ITT: We discuss Nintendo's E3 2018 direct

ITT: We discuss Nintendo's E3 2018 direct

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Tomodachi Life sequel

i'd buy this

>porting a game that needs a stylus to a system that doesn't have a stylus

The switch doesn't have a stylus?

I'm sure Nintendo could throw a stylus in the box user

Do you think all those good splatoon 2 drawings were made with someone's finger?

An announcement about how Smash 5 just entered development and Animal Crossing Switch gameplay

This has about as much chance as Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth 2 getting a port to the switch.

>Implying the dock set would come with the game, let alone the physical version

Dat rehashen

wouldn't that be expensive? It can't just be any old stylus like the DS ones, it would have to one of those expensive ones that works with phones

>implying they wont announce super mario 3d maker

Wow I can't believe Nintendo actual put effort into a limited edition console rather than slapping a sticker on it

Still no Wonderful 101 port.

>Can't create levels in TV mode
Glad I just had a WiiU desu.

>he doesn't know

Sure, it would be expensive.

That bundle in the op with a stylus would retail for $399 drones would eat it up

>That bundle in the op with a stylus
How would it work for the standalone game though? Especially digital versions?

>he knows not?

I still can't belive the 3DS does not have online capabilities.

>Metroid Prime 4 has cutscenes with Samus monologuing

They announce the 4DS

>bb-but m-muh Switch
Already failed

>no Mario Maker
>no Dong Freeze
>no Bayonetta 2
>no Wonderful 101
>no Big Smash 4 U
>no WW and TP HD
Im not seeing a lot of reason to buy a Switch. Why would I bother getting one before 2020?

When will we get news on Pokemon?

Just get a fucking Wii U then, unless you already have one, then why would you want more ports?

>etrian odyssey switch
>octopath traveler
>fire emblem switch
>pikmin 4
>prime 4
>pokemon mystery dungeon

Why would you want one of the worst Zeldas made even worse? And Tr4sh?

>predictions of Virtual Console being announced
>still doesn't happen

>Switch will be full of Nintendos WiiU game ports!

Accounted for it's first year there are 2, one Isn't even developed by Nintendo. The STATE of shitposters

People still enjoyed WW and TP so whatever.


Am I missing something?

Multiplat, not a port you moron.

yoshi delayed to fall 2018.
3ds has some more shovelware.

Picture of a new zelda logo.
New pokemon for 3ds
Season pass for mario odyssey, selling hats ala tf2.


I can't believe we finally got a console wind wakes sequel

I'm surprised there aren't more. Maybe they're sticking to two a year or something.

Which is a glaring port of the Wii U version.

Released on the same fucking day. You morin.

Considering how many people skipped out on the Wii U would that even be a bad thing. For many people the Wii U ports would be new content. The problem with the ps3/360 ports is that they were porting games people could already play on machines they had to machines they weren't certain they wanted. Since almost nobody bought a WiiU the Switch needs games like its an emergency. No time for Nintendo to be picky right now.

>pokemon plus and minus
it hasn't even been a year since Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon came out

Still a port, just like Wii TP.

Nope. By your merit every game is a port of a PC version. Stop being a moron, and get laid.

>durr hurr smash 4 is shit
off yourself

piss off

>not wanting a switch pokemon game

If the game's native version was on PC, yeah.

Then you don't know what a multiplat is and, ad previously stated, are a moron.

So FE:Switch has officially turned into a dating simulator with rarely any strategic gameplay.

Unless there's pretty significant performance boosts, I don't see the point

You can play dumb all you want, BOTW is still very clearly a Wii U game repurposed for Switch's launch.

they could probably work in a motion control method using the joycons

>Breath Wind of the Waker

Strategic FE died on its arse. Best thing they did for the series was casualise it. Not even memeing.

>The official game of waiting to a Wario game to release

You can be a moron all you want, you clearly do no understand what a multiplat is.

Yeah it's not like most of the games people ask for were 30fps anyway.

>Still none of the games Sup Forums wants every year and never gets

Just let it go you fucking losers. Go play the game cube.

Metroid prime 4
Donkey Kong switch
Pokemon switch
Animal crossing switch
Mario Maker 2
Mario kart 9
Bayonetta 3

So it's a multiplat?

Right on cue

>info on Pokemon Switch and Metroid Prime
>highlight on Project Octopath if it hasn't already released yet
>FE Switch
and maybe one surprise announcement like Animal Crossing, but I wouldn't expect much that we don't already know about.

Two words:

I've been thinking more along the lines of "what game series would I like to play handheld" 2bh

>highlight on Project Octopath if it hasn't already released yet
It's out in spring, well before e3

>No Animal Crossing
>[Insert Wii U game] DX/HD/etc.
>Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon HD

>Everyone is cheering for the massive success of the Switch's library because they love buying the same game over and over

Don't give them ideas.

Yes. And Switch version is the port.


Like the last E3, right?
that doesn't work anymore

>Do you think all those good splatoon 2 drawings were made with someone's finger?

Is this confirmed? I thought it was only confirmed for 2018.

Name a few multiplats and a few ports. I want to get in your thinking.

>wouldn't that be expensive?


I think it's about time for a new F-Zero

You Switchfags are somehow more autistic than WiiUfags, impressive. At this rate the next console will have an user base comparable to the Steven Universe hamplanets. You already got the trannies down with Splatoon, too.

Those pens are dirt cheap to make. Nintendo could easily include one in the box for next to nothing.

but what about digital versions

Ah there it is. Can't accept being wrong, so you get pissy. Go away bucko.

Gamefreak always announces the next game early in the year its coming. Plus and minus ( whatever gen 8 is called)will be announced in the next pokemon direct. X/Y was announced 2 months after bw2 western release

>Like the last E3, right?
Oh, you're right, there'd also be dozens of shitty weeb games/RPGs/half-assed indie games on top of overpriced ports.

If I'm wrong in the eyes of Wii U and Switch fags, I must be correct in some way. Not that I ever had any doubt over this specific case, it's so fucking obvious even level headed, not mentally defective Switch owners would tell you. All 30 of them.

Starts off with pokemon gen 8
Then smash announcment
Then animal crossing
Then metroid prime 4
Then Retro game (my guess is duck hunt)
Then new ip
Then a suprise


>They repurposed a Wii U game for the Switch's launch
>Put the repurposed version back on Wii U instead of leaving the Wii U version as is with a touch screen map/inventory so it wouldn't have any advantage over the Switch version
>Tap the touch screen to play on the gamepad
I had a fucking Wii U and I waited until I could get a Switch to play BotW. Fuck them for gutting what would have been the Wii U's greatest game to sell a glorified tablet.

The system already has touch screen, it wouldn't be too hard to throw a stylus into the box or sell them separately.

Yeah, filtered. Go away, shitposter.

I would actually guess a retro revival for Ice Climber. Two joycons, one for Popo and one for Nana. Save the Smash announcement for afterward so they could use the new Ice Climber game to announce the return of Ice Climbers as a fighter.

So repetitive, yet always amusing in their stupidity. How do you do it?

Every early console game is therefore a port of the previous gen since that's where most early games begin. Your logic is gleefully flawed.

great! now i have to pay $9.99 to buy a metal tube with rubber on the end (which wears out in like 3 uses) just so I can use the inferior multitouch screen of the switch (which also means this will be hand held mode only)

>skit where Reggie performs an exorcism to put the 3DS to rest once and for all, but it backfires and new Yo-kai Watch and SMT games come out of it instead

do you not have fingers?

how do you play video games?

They didn't remove the gamepad enough if you ask me.

If they're ready to go before the next console is done and the next console version has absolutely nothing of value over the original, what do you call that?

>Haunted by the past by games he has forgotten, Reggie must speak with the dead and set them at peace
>Skit where he talks to Captain Falcon who tells him if he wants to stop getting haunted he needs a new fzero

>Hey, let's port Super Mario Maker onto the Swotch
>wait, we designed it so badly, that you can only use the touch screen when it's not docked
>and we also didn't add a $0.05 stylus
>Not a problem, we will just release a "New Swotch" and make Super Mario Maker an exclusive for that system

Cool designed docks would be nice, but at most they'd probably be still black with a few decals imprinted on them.

Oh hey let's make a level!
>take switch out of dock
>scratches switch on dock
Oh my stylus from my 3DS doesn't work? Oh well I'll just use my finger!
>smudged screen
Level's finished! let's play it!
>set switch down to pick up joy cons
>put switch in dock to play on tv
>screen scratches again
gotta make an adjustment
>take switch out of dock
>screen scratches
there we go
>put switch back in dock
>screen scratches
that doesn't work
>take switch out of dock
>screen scratches

Mario Maker on switch would be a fucking disaster.

>If they're ready to go before the next console is done and the next console version has absolutely nothing of value over the original, what do you call that?
By your logic, because the work started on the previous gen, it is therefore a port.
>If the game's native version was on PC, yeah.

Say if Demons Souls begun as a PS2 game, but was ported to PS3, it is therefore a port. Your logic is gleefully flawed.

Oh hey let's make a level!
>Uses controller
And done.

>Didn't remove the gamepad enough
The only function it still has is the gyro aiming and amiibo support, both of which you can ignore by using a pro controller. You can literally play the game without the gamepad at all, how it that not removed enough?