Post pictures of control/capture points and discuss your experiences or tell cool stories.
Control points in general
I think I was at the control point once.
What happened?
underrated game.
also underrated control point.
Control points are a great way to give players an clear objective and direction in a game, they help organize gameplay both for players and designers, but I can't help but feel how artificial they are, do you think there's a better way to do what they do in an way that feels more organic to the game world?
Interesting thought. I agree! What about some kind of system that measures enemy presents? And if you have low enemy presents in a certain area for a certain time this area is considered "yours". This is a bullshit idea probably but i'm no game designer
There was this game where you had to destroy generators and the enemy team had to take control of the room and repair them again. Something like this might work
what game?
Mobility.. eliminating RNG.
Lots of decent/good maps.. streak rewards / fun with simplicity.
Depth.. permanence.
>switching classes at the CP
..Existing, in some genres/games.
>Sup Forums will defend this concept.
Engineers will defend this.
>switching classes at the CP
I'm actually enjoying this, BTW. It keeps the health points.
agree. But maybe on a different map.
Also >engis are op
Men of war.
Anyone ever play Nuclear Dawn? That shit was excellent.
Show a better one.
i don't know where to begin
is this terminator mod or can you use all those vehicles in vanilla MoW
I had over 1000 hours played on bf2 mark and map. Probably 3000 overall
What is this?
A capture point for aaaants??
For arena games, they seem fine.
C&C Renegade (X) probably has the biggest control points, you could say.
You need to destroy the entire enemy base.