in this thread we trigger Sup Forums
In this thread we trigger Sup Forums
i dont feel like it today, user. stop triggering people. can't we just be wholesome and have comfy threads
every thread is a trigger /v thread.
What phone games you play?
The 360 was my first console.
The Witcher 3 is a good game.
I pour milk into my bowl before the cereal
White women are the propetty of BLACK men
you asked for it
Little girls aren't sexy
literally this
this is dumb and i urge you to reconsider
Of all the 2016 presidential candidates, the media was least fair to Clinton.
video games
Graphics aren't that important.
Sup Forums was right, and if you disagree you're a cuck.
nothing tops this
The worst part of this is the ambiguously brown "le stronk empowered womyn" with the dyke cut.
nazi's ain't cool yo.
antifa is a fascist organization.
The Witcher sucks, Half Life is an overrated series, Portal & Left 4 Dead are better than Half Life, Sonic was never good only the fanbase is worth it because they more entertaining than that shit series, I'd rather jack off when I'm on my computer than play videogames, and the game you love is shit.
Reply to this post you will be cursed and your mother will be cursed in her sleep.
Video games are toys.
wait shit wrong image I'm retarded
Smash isn't a fighting game
thug aim
why does this trigger people?
Reminder that the number has increased since this image was taken.
>I'm a sneedster!
Fallout 3 is better than New Vegas.
What was Obsidian writing? The NCR? Brotehrhood being jerks? PURPLE supermutants? Lol they should stick with the established lore from 3 as opposed to trying to make stuff up.
>I want to kill myself after writing that
it only triggers pcfags who won't be able to emulate 15 year old games on their 5000$ supercomputers. no one else gives a shit about this
how if he got first strike? her str isnt enough either to deal 9999 damage i guarantee
But his arms are blue in this image?
Assassin's Creed is how you do stealth games, not like the garbage that is Thief, or Splinter Cell.
you're not ready for this
>Mass Effect 3 was awful because the lead writer left and EA rushed it through a shorter dev cycle than 1 and 2 got, and absolutely nothing will ever fix it.
>Mega Man Legends 3 died because Inafune was the only person in Capcom who cared and the preview didn't do well enough. It will never release.
>The World Ends With You countdown happened and the teaser never led to anything because Nomura got dumped through a series of fucking huge AAA projects while having his staff shuffled around and constantly getting made to help on side-projects, and now its too late for anything to come of it.
>Thi4f literally got crippled by console ram limitations forcing the devs to use tiny levels with limited interactivity, their original design was much closer to 3 and might have worked if the project was delayed to this gen.
>Arcades are dead and never coming back along with nearly every series that got big thanks to them outside a handful of fighting franchises and 80s shit which will never be innovated on like Space Invaders.
>No amount of Toddposting will make TES good again or get Obsidian to make another Fallout.
>Sega, Square Enix, and Capcom will never do anything with those 90s, dead series you love besides ports and mobile remakes. Even most of their sixth gen shit will never return.
>AAA games you hate will never stop releasing and being successful. Lootboxes, micro transactions, etc. are here to stay.
>Devil May Cry 5 probably went into production and was quietly cancelled two years ago and you'll never really know for sure.
>Stalker, Gothic, Might & Magic, Ultima, Sim City, and so many more old pc series will fade to dust and be forgotten by the mainstream within a decade.
>F-Zero, Advance Wars, and Mother are dead. Nintendo has moved on.
>You didn't kiss her when you had the chance
>TB's latest battlestation update.jpg
A man destroyed a piece of history that could have resulted in a DOOM-tier modding future for this. I will never feel more anger
>>You didn't kiss her when you had the chance
y do this to me?
The worst thing was that people on plebbit were applauding him for doing "the right thing" buy dicksucking a massive corporation.
>Thi4f literally got crippled by console ram limitations forcing the devs to use tiny levels with limited interactivity, their original design was much closer to 3 and might have worked if the project was delayed to this gen.
Thief 3 on Xbox was a technical marvel.
You're a bad person. Luckily the worst of literally every industry is becoming more absolute norm, we need clean slate.
>>You didn't kiss her when you had the chance
Joke's on you, I've never even gotten close to a girl in the first place.
>there will never be a true Guild Wars 2
He took an original xbox dev kit then gutted it to build a regular PC with the case.
>You didn't kiss her when you had the chance
I should kill myself.
She's married with kids. I saw her at the supermarket and she didn't even recognize me, and I still dream of how she smiled at me that night.
I don't mind Mother being dead. I like the games if Itoi doesn't have any good ideas for a sequel, there's no point in continuing it.
i dont think trump is a good person
half life is overrated tho; Sup Forums wholly agrees on this
Kid got an original xbox alpha dev console from his dad. Less than 40 existed and more than half are long gone.
He gutted it, ruined the components, put an i3 and 960 in, and posted it on reddit for karma.
>>You didn't kiss her when you had the chance
When I had the what now?
>half life 2 is overrated tho; Sup Forums wholly agrees on this
>Polished modern masterpiece like Skyrim
Altered beasts, oddworld: strangers wrath, crazy taxi, and some sonic games.
Im out of the loop, what happened?
user I think you're lost this is the rage thread not the truth thread
whay are they on the same party???????????
This is so true it hurts.
This will be 2018's GOTY
>>Arcades are dead and never coming back along with nearly every series that got big thanks to them outside a handful of fighting franchises and 80s shit which will never be innovated on like Space Invaders.
>tfw you have two arcade/bar combo places one town over from you
>You didn't kiss her when you had the chance
No way fag.
I preordered Destiny 2 Digital Deluxe Edition™ and I WILL buy loot boxes.
I don't get it, it's just a pile of Overwatch ric-