Five years later

>five years later
>this is still the pinnacle of farming simulators

Will it ever be surpassed? Has the farming sim genre hit its peak already?

>Rune Factory 5 never ever
Why live?

I tried playing Trio of Towns to satisfy the gulp and see if it stacks up to RF4 at all.

It doesn't.

Why is Lest so much cuter than Frey?

I've been putting this game off forever. Is it better than Stardew Alley? How well does it balance farming/combat/town life?

>Is it better than Stardew Alley?
Hell yes.
>How well does it balance farming/combat/town life?
Quite well. It's actually possible to ignore one of farming/combat and focus exclusively on just one, but both are required for optimal performance. The combat is decent, but doesn't stack up to real action games. The farming and related management however is probably the best that's ever been implemented in a video game.

It also one of the most detailed NPC interactions I've seen. Unique daily dialogue that is much more interesting than others in the genre, every NPC can be made into an adventuring companion, etc. The biggest downsides would be the RNG-based plot/marriage progression and how one-dimensional some of the waifus are.

Frontier is better

>fewer events than Frontier
>events don't have the details Frontier has
>dumbed down for the autistic-generation
Please stop having opinions.


It's only the pinnacle of farming simulators if you don't actually like farming simulators. Purely in terms of being a farming simulator, it is worse than both HM and Stardew Valley because the farming is simplified and nowhere near as important in order to pack it full of all other sorts of mechanics too. It is by no means a bad game and is probably my favorite out of the games in the HM/RF series and SV, but I wish people would look at it a little objectively.

the first two rfs were way more comfy though. It was the was lax pace that did it.

the first two lack way too much quality of life to be that comfy

I really enjoyed Stardew Valley and I am looking forward for the multiplayer they said will be ready in 2018.

Not having my own house really ruins this for me.


They're only a problem if you're retarded.

Stardew Valley is an infinitely better farming game, Frontier is a better Rune Factory.

>They're only a problem if you're retarded.

Living in some retarded dragons hallway was fucking terrible.
I really don't understand the love for RF4. It literally fucked up everything I enjoyed about Runefactory.

>Wii rune factory

is this how a hipster is like?

>spend 20 minutes, never have to worry about them again

Yeah, real hard user.

Anette is pretty cute, but she shares her name with my mom so it just feels weird


Is it really that much better than 3? I played 3 with Sup Forums and it was an amazing experience.

ayy xd

RF3 was better by virtue of having the superior waifu's.

Still waiting for the announcement of R5..

Why do I think RF1 is better ? I know it's objectively worse and much more autistic but it's also much more comfy

I didn't think 3 would get surpassed and then 4 came out. The only thing that could pass it now is RF5 which we'll never see.
RF4 does everything better than Stardew
>how one-dimensional some of the waifus are.
Stardew is way worse for this though and that's what you're comparing RF4 to in the post

Xiao-Pai cutest waifu

that game was so good.

Worse and less waifus.
Marriage is tied to bullshit rng events.

>this is still the pinnacle of farming simulators
not really, HM: Back to Nature is better

Stardew valley is epitome

I still can't believe one dude made it.

I mean just look at this cutie (pai)

he took like 4 years to make it

And it's shit.

found the stupid fuck

>RF4 does everything better than Stardew

Except you know, building and maintaining your own farm.

RF4 is the best waifu sim with the worst waifus and shittiest marriage system imaginable. It's just a clusterfuck of gameplay mechanics and systems, none of which are very good.

They were still figuring out what they wanted to be in RF1 so it had a very different atmosphere. The setting was one part harem anime fantasy, one part nobledark sword and sorcery, and they decided to focus on the former going forward.


Did anyone here get close to max level? Aka level 50000.

>le "I hate the popular thing" because that makes me look unique and smart

She forcibly won my heart.

Thought so.

Abigail master race.

>thought I'd hate her when I started the game
>ends up becoming my wife
>is also even better than her mom

Why even bother with farming games when FoMT exists?

Are there any Rune Factory games where you don't play as a spineless faggot cuck?

I unironically like Story of Seasons and Trio of Towns more
>Doesn't own the game
I own the game. I fucking hate the RNG and the fact that the game tells me jack shit on how to do things. If the RNG wasn't a pain in the ass I would play it again.

Because it is outdated. It is a great game for its time, no doubt about that, but it is 14 years old. Don't start with the "muh classics" faggotry. Just because something becomes outdated it doesn't mean it is a bad thing.

Same here. I never even considered her as a wife candidate until I've decided to randomly to see how low my affection rating was with her from the love fortune teller. Her reply at doing whatever it takes to make our love grow made me do a complete 180 and I ended up marrying her.

Because RF4 is better

Only farming game I played was Wonder life, where do I go from there?

>rng final arc

Stardew Valley.

Best girl is Lest

Yes in every way. Some people like 3 better because the waifus were more crazy, that's about it.

choose wisely

>Still haven't found my qt brown tomboy

This game set my standards too high.
I just want a tomboy Sup Forums


the rest are irrelevant

Brown tomboy, obviously. Why would anyone choose something else?

>just wanted to marry a girl in this game
>event RNG made it impossible
>spend at one point 2 straight hours rerolling to get a necessary event
>it never happened
fuck this game, awful system

>that's about it
RF is all about the waifu. It's the main driving force of anyone playing the games.

my man

>can't pick the cutest one
every goddamn time

>raven hides her midriff
its not fair

Thread could use some more LAINBOW!!!

>There will never be a farming simulator set in a dark fantasy universe

I strongly dislike one.

>go out to the forest for the first time to save somebody or some shit I don't remember
>beat the boss
>haven't played since
That was when the game came out. I should really try to get back into it

>tfw no Rune Factory 5: Milfs of Milk Town

Why even live.

It's not fair

this game was so fucking comfy, but what made it THAT comfy?

3 had the best waifus overall. I had the hardest time choosing just one to settle down with.


She is such a weirdo. Least attractive but she really really wins your heart. I will never insult someone for picking her but I might never pick her myself.

Persona 5 finally let us marry older women, and it was great. Honestly I see no reason for RF to keep up this stupid "tradition".

Persona 5 was garbage tho.

>entire character starts and ends with "I am sleepy"
>some people actually married her
the thought of this is terrifying. Just how freaking shallow can you be? It's almost as bad as marrying someone just because they're a loli.

It has the most content out of all RF games, but it also gets some flack for waifus not being as good as RF3 or Frontier (opinions and et cetera).

It has the best combat when it comes to Rune Factory games and lots of it with postgame dungeons. The combat is pretty good overall and challenging on hard mode depending on your equipment and how much of the stuff you want to abuse (making element resistant gear for bosses, taking leveled up companions either humans or generally stronger pets, abusing crafting system to craft powerful equips). It can be enjoyed as pure action game even unlike some fag says here.

It's fun mostly because it has good synergy between farming/crafting/combat and brisk pace. I absolutely loathed Stardew but love Rune Factory generally going RF4 > RF3 > Tides > Frontier > RF2 > RF1

shit taste, Frontier had the best girls

Can't remember any of them.
We get it, you're literally the only person in the world that likes Frontier.

That's not her whole character, but it might be if you're autistic.

>his pc is so shit to not even be able to emulate wii
>has to pretend he played it

I'm gonna start playing RF4

any general tips I should be aware of? I remember hearing this game has lots of small details that can fuck you over or little things you can do to help you later on, so doing a blind run wouldn't be advisable I guess

She's so cute though. Her marriage event is garbage. You are literally arguing with her the entire time as she's being retarded.
Still, that one scene when she gets mad at you and falls asleep always makes me laugh. She's fun though but not best.

That's right, I forgot. She's also forgetful in addition to being sleepy.

Keep up on your trades, especially blacksmithing.

I played it blind. No issues whatsoever. There's nothing that can fuck you over that I'm aware of.

Be careful of hurricanes? Give presents daily to all girls so you can marry them all (but in separate save) within days of each other?

I was honestly hoping she would get some form of character development but nope. She's always a fucking narcoleptic and there is nothing you can do to change that about her. I love maid heroines when there's the option to marry them but this one was just annoying with her sleeping all the fucking time.

You can speed train lots of skills by the way. Really not that hard overall.
Selling via shop is good for money; get a fridge for holding material like breads, etc.

If he doesn't level up his blacksmith it can fuck him over because you can't buy power up gear in this game

Get a guide to figure out how to get the best equipment in the game

Upgrade your crops every time you are able to, you can upgrade an equipment with a magnifying glass to inspect your crops easier.

>how to get the best equipment in the game
Is that really necessary?

For the post-game content, yes. You'll have your ass caved in if you don't minmax your gear.

>this game was so fucking comfy, but what made it THAT comfy?

For me the art direction in Frontier is nigh on perfect, Rune Factory 4 is extremely busy visually, lots of elaborate designs, overly complex character outfits, Frontier is very low fantasy by comparison, it's just a lot more relaxed and perhaps you could say rural. Even the pacing reflects that, Frontier moves extremely slowly, Waifus are introduced at a trickle, you're never overwhelmed with a ton of places to go or people to meet and everything is fairly spread out. I also really enjoy the sheer simplicity of the games setup and world building, just a guy on a farm, building the place up and interacting with the townsfolk, in RF4 I felt shoehorned into a role I never wanted, holed up in a corner of a castle, tending to some dragons overgrown backyard etc

Read up on crafting system to spice ups your weapons, generally you want to keep your weapon and accessory crafting high since the shop sells a bit outdated items at ripoff prices. When you go into a new dungeon you can usually get the materials needed for a new weapon tier from the first few areas and enemies, but often you might only need some ores. Also keep your farming skill levels up since using farm tools to increase your crafting levels is better than relying on weapons only.

There are some fun accessories mostly boots that allow for things like longer dash. Also later on you will get rune abilities and here is the fun part - you can use rune abilities with any weapon. A sword rune ability can be performed with a glove for increased RP (energy) cost and that's it. It's pretty cool.

Don't try to ram things with the dash dodge. It has really short invincibility that ends about the time you stop moving so use it to move out of the way, or dash behind projectiles.

Frontier is a great game, quit being such a precious faggot.

>can't rearrange furniture