Divinity: Original Sin 2 breaks CRPG records on Steam with over 75,000 concurrent players

How do you plan to apologize, Sup Forums ?

n iicce

The level scaling in this game is shit.


We get it. It's the best cRPG ever made. Now tell me, I'm playing the first one on my own. Is this going to be fun or should I skip to the second one? My friends all play Overwatch so I'll be on my own as well.

Lads tell me. I'm at the bloodmoon island bridge and I see the bridge bits but not all of it.

What do?

does it even have level scaling?
Havent noticed

The second one is bascially the first one, but more mature and just MORE of everything + additonal new stuff.

Skip the first game, story is shit. I rated all the games highly, as high as it gets, plying divinity for decades - the main-story is ALWAYS shit. It was never good. But the adventure is fucking fantastic.

A one level difference between your party and an enemy party can break a fight. This is partially because of the massive differences in gear requirements and stats per level. Everything becomes crazy later down the line.

It's an amazing game with remarkable freedom. Would recommend.

what the FUCK is this class

Got bored of it within the hour. Pillars of Eternity 2 when?

that's pretty fucked if that screenshot is correct

Fair enough, I guess.

That looks shitty. So are you pretty much dumping entire gearsets every level or so?

Well I played the first one when it released and dropped it after 3 hours because of the story and cringe over the top dialogues. I don't want to buy the second one and do the same. I liked Dragon Knight Saga. It was a bit over the top but the story and twist were great. Is the story and dialogue of DOS2 on the same level as DOS 1 or truly better?

it has unique skills

Yeah. Being underleveled and undergeared really fucking hurts in this game.

in 2019

Never because Obsidian run off with the money as expected. RiP in pieces.

is it a mod or is it in the base game? i have never seen it before

mod ofc

The only reason I am not interested in this game is the fact I can't take my single player character into someone elses game.

That is it, That is all I want. a game I can play offline in the main story, and then go help other players or get help from other players online with there character keeping item drops, levels and shit.

seriously why are there not enough games like Phantasy Star?

>More mature
Ok now I'm interested. The first one turned me off with contestant unfunny jokes

It'd break the balance.

No, you just put a cap on stats so high level players can't carry low level players. and high level players can't take a low level player into their game unless they meet "x" requirement.

It's a stupid simple fix.

i have no interest in buying this game but will someone pelase record a skeleton only party playthrough?

Wow, this kinda kills the game for me. The preview stuff all seemed to indicate that fighting enemies at a little higher level was plenty doable if you had good tactics, but that's a pretty steep difference in stats.

Is it possible to grind in this game or do areas stay completely cleared after you've gone through them? Is grinding even needed?

>play as the Red Prince
>can boss everyone around
Feels good.

Nope no grind

No, unless you count clearing out an area to 100% as grinding.
Depends on the difficulty. On higher difficulties you definitely don't want to miss out on EXP and potential gear upgrades.

don't listen to this. You get much more powerfull when you level, but nothing if you are clever you can absolutely do higher level encounters. Me and my friends just killed this spoopy level 12 spider boss while we where three levels under on tactician mode. If anything it just encourages you to go out and do optional content.

Is there a reliable way to heal undead?
Made the mistake of having both an undead Knight and undead Hydrosophist/Aerothurge, keeping the latter alive in fights is a pain in the fucking ass since nobody in my group has a decent Geomancer level. The former never gets hit because the AI just goes for everyone else instead.

Hopefully AAA publishers continue stay the fuck away from cRPGs and this simply means companies like Obsidian and Harebrained Schemes get bigger budgets

>lvl 16 Legendary amulet has 178 magic shield and adds a bunch of other stats
>lvl 18 Common amulet has almost 100 more shields
I really don't see how this is unbalanced. The lvl 16 amulet is almost better than the lvl 18 one due to the stats, no?

I noticed a few places with respawning enemies, like when fighting the necromancers who ressurrect themselves, they only give XP the first time you kill them.

Poison and blood leech.

D2 > D2

make poison potions or poison him

or suck b;lood and eat the dead

Those guys will continue to resurrect themselves until you find their soul jars and destroy them.

the skill tab looks just like dragon age origins,what the fuck? the icons look like they came straight from that game


Enemies mostly just do more dmg and have more health - but clever use of skills can easily make up for that.

Contaminate is pretty good, turns the battlefield into a poison ghetto

It still has larians trademark terrible attempts at humor

True. I learned that the hard way from Migo.

outside poisoned food and potions
poison arrows, bombs and even wands that deal poison damage can be used to heal undead when aimed on yourself

>The first paintings you run into are damaged/worthless
>The second paintings you run into are far, FAR too heavy to carry.

They know, the bastards.

Yea i know - i was referring to the fact that you can't farm them for unlimited xp, since they only give xp for the first kill.

i though that was pretty funny

>Get to the shrine of Amadia
>Run around for 10 minutes looking for what the fuck to do
>Turns out that the default camera angle just completely covers up Amadia's hitbox and you were meant to turn the camera completely around and find the one pixel that lets you talk to her
Good fucking design
Remember how in DoS1 you literally never had to turn the camera?
And now the default camera constantly shoves itself into walls and covers important NPCs

>play as spooky
>"tutorial: keep your skeleton identity hidden."
>every time it becomes an option to reveal myself to be undead so far the npc has guessed it anyway

Due to how status requires to be no armor it could mean the difference.

This game is a slave to it's own ambition to be retro as fuck and that's to it's detriment

>no quest marker
>no party AI
>MC isn't voiced EVEN if you picked a voiced origin character
>terrible terrible menus
>questlines are so intertwined that they bug out if you do something before you are supposed to
>a lot of RNG in battles, I've lost battle in which I'm overleveled and I've won ones in which I'm underleveled

Sucks the composer isn't here to see it

>wands that deal poison damage heal undead
Holy fuck, I never realized I could do this. Fane is now my super healer man that can heal at least twice every turn.

You think this is bad. Take your hood off and observe as no one gives a shit. Not at Joy at least.

Yeah I slapped poison wands on him its fun.

>oh nooo I have to rotate the camera!!!

>meet a frost dragon who was enslaved by a fart witch
>go on a quest to kill her
>dialog ends up with my female character making out with her and farting on my mouth
>get a boner
anyone tried talking to her as undead?

force attacking a poison infused incarnate also heals undead
because they deal pure elemental damage on their melee

Doesnt necromacy levels heal them with every autoattack they do

DoS1 was designed to be that way. The game even said that rotating and reorienting the camera isn't a part of the intended experience.

Just wait til you get to driftwood

How is the story on this game?

How's the story, sidequests and dialogue?

Is 1H + Shield for a melee character a waste of time? Trying to turn Princeypoo into a paladin-type character and all of the one handed weapons I find are only letting him do absolute trash damage.

It's fun. Don't expect grimdark shit.

Fart witch? What in the shit?

Is it me or the armor system kinda ruined combat?

Battlemages are basically useless now and wpn dmg armor ratings trump any other stat and skill, my best guy is literally my ranger who does nothing but autoattack

What do you mean fun?
How is the writing? How are the characters?

It's the Skyrim of CRPG's.

Every Divinity game is like that flying wizard in Morrowind that you find falling from the sky. Silly and light, but somewhat understandably why.

How long before it overtakes PUBG?!

There is no level scaling in this game, wtf are you going on about?

Writing is shit and the characters are bland meme characters rather than actual people.

t. Eder

is there any porn of the thicc female dwarf?

So i hear the companions you dont recruit die wtf? Can we not keep them all?

I think some of the stuff could be considered pretty grimdark, the Shriekers for example

I would probably call her a bug witch or some sort of necromancer with a insect fetish I'd still totally tap that ass tho

Choose wisely. Remember to take the Prince with you.

On the amulet it's not as important, but on items like shield where 2 levels can mean the difference between 600 armor and 1000 armor it's pretty stupid.

Don't bother with healing. Use Fortify and Armor of Frost depending on threat. They also dispel a lot of crap.

He is anoying douche

I see. I'm really interested in the game, I haven't played a good RPG in a year and a half, but i'm a big storyfag. I'll still try it out though.

So, is this game actually good or what?

Sup Forums says it's bad, but they're almost always contrarians so I don't believe them.

>gay skeleton sex with Fane

He is your ruler.

Can you bone babes in this game!?

It's good.

You can bone widows,,,

The main stories in these games are a bit lacking in a sense, but the side quests are pretty fun. They're not too serious and have multiple ways to complete, depending on your imagination.

>600 and 1000 armor
Ok, yeah this is bad. I'm still in Fort Joy and I'm tearing the hair out of my head because I started my first playthrough in tactician, I have no gear and enemies keep refreshing their armor with infinite fortify scrolls.

The writing isn't top tier but it's not bad, user you replied to is just an edgelord faggot who hates everything.

FYI I love Pillars of Eternity.

You can change the difficulty trough the options if you don't consider that a scrub move.

I spent 10 reloads to kill the Red Prince solo, but it was worth it. Death to lizards.

Skyrim had a lot of players too famalam

How is Act II compared to Act I? Just as good? Better? Worse?

Did...Did I just have skeleton sex?

Also forgot to mention that Divinity games require you to actually think and talk to NPCs. Divine Divinity has you throw a magic mirror into a pond in the first hour and it doesn't really tell you to do that at any point, just implies the pond's properties.
That is a scrub move and I'm not going to sink that low. If anything I'll start from scratch with a better party.

So, how do you people play this? Do you play with friends, online multiplayer, or solo? What's best in your opinion?

How does the online multiplayer work? Can you have people join at any moment? How's the matchmaking?

Holy fuck at level 10 summoning your incarnate turns into a giga nigger, I knew he would get bigger but jesus christ