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what is that on his head

>sugoi sugoi!
>bow bow



>dex is a bad thing

Your thread is shit.
Quickly Sup Forums claim your burger.



Rand Paulburger looks good.

Ben Burger easily

I'm a chicken and bacon man

holy fuck im hungry


Hillary Burger


Fuck off with this shitted meme

dont forget to renew ur subscription to white boys

you cant compete with us turd boys


That man is heavy weight fighter Alastair "the demolition man" overreem. The man who finished Brock lesnar with a kick to the body. An absolute beast, who choked out the current heavyweight champ but unfortunately due to bad reffing the didn't get the win

Pekepekepeke desu kaa?
Ee sugoi desu ne!


>Bernie Burger
>You don't get any burger at all because all the kulaks have been killed and everyone's starving :^)


Momoclo are pretty DEX

>mods will delete and ban this post even though it's completely SFW

you can tell they're seething about SHITTED

Take away the grilled pineapple slice and I'd choose the Trump in a heartbeat, the Rand Paul is a solid second though.


>even the Japanese women are replacing white men with black men in their porn

So good

>once you go shit, you never come clean

Yet they still drew a white man and just add big lips and black skin

Your jap waifus are getting blacked
What now weebcucks?

Women get paid more for scat porn

>Allow BLACKED posting for months on end
>Go into an autistic fit of rage deleting all SHITTED posts on sight
What did the Sup Forums moderation team mean by this?

in during triggered Sup Forums


Trump burger, easily. Especially if you can take out the brie.

JAVs ALWAYS had blacks over whites.

cruz burger with no jalapenos

>date a black guy
>he has a needle dick

Trump burger was looking great until fucking PINEAPPLE WHY

I'll stick with Hillary, but I'd rather it be on brioche bread.

It's just like my western pornography!

pls dont' laugh

Well that's how improvements work



Black bois cannot compete with white men

>Black people aren't normal

Did you read my post?

Cruz Burger probably

>meet a black guy
>he jacks off to loli hentai more than he lays white chicks

God i fucking love engrish, this shit always kills me hahaha

when will they learn?

c-c-c-combo breaker