Villain is forcing people to face their Shadow because he thinks the world will be better for it as those unable to do...

>Villain is forcing people to face their Shadow because he thinks the world will be better for it as those unable to do it will die.
>But many people are unable to do so yet without deserving to die
>Some of the people who confronted their Shadow and got a Persona are abusing it because you don't need to be a good or very rational person to do so, and general problems with having maybe a few dozens people with this kind of power

kill yourself

That would be too similar to 4

I want a Persona game where persona users are literally losing their mind from using their persona and as the game progresses they lose their sanity. Which will slowly turn into a situation where the main group in many ways turns into the villain they once were fighting, and must either accept the power of their persona to enforce change or the power they possess as humans to do whatever they can to enact change.

Why would they lose their mind from using a persona? I could see it happening if it was an artificial persona like Strega but I don't see why it would happen with the normal ones.

I want a persona game where the world getting fucked event happens like, 1/3 in and it's exploring how the people around you react.

So you want a persona game that turns into smt.

It would be more so they were putting so much of themselves into their personas that their personas were no longer who they were, but they were becoming their persona. More of a philosophical thing.

I don't think so. I think it's a better development from a suggested plot which was possible using the plot of 4. The villain isn't killing people with shadows, he's just being self-righteous with it, whereas Adachi was amoral. The idea of numerous people abusing their Personae is also the logical end of seeing both Adachi and Akechi.

Persona didn't start from 3.

When did I imply that it did

By ignoring if, 1, and the 2 duology.

The person I was replying to said they wanted a post apocalyptic persona game, they aren't really post apocalyptic.

In Persona 1 you get thrown in another world
In Persona 2 IS the world get slowly fucked until full blown Nazi invasion into like the last 1/3
In Persona 2 EP there's only fucked up shit going on underneath

And none of them match that guys description.

Yup. So there's no Persona that turns into SMT unless you count If..

In fact I think the true end boss should be the party's personas.

How would the party fight if they don't have personas.

It would be slightly scripted but pretty much you would have to use everything else to weaken them.

>Main color is green
>Protag is straight out of college, interning at an indie game dev studio
>Main theme is people living out fantasies and escapism instead of living real life, because they consider it too hard and not worth it
>dungeons are entered through old NES-like cartridges from a phantom console they have in the office
>dungeons are themed after videogames, 3 are solely SMT-like dungeons
>personas are inspired by classic vidya icons
>most of the game is fighting back against a rival company that especializes in sick escapist stuff, they're about to release their biggest game that will make people legit stop living to just keep playing it forever
>Arino is a social link, he's from the Star persona

>Flawed but compelling human character is a interestin counterpoint to the protagonists
>JK here's a nihilistic deity calling the shots

I know it's an SMT game but still

Isnt making yourself be fucked over by your persona break the whole purpose of them existing in the first place? Otherwise you start stepping too much on SMT territory


persona games are autistic and so are you for playing or liking them


You almost hit all the dumb fan-P6 concept cliches. All you were missing was "you go into the other world by jumping into a cell phone"

Maybe we shouldn't have Persona games for a while right now

No, it'd be too similar to the first half of P2. That's basically Joker from Innocent Sin giving people persona powers through the Persona game.

Persona 6
>Color : Green
>Arcana : Moon
>Core theme : Dream, Bliss, Fantasy, Illusion, Nightmare, Despair
>Initial Persona : Fairy Tale characters
>Ultimate Persona : Deities of knowledge, wisdom, enlightenment, and craftsmanship
>Main location : Small village network in the deep mountains, complete opposite of P5's urban Tokyo, far more rural than P4's Inaba
>Persona summoning : Book or script
>VR Room : Massive library with fireplace
>VR Attendant : Librarian woman is her 40's named Agatha
>Otherworld name : Dreamscape

I definitely miss fighting other Persona users. Only Adachi and Akechi are Persona user enemies in P4/P5.

Don't forget the twins.

Right, and Margaret.

Sounds comfy


I don't care what they do with the plot but i want a game with university age characters

College/university is a terrible setting. High School is one that everyone can relate to because everyone's been to High School. But not everyone goes to College or University. If they're going to go with an unrelatable setting, they should just go the EP route and have adult protagonists with their own vocations.

The location needs some work, it feels like it'd just be a rehash of Persona 4.

I just want him back
Seriously he was such a great villain

>color scheme is purple
>takes place in near-future akihibara
>MC is a gamer, spends his days in the arcades
>unknown npc appears in one of the games
>he finds himself entering the digital world somehow
>the npc was his persona
>other world is this digital world
>doing stuff there affects people who play the game in the real world
>maybe the entire dungeon crawling part is just the game, .hack style
>idk, i just want a persona game about technology that isnt wank

persona 1 you dumb shit

p1 is already purple you dummie


>The main villain semms to be a god
>The real villain kills the god and uses his power to fuck things even further

I always wondered why someone in Inaba with a Persona doesn't just bring people with them to face their shadow and make them better people. It's an interesting concept

It isn't guaranteed to work, Mitsuo just denied his shadow.

So? P2 and P5 both use red and black.

Lol, never fucking write in your life.

Yeah because I'm sure you write as well as Stephen King.

>as well as Stephen King
>as well


I got a better one for you OP

>Villain is one of your potential social Links.
>you don't know who it is at the start of the game
>it is randomized which one it is every playthrough, to keep you on your toes
>instead of social links just being scripted events, they are dynamic and fluid, created by the system
>social link characters can also form social links and relationships with other characters
>navigating the social web is now a complex game of decisions and choices, instead of just grinding and time management
>The villains goal is to manipulate and rank up social links to his side, both to support him in his plan, but also to get the same buffs and boosts you would've gotten if you had those social links
>social links can reverse once again, and progress on links can be impeded in several ways
>you can interfere with other's links, others can interfere with yours
>because the game is systems based, you can discover the villains identity/plan early, there is no gating.
>when this happens, the social arena becomes a chessboard of social dynamics, manipulation, and trickery between you and the villain, competing for the same pool of social links while also trying to deal with the social chaos of the troubles and daily relationship dramas of that group of social links also interacting with each other of their own free will
>Time limit is the new year, some planets align or other bullshit that opens a door to god or something, the villain wants to fight god with his personas and powers- maybe by defeating god, the villain can obtain god's powers.
>whether or not you want to save god, take his power for your own to change the world as you see fit, or fuck over both and change the entire system for what you feel is the greater good will be handled through classic SMT Law, Neutral, Chaos.
>instead of dungeons/metaverse/ect- you and villain both have the ability to open distortions to heaven, hell, or the spirit world.

That would be a nightmare to program and balance. Never enter game development, not that you could.

it would be extremely difficult, but it would be amazing. If they are going to spend 5+ years to make new installments of the series they might as well go for something ambitious like this instead of doing the same shit as before but more polished and flashier.

It also flat-out wouldn't work. You clearly have no idea of how game development would work if you think that an event can happen at any time and not cause narrative issues. Your proposal is also a clusterfuck of system on top of system that reeks of idea-guy syndrome.

>>it is randomized which one it is every playthrough, to keep you on your toes
Wanna know how bad the plot will be?
Really fucking bad.
Having to randomize such a shitload of dialogue between 20+ characters would simplify, if not outright destroy any impact of the reveal by being too simplistic for the sake of time and money saving.

This fucking game is like five years away, calm the fuck down.

It'll basically be JoJo Part 6.

>series gets a canon female protagonist for the first time
>character is placed in an opressive setting against their will
>villian seeks to undo the series's legacy
I dig it.

I proposed an idea here that was pretty much 100% exactly what breath of the wild ended up being about 8 years ago. I was met with the same response.

I'll see you again in 8 years.

Games like Breath of the Wild already existed 8 years ago. You probably got told off because it would make for a boring game (which it did)

Fucking Americans

>Persona 6
>Main character's hair is green and he's new in town
>Summon your Persona by throwing a seed
>Your friends are SJWs
>Their dungeons are about going into PETA headquarters and seeing how PETA is a bunch of faggots
>Microsoft company
>You have a traitor in your party
>You have to find out who it is
>Your Persona is the Green Man
>Your weapon is literally a tree branch
>The traitor turns out to be you
>You die and then come back to life through a plant so you can be purified
>The final boss is actually a god monster that is the master of fire and plans to destroy the world
>You must stop him because only you can prevent wildfires

I was literally thinking of garbage off the top of my head but eh here's my thought about Persona 6's story

Just do adults

I wish the MC would be an adult who had aspirations in high school to get the job he wanted then learned it wouldn't be that easy and has been out of college for over a year and can't find a good job.
