What's this fucking guy's problem?
What's this fucking guy's problem?
>likes DmC
>likes other m
>dislikes sotn
>dislikes oot
you tell me
Contrarian: just like Sup Forums
He seems genuine. His opinions of most gaming stuff is shit, but he seems like a nice guy.
>dislikes OoT
He's not wrong though. Sequelitis is the only good thing he's ever done.
He doesn't actually play games to enjoy them. It's just a business now. He doesn't care what you think as long as he's making money.
>severe ADHD
>ugly SJW wife
>barely lets Dan play, and when he does, just bitches in the background the whole time (see TTYD)
>feels qualified to speak critically about video games, despite being objectively wrong on several accounts every time (see OoT's review and his comments about having to wait in combat)
>complete and utter sellout
>replaced the subtle yet funny editing of Barry with soulless gook editing
>didn't finish Sonic 06
That's all I can think about for now.
Ecelebs are not video games
he's a casual
he's not an actual gamer
>video game content is not video games
Have a (You). Fucking retarded faggot.
Fuck off m8
>he's not an actual gamer
what did he mean by this?
The actual funny guy left and he replaced him with some stoner
not video games
At least they replaced the soulless gook with a couple of good Christian boys.
tries to take two roles the same time, "jon and arin" in the facade of danny
casual gamer @ 30 years old too
danny is a nice dude but an awful gamer, ironic that it's called "game grumps"
Not him but you call other people "retarded faggots" while you like and defend e-celebs?
not videogames
Does he even draw any more?
>ugly SJW wife
>implying you wouldn't fuck
He became ugly.
>skips tutorial
Neither Jon or Arin are funny any more
GG showed the world that he's DSP tier garbage at video games so nobody accepts his criticisms
Everything in his OoT video was wrong
even the non-sequitur rant on SS which he hates because he's a fat baby who can't motion control
>he's not an actual gamer
And do tell me, since you're the expert, what the fuck is an "actual gamer"?
In the fucking 50's, maybe.
Why did they stop Doodle Doods? That was the only thing I came back to watch them for. Was Chris unintentionally taking too much attention away from Arin and Ross?
I wouldn't.
Not an argument. :O)
>Sup Forumsirgin in charge of what's handsome
jk Chris is an actual cinnamon roll
that zelda episode boiled down to "I am fucking garbage at videogames that literal children are able to grasp"
That's the smooth face of a closet crossdresser. Prove me wrong.
repressed gay/tranny desu
People in the 50's were more attractive.
He realised he could make obscene amounts of money by poorly playing video games, saying "poopy dicks", and make retarded noises.
She's ugly.
god i want to fuck her just to see her jiggle
You fedora fell down.
She's actually a pretty strong anti-boner.
that video was "i don't like it because is different"
i'm not even fan of OoT, but fuck him
I'd fuck a lot of things. That's really not a strong argument
Best videos she's ever done are in the outfits thin enough to where you can just barely point out her panties through them
>I actually think Suzy is cute.
>I like her gothish style
>I like that she's into video games
>I like the same kind of music
>I would love to have gf like her
>I still think she's literally the worst thing to happen to game grumps
He's a fucking casual, and for the most part, a normie. He always was, only we didn't see it back then because we were kids and we were enamored by his flash videos on Newgrounds. In truth, he's only interested in video-games in so far as using it for his personality, like a fashion accessory. He's a "Gamer", but not a video-game hobbyist.
His bread and butter was entertaining children on Newgrounds, and now he's simply entertaining prepubescents on YouTube, that's all there is to it.
>makes money playing games
>decent-looking wife
Jelly OP?
>sucks BotW's dick like everyone else
Sure, dude.
They need to just quit mario/rabbids, that shit is insufferable.
>stuffed bra
Holy fucking shit, how does a guy that good-looking have any high school anxiety issues.
It's true though.
a-any examples?
i don't care that shes retarded, i'd still fuck her
>I still think she's literally the worst thing to happen to game grumps
I've heard this opinion espoused before. What exactly did she do to the show?
Getting in the show. No girls allowed.
>decent-looking wife
Stuff like is a good example, watch for when the light reflects off the butt.
Might need a higher quality rip though, try the actual youtube vid
She's the Yoko Ono of Game Grumps.
>Mega Man sequelitis is just him parroting common opinions
>went against everything related to "figure this out on your own, devs treat gamers like idiots, push all the buttons" through GameGrumps where he couldn't figure out anything on his own, had to have his hand held, and didn't push all the buttons
>Castlevania sequelitis boils down to him complaining that IV "casualized" the series
>later went on to fail terribly at classic Castlevania
>Zelda sequelitis is based on him being incompetent when it comes to 3D gaming
>played OoT terribly on stream, had to use a guide for the first hour of Wind Waker
Hey newfag, videogame culture.
lurk moar
Does she got gooky blood or is that fetal alcohol syndrome?