Shame to hear about what happened to Destiny 2 user-kun, if only there was an alternative that was superior in nearly every way.....
Shame to hear about what happened to Destiny 2 user-kun, if only there was an alternative that was superior in nearly every way.....
I want to fuck that robot tree person.
what happened to Destiny 2?
pretty sure it's been a massive success, underwhelming, but it's still sold like a ton didn't it?
Nigga, that's a fire chicken not really family sized though
>it's a Warframe fags try to shill the game with "waifus" episode
Sup Forumss definition of success is based on how much Sup Forums likes the game. And because Sup Forums doesn't like games, nothing is successful.
Show the new female frame with a cod piece.
>fire chicken
dont talk to me until the great planes of ediloi come out and i can endlessly grind in a map as big as pubg's and able to fly around in my hovercraft
It won't happen and you know it.
dude scripted events, illusion of choice custom weapons naming them might be fun but will probably cost plat or something fucking stupid and general DE sleekness lmao
I'd play this if I didn't find their designs so goddamn disgusting. Not a fan at all of the organic looking tech but that's just me.
>that moment on the stream when one of the devs reads what the chat said about the new mag deluxe skin then chuckles with the others and is immediately shot down by the boss and told to not mention it again
Looking forward to glorious waifuframe future.
Post ember butt
>family sized
Who, me?
Yeah you. When's part 2?
image pls
>Warframe shills pretending their game is any better
dude sick post lmao
Some day, maybe.
When are tater tots getting removed?
Is the game still a massive grindfest?
I didn't like the idea of having to grind to get the weapons I wanted, and THEN having to grind to get the ideal cards to put into my weapons and then having to get a potato as well to make my weapon able to have more cards. I wanna just grind for the weapon and be done with it.
Fuck off i wont grind 200 hours to get level restricted weapon again
Fucking never.
how the fuck is this sleek chocoded hot garbage still top 10 on steam?
never forget coptering
never ever. Taters are very important.
Warframe armors are a mess and look fucking awful
They're very tasty, too.
>shilling a game that's somehow grindier and less fun than Destiny with mega P2progress
Very important for selling cosmetics and letting the 14-year-old deviantArt audience self-insert and spam a hundred crappy Captura images a day, you mean.
I've seen aggressive Warfarm shilling for over the week now, usually with something along the line of 'at least it's better than Destiny 2'. Is it the devs, or does user do it for free?
>Stacking every melee speed buff possible
>Air attack
>Bouncing off every part of the skybox at warp 5 on the defense maps
Can't wait to destroy my fucking potato to get those mad umbra skins desu
>Nothing but an onverpriced DLC
>Almost every review that is not getting money from Bungie is bad or average
>17 story missions that can be done in less than 6 hours
>AI is retarded as fuck
>Final boss fight is just a bullet sponge with a retarded AI
>OH LOOK WE HAVE LORE! Yeah but not in the game KEK
>Have to pay for DLC's AGAIN
>PvP Ruined forever
>Raids are fucking dogshit and even hardcore fans agree
>Loot system is fucking trash, even old games like Borderlands 2 are much better than Destiny
Wake up pajeets, Destiny 2 is the same TRASH of Destiny 1 and a F2P is kicking your asses hard as fuck with literally the budget of an indie company.
>all dem fatframes that get buried under the daily offerings of one billion potato pictures
>all dem
fatframes dried up years ago m8
i'm sorry no one told you
>>OH LOOK WE HAVE LORE! Yeah but not in the game KEK
They seriously did this again? Why is Bungie so bad now?
The gameplay is shit though. It's completely mindless with no skill involved.
Good Destiny 2 review pajeet.
Grinding is like 90% of the game, user.
Generally, at least for me, I can ignore that it's a grind, because the gameplay itself is compelling enough for me to be into it. I think it takes a bit of investment to get to that point, but when you do get there, it's a blast.
They're actually reworking the potatos and the Tenno schools for Plains of Eidelon, they're apparently going to be more fluid and fun to play as.
I look forward to making Space Dad proud.
I sort of agree, but I think they're not all terrible. I feel like a lot of the frames would be better off if you had the option to remove some of the excess cosmetic stuff, like Ember's weird belt things over her thighs, or Saryn's weird infested ass cover thing.
At least you can use alt helmets for for normal and prime variants of frames.
yes tho
And here we have DE's target audience.
>they're apparently going to be more fluid and fun to play as.
who gives a fuck, when can we get rid of them entirely, there's no reason to play them ever except in the places DE has forced you to
>I look forward to making Space Dad proud.
a u t i s m
No, stupid niggers don't know how to hit the L2 bumper to bring up the lore on pieces and shit or are too stupid to hear their ghost beeping at them to scan an item in the vicinity. Or do the adventures.
sorry m9
them's the breaks
Has anything changed for the better or are they still on the "ruin everything and force this stupid shitty story" kick?
>playing warframe
ye. fite me
The latter. Now the player's tater kid is the Most Important Person in the Fucking Universe.
...that makes a lot of sense.
best tater is a masked tater
this way you cant see his almighty potaterness
Warbros #1
Woah hey there, I'd like to welcome you to your second day on Sup Forums!
Whatever you say, user.
how does becca feel about everyone with a mommy complex jerking it to the lotus?
>Giving money to Russian scammers
playing Destiny 2 beta actually made me reinstall Warframe.
The only thing Warframe has going for it is aesthetics. The gameplay is clunky and boring and it takes dozens of hours of mind-numbing grinding just to make even a little progress.
no butts here
>1 plat has been deposited to your account, 10o!
I doubt she really thinks about it, honestly.
Why are WF kids constantly bashing on Destiny players? I don't think I've ever seen an anti-WF/Pro Destiny thread.
that's disappointing
you misspelled Destiny 2
Playing the "story" that was in the beta made me sleepy.
>yfw she's totally into it
>yfw she even commissioned artists to draw /ss/ of potatoes and Lotus
Nigga noone cares about Destiny 2 here. Warframe isnt perfect
People playing the game that's less popular are always like that, same situation with Paladins and Overwatch, or TF2 to Overwatch now.
I havent olayed warframe in about a year. What are these 'potatoes'?
>yfw she even commissioned artists to draw /ss/ of potatoes and Lotus
I know there's no proof of that but I know she's commissioned Datareaper for a non-lewd artwork and she has to know what he draws so I wouldn't be surprised if one of those anonymous commissions was her.
I want to sex the ember
The dev's equivalent of Lucas' Jar-Jar Binks
Potatoes are literally you, the player character. Mutant space children who control flesh puppets using void magic.
Is it because people on the other side are too busy playing their game to shitpost about the competition? And it that's true, doesn't that mean the 'other game' is better.
Is bashing Destiny ironically doing the opposite?
Basically they wanted to expand their market to China, but chinese players dislike the "faceless dudes in space" aesthetic, so they had to cater to them by introducing "operators" or potatoes that they could self insert into
Kinda like customizable warframe telepathic pilot sitting there in your ship, until they shoved in more stupid and tedious content by allowing you to summon them in battle and giving them powers mandatory to kill some strong enemies
They're still butt ugly though
Get ready to kill yourself user
Turns out the player, you, are piloting the warframe, NOT through say the suit, or as a race, but the warframe is just a flesh robot thing.
A gay little kid is in a pod controlling the warframe. And he is a fucking potato, lotus saves it.
Fucking garbage lore. AS bad as the gameplay is now.
Fuck the new lore.
Fuck the parkour update.
Jesus christ, started this game one hour and a half ago and it's the most fun thing i've had in the last months, didn't know you could stealth things too.
It's sad having to dodge my friends flavor of the month when D2 will be out, but fuck this looks good.
>tfw you commissioned some WF porn only to find out that the artist draws CP for a living now
What a strange world we live in.
Get Loki and Ivara for maximum stealth and maximum butt, respectively
>mfw Warframe panders like hell to chinese players
>chinese warframe dies a year later
>t.doesnt know shit of what has been announced
dirty loli hater
Who was it? V-sarg?
user I am so glad you never got to experience old warframe, instead of having fun right now you'd want to die, so this is the best alternative, DONT WASTE ANY IRL MONEY ON PLATINUM THO
I know chinks are essentially insects but are their lifespans really that short?
>runs great even on shit pcs
>gameplay and gunplay is satisfying and smooth
>looks good
>good customization
I don't see why it wouldn't be popular
Rhino Prime is best
warframe was super fun at first, but the grinding and the constant need for platinum was what killed it for me
I will continue to not play Warframe and just login once a week to see if they give me a 75% coupon. Until then your game is not worth my time.
They even removed the grind, sort of, not really.
At least you used to know what you were grinding FOR, void keys and then 3h T3 survival, now though what the fuck are you even supposed to do?
You cant draw cp
Nigga, if you want plat - jew other players.