>Actual players being the minority
Stay delusional, friend.
the blizzcon announcement will be VR
Why would Blizzard cuck their own game?
Who the fuck would even touch Leejun with proper vanilla realms up? Show me one (1) person.
Vanilla WoW as a game wasn't good, but we put up with it mechanically because that kind of game was the norm. Difficulty, tedious and unwelcoming from a gameplay perspective. That was normal for society back then. What made WoW great was the community, because it actually was a community. People got to know each other and rely on one another to get shit done because you HAD to. It's like a squad in a warzone. You need your buddies to cover you and you need to cover them, it's a team effort, needing trust.
This was EXACTLY my daily routine in 7.1 before I uninstalled, holy shit
"crossrealm capitals" is all you need to know about neo-wow
>you're unlikely to have any stamina items at that point
>green drops
>at least one green stuff for quest
And mage was the class with the worst stamina raise, kinda not fair
Ni hao farmers and bots were a very big part of vanilla experiecne
Only wotlk kids didn't know about them
You know what, actually?
I bet if you got rid of some of the quality of life features in Legion like dungeon finder and cross-realm anything, even oldfags like me who quit mid-cata would be interested again. Foster a tight-knit community and WoW might be renewed.
vanilla would be 10/10 if they introduced pet battles, achievements, and LFG queues
And you cant tell me you actually had fun spending an hour looking for a tank in stormwind, then flying to Southshore (if you had the flight path unlocked) and running ON FOOT to the scarlet monestary, then having your tank leave group midway through the dungeon. LFG will literally make the vanilla experience better in every way
>actually enjoyed classic leveling
I've leveled an undead priest, night elf priest and a rogue to 60 and I loved every fucking second of it. I like looking forward to items, always feeling like I make progress and get further in the game. Also made several alts, a warrior, a warlock and even a third priest.
God I fucking love leveling in classic wow. Running instances, making friends, the world PvP and the journey itself
maybe it's for the best for WoW to remain shit
I don't want to get addicted and lose 5 years of my life on a virtual world again.
the group finder can stay but not LFD/LFR
>Green drops at level 12
Generally maybe had 2 or 3 if you were really lucky, and it's unlikely any of them had stamina. +sta gear tended to sell for like 1g+ so buying any yourself was pretty much not happening unless you farmed mining/herbing really early for some reason.
i legit ran with a group for 3 hours on Nostalrius. Did stocks, SFK and SM afterwards. We stayed together and waited till everyone was ready for the journey, shared stories and shit.
>Difficulty, tedious and unwelcoming from a gameplay perspective. That was normal for society back then
I disagree
During cata there were was a big shitstorm with blizzard deciding to suck wotlk kids dicks and removing some tedious or difficult parts that were here(like you needed to find dungeon before lfg into it, raid mechanics in lfr that could wipe party if one player was retarded, shit like this from dungeons too, etc) and they justifed it the way you did "it's not normal now so we need to change it because otherwise no one will play"
But arr came out, it has haf of shit that was removed from wow when wotlk kids cried about it being "tedious" and it's still popular
Sounds retarded, I bet you either retarded, never touched wow in your life or both of this things.
dungeon finder and cross-realm has nothing to do with actual wow problems
4 raid difficulties instead of just having mythic one do
>get a green item
>can feel the difference it makes in combat
Don't get me started on blues and even epics while leveling. They made you into a killing machine.
Okay, you have 2 stamina from Balanced Fighting Stick you get from Wanted: "Hogger". Maybe one stamina from Ancestral Robe or something if you're lucky, rare drops weren't very common in retail (if you have played on private servers, it's easy to make that sort of mistake because none of them have loot system similar to retail so droprates are all kinds of fucked up).
As for the class, it's not like mages are exempt from having to fight caster mobs, but HP doesn't vary that dramatically. Level 14 human warrior for example has 328 health.
>dungeon finder and cross realm arent problems
never ever speaking to a single person outside of mythic raids is a problem
>balancing tweeks
no fuck off retard
I agree, it was nearly impossible putting a group together in a reasonable amount of time for the effort you had to put in. Who the fuck wants to waste 2 hours getting ready for a dungeon that shit was ridiculous.
not an argument
i would be ok with pokemon if you could stop and duel people in the wild and it didn't give any xp or gold or anythign like that
TBC and Wrath are literally the only Legacy I would want to play.
Regardless, Legacy will never happen because the current WoW player doesn't want to do all the grinding Vanilla took.
somehow I manage to put together guild group only dungeons right now in 15 minutes, what would stop me from doing that without LFG?
Oh yea, nothing. Shut up retard
maybe for shit like mara/st/brd/lbrs but everything else wasn't hard
>being this desperate for attention
play the correct class and spec nerd, this isn't warlords of everything is viable
My favourite dungeon was teh zandalri temple wbu anons
>Current Blizzard
>Any GOOD ideas
Blizzard is NEVER going to implement legacy servers
I've never spent that much time looking for a group. Even as a DPS you'll be able to built a group for almost any instance in 2-5 minutes.
t. rogue on Nost/Elysium
In what way are Legacy servers a god idea?
These free servers house what? A few thousand players if that? It's pocket change.
the fact that there's a "correct class and spec" is where vanilla falls flat. Who the fuck thinks it's a good idea for warriors to be the only tanks, hybrids to only be healers, and only certain DPS specs to be viable? No one except manchildren with nostalgia glasses, such as yourself. Vanilla was shit, so if it were to come back Blizzard should add some longevity to it
I have a news for you, community was ruined in early wotlk and I would even say late bc.
Neither of this things existed
>few thousand players in a legacy realm
>being this retarded
nost hit something like 20k people at one point, most of the people playing modern wow are normies who don't know how to access private servers. if you think they would be underpopulated your a fucking retard. furthermore the vanilla server cap was 6k people, fuck off.
Seeing the quality of design in all of neo-Blizzard games, it's safer to not give them any opportunity to change stuff.
Besides, there's this game called World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade that does pretty much precisely that without needing to be tinkered with.
>wotlk kid is mad about being BTFO
my sides
Give us some stories Anons.
Do you remember your first epic?
Your first mount?
Your first guild?
First time entering Ironforge and seeing that giant statue then hearing the horns hit the depths of your soul.
Seeing the size of the world when you opened the map
Your friends, your guilds, your wipings, your achievements or just general happy moments
Screenshots are welcome too
Why doesn't players who want vanilla servers just play on private servers for free?
>balance tweaks
this shit right here is precisely why they will never ever release vanilla servers
>except, well maybe fix shaman/druid/paladin non-healing spec ;)
>also, maybe add paladin to horde and shaman to alliance too? ;) :)
>cheap mounts and lower level riding skills are just a matter of convenience so.......... ;)) :)
>LFG tool would also be nice :))) :)) ;)
>and legacy gear LITERALLY has no impact anyways right ;)) :))):) ;))))
vanilla was a fucking unbalanced mess
>Screenshots are welcome too
tfw lost all my screenshots of my char and my friends
Pointing out that nu-Blizzard would dumb down the legacy servers to cater to casuals as opposed to a pure legacy experience is hardly wrong, but feel free to keep shitting up the thread, faggot.
>hybrids only to be healers
One of my favorite memes desu
The only specs that weren't viable in raids were prot pala and retri. With literally all other specs you may get into a decent raid. Most raids have a shadow, a feral, a moonkin and all sorts of memespecs because they made great supports with stuff like shadow weaving.
You literally saying that mage never crafted robe or legs for himself, never did any westfall quest and even after that still forget about my original point that he could survive more than 3 fireballs(and he fucking could with just 240hp)
As much as I'd like vanilla servers they're not going to announce them this blizzcon since they're announcing the new expansion pack.
New expansion will focus on Jaina Proudmoore and the south seas.
>subsequent raids will be cleared within an hour of release
On Nostalrius BWL had bugged armour values plus 1.12 nerfs & changes which made it all way too easy, yet guilds still had trouble with it
If Blizzard went full accuracy, as in raids launched pre nerf & classes were tuned to that patch, even good guilds are gonna get rekt, after all Vanilla was made so Tigole & his friends would actually have a challenge, it wasn't until mid TBC they made the game easy mode so all the kiddies could jump into the fun
>who think's its a good idea for a tanking class to be only tanks or a healing class to be only healers in a raid setting
people who play role playing games you fucking retard. if you want to play a dps, go mage warrior or rogue, don't pick a fucking priest and expect to be one of the few allowed to dps.
>warrior dps being bad
>literally tops the charts in almost every fight from molten core to naxx
good job proving you don't know what your fucking talking about
private servers have a ton of bugs, often have p2w features and get nuked by DDOS of other private servers
also, blizzard can C&D them any time
Which of you Anons made this rite of passage for a night elf?
It was late 2005, I was 11, I finally got my mage to level 40 after months of playing. I begged some guildmates for 20g each until I had enough for training. Eventually I got enough, but it was bedtime. I woke up around 2 am, ran on foot to the lumber yard, bought training, mounted up, and smiled with glee at how fast I was moving. Shit was amazing
>mid tbc
>easy mode
tbc mechanics with a 60 level cap would be alright, buff old world npcs by like 25% to compensate for the player power creep
it didn't help nostalrius was unplayable due to bugs and crashing for a month after BWL came out
Dragonman and Ogre races for the next xpac?
Week three of Argus unlocked this week. There is a void invasion.
I have nothing against pet battles, but achievements and LFG? Kys my man, just make summoning stones work with 4 people so you don't have to wait 20 minutes if you get ditched by 1
I did! I remember fleeing for my life from crocs and orcs with genuine fear.
I don't care if I am wearing nostalgia goggles, that was good times.