Your favorite game when someone asks you

>your favorite game when someone asks you
>your actual favorite game

post 'em

Mega Man Network Transmission for both

>when someone asks me
Deadly Premonition

>actual favorite
Modern Warfare 2

hotlime miami

>when someone asks
The Witcher 1

>actual favorite
The Witcher 2

>Deus Ex
>Deus Ex


dark souls



No one's ever asked me
Infamous 2


Arkham Aslum

Arkham Aslum

I dont know desu.

Probably Resident Evil 4 for both cases.

Dark Souls.
Dark Souls.
Dark Souls.

Dark Souls II
Fire Emblem

>HoMM 3
>Homm 3

>Age of Mythology

>WH40k: Space Marine

Sleeping dogs
System shock 2
Deus ex
unreal tournament
cs 1.6
opposing force

Bloody Roar 3
Bloody Roar 3

>Dark Souls
>Rune Factory 4

Gothic II
The Witcher 3

>I... I don't really play video games
>Monster Girl Quest

>being so antisocial you feel you can't tell people what things you enjoy
Titanfall 2 for both. Eat a dick, OP



>Implying I've ever been asked that
I don't have a favorite
Crisis core comes close though

Street fighter 3rd strike
Street fighter 3rd strike
Why would someone hide fav game you either hide playing game as whole or not hide at all unless you are going hipster route and say chess or some shit

Asura's wrath and Asura's wrath. A bunch of pussy ass bitches itt I tell ya

>being such a normie Titanfall 2 is your favourite game ever
why are you even here

Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix

Exclusively to piss you off personally
Seems it's working

Why would you lie about your favorite game?

Injecting cocaine into my dick
Injecting cocaine into her vagina

>ever actually lying about that
Unless your favorite game involves some heavy lolicon shit, why bother? People lie about their favorite movies and books because they are an art form, so they get insecure about liking shallow entertainment (capeshit/young adult literature) as opposed to something deeper. Videogames, on the other hand, are all electronic toys, so there's no need to lie.


Perfect Dark
Perfect Dark

>mfw The Knick season 3 never

Super Metroid


>your favorite game when someone asks you
Warcraft 3
>your actual favorite game
Super Robot Wars Z

"I like too many to have a favorite, but probably Jagged Alliance 2"

terra nova strike force centauri

shin megami tensei 4
shin megami tensei 3

>calling someone on Sup Forums a normie for liking a genuinely good game


>Titanfall 2

FIFA/MW2/Gears of War
Rune Factory 4

Im a normie outside of my house, degenerate inside though that looks like that Sup Forums guy with long hair minus the achne, i clean up before i go out.

>your favorite game when someone asks you
Deus Ex
>your actual favorite game
GTA Vice City
Its more difficult for me to explain why vice city is my favourite for some reason, it is a simpler game and many people think its trash compared to san andreas even though their only argument is "it is bigger" and yet it fails to make a lot of the shit it is trying to pull off worth it, like the rpg mechanics.
I like vice city's world I guess

Call of Duty MW2
Call of Duty MW3


>Kingdom Hearts 2
>Kingdom Hearts 2
Why are you so insecure OP?

Etrian Odyssey 3

>mfw suppressing that power level.

>Favorite game when asked
Banjo Kazooie
>Favorite game
Banjo Kazooie

why are you even here

>Uhh, y'know... a lot of stuff... uhh, yeah
>probably Mother 3 or Deus Ex


Demons souls

Stop lying.

CK2 and CK2.

Tetris DS

Be honest Sup Forums if your favorite game was underage anime panty quest 2017 or some other shit like that would you openly admit it to anyone who asked?

Both of them is Jet Set Radio Future

It's just my kind of game.

>when people ask
>Megaman Legends

>Final Fantasy 7

Fallout NV
Fallout 4

>CounterStrike (virtually everyone has heard about it, so I don't have to explain it)
>Kingdom Hearts 2

I've been asking myself this question for 10 years now

>boring shooter with a cancer community
>more niche but legit good game
You sound boring

I don't talk to people.

>when people ask
Diablo 2

Guild Wars 1

Nobody except people on Sup Forums ask me what my favorite game is so I just say what my actual favorite game is. Which is Dragon's Dogma.

How insecure do you have to be to lie about your favorite video game?

Mafia 2 for both

Yume nikki

Dark souls

Eat me

>Hell if I know
>Hell if I know

>name a handful of games you love
>user what games are these?
Just once I wish I found people who grew up with the same shit I did save for my older brother

Most people I interact with don't know much about vidya besides what the latest AAA games are, so I don't want to have to explain a 20 year old game to somebody.

I've never been asked what's my favorite video game, only if I like/have played [insert game]
If I get asked, I'm gonna say I don't have one, because I don't have one.

>ITT: people are saying lying about their favourites
Quit being a beta.

But anyways it'd be Bloodborne for me.

not all of us are spergs like you

Dark Souls and Dark Souls

Playing a map-drawing sim with occasional monster fights with little girls didn't tip you off?

Medieval 2 Total War

I just know that people associate the autistic children and 9000 letsplayers with mc but I just love everything about this game
Meanwhile m2tw is a game that I absolutely know everybody respects. Strategy about ,medieval Europe. Of course I also love this game, but it gets repetitive

>is it a visual novel user?
I met people like this but its still worth giving a shot, even people who are into AAA or moba shit still have that one game they love but don't talk much about, hell I once met this kid whose favorite game was Bubble Bobble


Uncharted 4

If anyone in real life admits they play video games, theyre getting ridiculed. Only sports/racing/shooting games are acceptable.

>when they ask
Dark Souls and Fallout: New Vegas

>Actual favorite
Surfing on CSS

Try 2
Only normalfag redditors use the family friendly term "normie"

Yeah, right. Most people just end the conversation with "Oh, never heard of it," and that's that.

get out of your bubble, most people play video games and it's become an acceptable medium that's used in a lot of normie conversations. you're not special

I thought it was alright, sometimes you need to look past the anime to see how good a game can be

Why not? It's an excellent way to get a conversation started.

retard question but how do you decide which is your favorite game? The one that you can boot any moment and play it over and over without getting tired or the one you had a very special experience playing but would unlikely replay?

shit sorry I didn't know, I don't really follow reddit cultuer

>Get ridiculed if you say you play video games
>Sports/racing/shooting game are acceptable even though you're getting ridiculed
Isn't that a big contradiction?

>I used to play it during the beta days
Literally all you have to do

This nerd needs a good bashing.

haha reeee normie! xD

God Hand
God Hand

t. American
chad virgins are cooler than virgin chads

Only sport/racing/shooting games are acceptable, and it has to be casually. Trust me everyone in their mind is already thinking of how to avoid you.

Counter Strike

Dorf Fort

To be fair I played CS 1.6 and CSS almost exclusively for six years

Ogre Battle 64
Ogre Battle 64
>pic related, it's Ogre Battle 64

For me its a game I replayed multiple times and I can still have fun with, nostalgia can blind you pretty badly though but most people don't care about it

Todd, I swear...

I miss this show

>ever advertising New Vegas