Sup Forums shits on Divinity's writing

>Sup Forums shits on Divinity's writing
>Sup Forums shits on Witcher's writing
>Sup Forums shits on Dragon Age's writing
what fucking writing do you dumb fucks actually LIKE? let me guess, any jrpg shit right?

Other urls found in this thread:

we like contrarianism, user. lurk more

>he actually likes something
>he doesnt juat whine about absolutely everything especially if its popular
Do you know which board youre on?


>Dragon Age

Nier 1&2

Deus Ex

>jap shit
of course

Do you even know what Text Adventures are?


Yes, they are indeed Japanese games, your point?

different people dislike each game
all come here to whine about it

CoC, MGQ, the list goes on...

A large amount of people here do like The Witcher, it's just the people who shit talk tend to make topics far longer than the people who like the game. Dragon Age has awful writing. Haven't dug into Divinity yet though I plan on it soon.

Sup Forums at a glance hates everything though. This board is a parasite.

>can't think of legitimate counterargument
>I'll just call it "jap shit"

turns out most video game writing is actually terrible

Only the finest literary minds frequent this board. Their standards are very exacting because they're all so well-read, you see.

I love the writing in the Witcher, I played through all three for the first time recently and found the characters written to be real which I liked. If some guy was a cunt, he talked to you like he was a cunt, it was great.

Have you ever considered that Sup Forums may have actually read some decent books growing up? There has never been good (serious) writing in games. The only great stories are ones with enough sensibility to try to be funny or self-aware. The most intelligent writing is actually communicated appropriately not as dialogue, but as design: see the ending trigger pull of MGS3 or the post battles of SotC.

Divinity has writing?

Video games just have bad writing in general. Even games with 'good' writing are only compared to other video games which have writing so atrocious as to be offensive most of the time

Its another episode of Sup Forums is an one entity

Pandering aside, Inquisition's writing was fancy as fuck imo.

Nier, apparently.

Wouldn't be the case if games weren't so focused on aping movies instead of doing interactive storytelling and getting good at it as time went on.

>there has never been good (serious) writing in games

I am sick of people saying this. There are plenty of games with really good writing. Shut the fuck up. I'm also well read as shit, and super autistic about writing and language in general.

old games maybe but :
Fallout 1/2, Fallout new vegas, Kotor 1/2, tw1/2, etc.

>Have you ever considered that Sup Forums may have actually read some decent books growing up?
Please, the only fucking books Sup Forums has ever read were forced upon them in English Literature, shit like Of Mice and Men or The Great Gatsby. Lowbrow "critically acclaimed" trash peddled for its easy ability to be force fed down kid's throats and regurgitated out for essays.

Wew, enjoying that first week on /lit/? Please then enlighten us with (you)r wisdom underage-sama.

Divinity might be fun, but the writing really is LOLSORANDUMB shite. Witcher's isn't as deep as people think but it's okay, and Dragon Age is genuinely trash.

Planescape is too wordy for its own good, but it's still a good story, and I've heard good things about Legacy of Kaine but can't comment there.

>too wordy for its own good

Hi there, resident soul reaver fanatic and word fetishist, I've already posted LoK in this thread but there's also this

There's a five hour long cut of all the cutscenes of all the games on youtube. It's really really good. You can skip blood omen.


>let me guess, any jrpg shit right?
Jap games generally have vastly superior writing to western ones.



Perhaps those are 3 different groups of people?

witcher 1 and 2 had great writing. specially 2.

>jrpg boogieman
why so afraid of us user?

I don't browse /lit/, I'm not fucking gay. Literally never clicked the board once in my life. It doesn't take a genius to see what those books really are in terms of quality.

Form your own opinions, do not let companies, sites, or other people influence you. Test the Games, if not avaible as a Demo pirate them.

Seriously Sup Forums told me many times that "X" Game is shit or "X" Game is good and guess what they weren't.

High chance that you are underage, listen kid, don't buy into hypetrains and shilling.

It's because in the west (America especially) video games aren't taken seriously as a proper artistic medium and as such only get the bottom of the barrel when it comes to talent. It's the same reason English voice acting in vidya was universally terrible until very recently.
Compare this to Japan where video games have always been respected as equal to film and animation, allowing actual legitimate talent to take to them. It's also why they have better gameplay, since there's no societal and market pressure for them to imitate "traditional" art forms.
Not an argument.

>comparing DA:O or Witcher 1's writing to Divinity

The fuck are you doing, OP? Also, Divinity is like 6-7 different games in 2-3 different genres at this point with entirely different teams, and Witcher/DA are both three or more wildly different games with different teams for each, gonna have to be a fucking load more specific than "Lol witcher writing = divinity writing"

Lurk moar. And don't sweat it. When PoE2 comes out, Sup Forums will shit on that and fish about how great DOS2 is.

Writing in Japanese games isn't much better. Although i can't read Japanese and video game translations, especially in the past are notoriously awful.

Planescape is not wordy at all.

the point was all 3 of those series have different styles of writing, yet Sup Forums hates them all

>avellone apparently worked on original sin 2

So how involved was he actually? I don't think the writing would be as bad as it is if he had a major role.

i believe he wrote fane and that's it

Video games do not NEED good writing, but there are many games that do indeed have good writing. It really depends on what you're talking about that qualifies as "good writing."

Sup Forums is just full of fags who want to believe that no game has writing that's worth a damn when that's just straight up fucking false. There are dogshit games with good writing (whether you want to believe it or not) and there are great games with shit writing, and there are great games with great writing and dog garbage games with dog garbage writing.

Lots of people on Sup Forums will just say that a game's writing is bad if they don't like a small aspect of it, or think the game is bad or whatever. You're fucking kidding yourself if you honestly think that there's no merit whatsoever in video game writing. You'd be right, however, to think that there are many games with mediocre to terrible writing, and the reasoning behind this is that it's not necessary for a game to be written well.

Take Devil May Cry 3, for instance. Great game, very well designed, lots of good choices went into making it, and the writing is only as good as it needs to be because why spend money on a part of the game that doesn't fucking matter to the whole?

Or a narrative-focused game. Night in the Woods is a shitty video game (says a lot when the minigame contained therein is an order of magnitude better than anything in the game proper) but the dialogue is written quite well, even outside of video game standards.

Though, many narrative-focused games do indeed have shit writing. Anything by David Cage, almost all Telltale games, shit tones of graphic adventure games from way back, modern Bioware and to an extent old Bioware, more RPGs than I can count especially on the Japanese side etc.

But to say that "all video game writing is trash" is ignorant and fucking stupid.

I don't care about writing generally in video games, the problem is when a game makes it a focus and the writing is still awful.

LoK series. BG series. Just two off of the top of my head.

>Nier "look up your waifu's skirt" Automata
>Yakuza aka "We want to be Shenmue but cba"
>Nioh aka "Chink Dark Souls"

What games do you think have good writing?

Yo dude I get you. I hate that shit as well, but it's pretty easy to steer clear of them. Be honest, would you buy a telltale game today? Are you going to buy Detroit: Beyond human? I'm going to pirate Detroit because it looks like trash and hoo boy do I love me some fucking trashfires but it's going to be really bad for sure.

Well I mentioned Night in the Woods which again, is a really bad game, but the writing is enjoyable. The Soul Reaver games (I have posted twice in this thread those games) have good writing, in fact I'd say that the narration and dialogue is some of the most boner-inducing shit I can think of that's in a video game. A lot of CRPGs, especially older ones, have at least servicable to really good writing, some of which have it woven into the game so hard that it's literally necessary to experience the writing and not just a part of the game used to contextualize your gameplay actions. A lot of Obsidian games have pretty good writing, regardless of if you like the company or the game or not. Talk all the shit you want about how Tyranny is "SJW" or Pillars of Eternity being shit it's really not but those games are an absolute delight to read.

I would note that while Alpha Protocol has pretty bad writing, it's bad in a fun way and there's a lot more to the game than that.

I enjoyed the writing of Avadon: The Black Fortress from jeez, like almost a decade ago but I really wouldn't recommend playing the game based solely on its writing, Hotline Miami, the first one I mean, has pretty good writing from a surrealist point of view but maybe not the most shining example and really it's only good in either video game or film standards.

What games do YOU think have good writing?

Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip to Japan~

I really like MGS4's writing.

Not even, he wrote the back story for Fane and Larian did all of his dialogue.

The Witcher in general was well written. Anyone saying otherwise is just a contrarian shit head.

Dragon Age had some well written parts

Never played Divinity so cant say.

>*gives you 10 walls of text*

The Witcher:

>charismatic, eloquent characters
>everyone has something interesting to say
>the fluff is interesting enough to sift through

Dragon Age: Origins:
>charismatic, eloquent characters
>everyone has something interesting to say
>the fluff is interesting enough to sift through

Note: definitely doesn't apply to DA2 and idk about inquisition because why would I even bother wasting bandwidth on pirating that game

>like 12 games
>many of which by different teams
>the bits of writing I have seen in most of them are at the very least humorous or otherwise enjoyable

I don't know what you're talking about, OP. It seems to me that Sup Forums shitting on something is mostly a few loud people who are just bitter and angry and they attack the writing because they hate the game.

We like the writing in Pillars of Eternity® II: Deadfire™ developed by Obsidian Entertainment, Inc.

dragonage be like '' hello , im a tranny ''

fallout newvegas

>he thinks MGS has good writing

How's high school?


There are no video games with good writing; no good, respectable author would sully their name by stooping to video games. Not to mention that most game companies don't really give a fuck about story anyway and just fill it up with pink haired hacks from public universities so that their diversity quota hits the right numbers.

irvine welsh , tolkien , king ,terry pratchett ,elmore leonard , shakespeare , dont tell me i dont read . you dont know me biatch

>People with that terrible grammar and spelling manage to read books


Ding ding ding
Everything sucks

>there are no video games with good writing
stop perpetuating this stupid Sup Forums meme

Prove me wrong.

>videogame """""""""""""writing""""""""""""""""""

Good writing is just a buzzword which faggots like you use when they have no other reason why writing in a game may be considered remarkable.


Persona 2, The Witcher 3, Bloodborne, Fire Emblem 4/9, Nier, Planescape: Torment, The Last of Us, Metroid Prime, Earthbound, Mother 3, Ace Attorney, 999, Case 5 in Danganronpa 2, Fallout 1/2/New Vegas, Xenogears.

/v is on the internet.

On the internet person who hates thing is the loudest.

It's not just /v.

>He haven't become a part of the collective yet
Take a look at this individual fag

Those are indeed examples of garbage writing. The Japanese aren't completely creatively bankrupt like western AAA companies. Many old JRPGs have excellent writing that shine through simplicity. There's an art to these things, you can't just slap mocap onto some bare bones drama. Look at Dragon Warrior, SMT, even Pokemon. I'd sooner replay any of these than shit like dragon age

saying it isn't one entity doesn't change the fact that dissenting opinions that don't follow the board majority get shitposted into oblivion.

This, "good writing" is a legitimate buzzword. Now if you could talk about the quality of the prose (how it flows from one conversation to the next, how the characters react to certain situations and whether that's appropriate or not etc. For example a character that starts quipping for no apparent reason in a tense life or death situation is completely inappropriate and just kills the mood is shit writing), but to the average Sup Forumsirgin, calling something shit, weeb, or reddit/tumblr is all the "criticism" you need.

>Sup Forums is one person

where do you think we are?

The top tier of vidya writing is:
The Witcher 1-3
Planescape: Torment
Fallout 1

With Planescape being the undisputed champion

>quipping for no apparent reason
Like what do you mean by no apparent reason? Some people tend to joke about their bad situations at times to make it less stressful for them or when they don't care about it that much.

>comparing books to video games
>one or two guys start shitting walls of bullshit text and are listened for unknown reasons
>nobody takes into account that video games have a lot of things that affect the writing, starting off with player's interactions and involvement with the world and other characters
We're on a Sup Forums thread, no mistake.

Wouldn't the general theme with most video games usually be action movies? You don't really see people praising the dialogue with that unless it's one liners, so I never really saw the point of caring too much about the dialogue with games.

I'll give you nier and yakuza but
Fuck off, that game is trash

>New Vegas
Nah. Every fallout past 2 does not exist.

>soul reaver has good writing

>servicable writing=good writing

Confirmed for semi-illiterate shitter. I bet you read a lot of fantasy and sci-fi. I bet you like Jim Butcher and Rothfuss are "good". That's what you mean by "hurr durr I read so much I really care about language hurr". You know nothing about writing if you think videogames (ANY of your shitty examples) has good writing.

>writing is serviceable to the game
This is exactly all you needed to say you autistic sperglord. Either the writing is good enough for the game or It isn't.

Writing isn't just dialogue you goddam morons

>You know nothing about writing if you think videogames (ANY of your shitty examples) has good writing.

Adding an expletive is not an argument

How does it not have good writing?

>le contrarian opionion meme
Look fag, there's a reason why all the games you mentioned were universally mocked on release and bankrupted their studios

different strokes for different folks.
Personally, I found Witcher's writing to be too cynical.

>universally mocked
I actually can't believe you're this fucking stupid.
the only one being contrarian is you

Divinity OS has horrible writing that constantly tries to be funny when it isn't and a generic plot.

The Witcher is good, some people might not like to play an established character but I liked it because it's a different approach compared to most rpgs.

Dragon Age: Origins is good but the rest is trash.

Abyone know if summoning is worth it on original sin 2? Tried the main thread and got no reply
I've got two skills per character, is it worth picking up a third for each or will I over stretch?