Sup Forums Why are you an xbox fag?

Sup Forums Why are you an xbox fag?
>All exclusives are now on PC.

My friend has an Xbox because he prefers easy couch gaming. I like playing with him once in a while. With the Xbox app I can talk to him pretty often.

Is he a normal fag?

I think so. He seems more normal than I am, but that isn't saying much.

It adds up

Is his favorite game Madden?

No, he doesn't play sports and racing games He likes Halo and Destiny. He likes other popular games as well. Pretty normal if you ask me.

Not really dumbass. Also sunset overdrive is still an xbox one exclusive.

What a faggot

All my friends got it so that pretty much made me get it.

Yes one game is really worth it.......

Faggot haven't you learned not to fall to pier pressure.

>All exclusives are now on PC

Which was Microsoft's plan all along. Seriously. They pushed out the Xbone (which was a 8 billion net loss during it's life cycle) for the single objective of getting the "cross platform" excuse of forcing ALL PC games to use it's proprietary renderer software in detriment of OPENGL and other alternatives.

They won. And to be honest I don't give a fuck.

I have all three, but I started with Xbox.

It sounds like stupid brand loyalty cause it is, but I've mostly been playing Destiny 2 on PS4 or Rainbow 6 on PC lately.

Most my friends play on xbox, so I play with them.

I don't know why I'm an Xbox day but I am. I'm not particularly I retested I ps4 exclusives. I have a really good PC so I guess I buy my games based on what I want. If I wanna feel comfy playing the game xbox, if I really care about how the game looks graphically then my PC. I'd say I buy my games 50/50 between the two.

Which dock is weighing over him?

Those first lines read like they were written by an autist, but this is a pretty well-adjusted style of playing.

>Xbox is owned by Microsoft
>Microsoft owns Windows 10
>Xbox exclusives are on Windows 10 store
Still a Microsoft exclusive but whatever.
Forza is the only worthwhile game but the PC version is probably butchered to shit

>not really
>have to literally search deep and rely on games released on consoles two generations ago

Xbox hasn't got dick bitch sell the useless pice of shit

Why would you pay $1000 for a PC when the X1X games will look just as good?

Because Xbone is garbage and you can build a pc for 600.


Becuase PS4 has had superior multiplats and exclusives for this entire gen. Who would buy a stop-gap console when PS5 is around the corner?

The fact that you need to use multiplats which are optimized for parity with low end PC's ad a graphical benchmark is hilarious. Go look at PC and PS4's best graphically looking games, they shit on EVERYTHING the Xbox has to offer.

I feel sorry for idiots who will fall for the XBOX1X meme knowing their purchases will be redundant next year with Vega, Ryzen and PS5.

My thoughts EXACTLY

That's still more than an X1X and even more if you do a trade in of your old console.


anyone who knows an Xbox in 2017 is literally a moron with the iq of a fingernail

In the end it's better than getting a console that will just die in a year.


People who still think dudebros buy the xbox are sadly mistaken. They migrated over to the PS3 and then PS4. Please go ask a normalfag what console they play their sports games on nowadays.

Sony is the new dudebro console for sports and fighting games.

Because I had a 360, and with backwards compatibility and several years of free 'Games with Gold' I have a library of ~250 games I can play.

Not from what I've seen

Most 360 games are on pc

Not to mention game sharing, game gifting, and digital refunds. I just don't see what Sony can do combat this. They don't even have real BC on the PS4.

Also, all the multiplats going forward for the next few years will look exponentially better on the new xbox. Sony made a half step with the Pro. Will people go out and buy a whole new Playstation next year?

You can quickly test it and go look at what console the top NBA2k or Madden streamers are playing on.

It's the PS4

Xbox One X
>put disc in
>play game

>buy multiple parts that cost $1000 for a decent build
>have to manually put together all the components
>keyboard is uncomfortable and confusing since 95% of the buttons have no input on the game
>you have to replace all your parts every 1.5 years as the graphics cards become worse over time and run worse
>have to install a video game license rental service like Steam
>have to play $60 for recently released games but have no benefits as physical copy
>there are constant updates for games slowing down the chance of playing the game
>games constantly crash and run into compatibility problems
>Nvidia gimps their cards with Gameworks to make you buy their newer hardware
>try to play some indie games but most are uninspired rip offs of older SNES games I played
>try a early access to literally alpha test a game with barely any content and runs poorly
>can't let my friends borrow my games without jumping though huge obsoletes and even then we can't play each others games if the other is playing a different game at the time
>try to play older games from my childhood on N64 and PS2 emulators
>try to plug in my controller to use for more comfortablility but it requires multiple drivers and constantly rebind the controls every time I switch games
>download emulator for them but they take a while to get the right settings and even then the games run poorly and are missing textures and other graphical glitches
>try to play older PC I heard from others but the run into compatibility problems and constantly crashes when tried to play
>try to play a fun looking multiplayer game but the game is filled with hackers and childern and young teens constantly spouting memes
>try to play split screen with my friends but hardly any games supports split screen and is a hassle to set up
>start playing less and less and go on Sup Forums and shitpost more about games even ones I never even played

What is the point of PC gaming?

What the fuck are you talking about the gpu would cost $600 in leaf bucks a cheap gaming pc is like $1200 easy here.

Oh fuck your right
Not to mention my dad plays on ps4 and is a consolefag (he doesn't live with me)
>Be me
>Ask my dad to play fightcade on pc
>hits me up late at night to play
>Says he's not using his own computor so he can't download the game
Suggests we play a game on ps4 when all he has are fucking sports games

When is the Playstation getting PUBG? From what I heard, they weren't working on a PS version due to their small staff.

Sup Forums doesn't play games anymore.

>Playing tps/fps on console

>Sony is the new dudebro console
People don't just refer to games consoles and their audiences when they say that. Microsoft itself is a dudebro company, they want dudebro normie bucks and they want to coast off it because they are dudebro normies. Dudebros may have chosen Sony this gen but Sony unlike Microsoft delivers a wide range of games on their platform in return for the support. Everything from JRPGS, Bloodborne, Ratchet and Clank, Everybodies Golf etc. The PS4 is an all purpose console catered toward everybody including dudebros. Xbox is a strictly dudebro system that funilly enough lacks the dudebros and is just kind of dying it a corner right now, rightfully so because its entire library of 2 games sucks dick

Hit it on the head OP

When you didn't mean to select an image

Cause sjw game journalists and Sup Forums hate it so it must be amazing I mean find me two groups of people that are more consistently wrong.

My brother
Got it for cheap with extra games
Backwards compatibility
Easier exploitation of free and cheap Xbox Live with "free" games each month

I almost fell for the XBo1x meme, fucking almost, thanks for speaking some sense into me.

That's not how it works user

Mfw thread saves a life

kek this

>All exclusives are now on PC.

Now name ONE(1) good one, that's all I ask.

Halo 5

Wait until someone says that doesn't count. Halo 5 isn't the most incredible game, but it is a good game, and he did ask for one "good" exclusive.

But it only has 1 exclusive

Halo 5 isn't the freshest game but it does add some flavor to the series being the first one on PC and having mods I believe?

This thread is now dead.

lol wut

Wait a minute can I play halo 5 and up on PC now?

Its singleplayer and co-op modes are only on the Xbone. I think that would make it count as exclusive to some extent.

I actually forgot this thread existed for about 20 minutes.

How much can i sell an original Xbone for? With no kinect bullshit.

Is 150$ too much to ask?

Why xbox has no games?

idk u tell me

if you find the PS4 controller even mildly acceptable you are a fucking moron. worst analog sticks of all time. pic related is the GOAT

Because my friend is an autistic faggot and he cares about achievement points. He got the xbone even though he admitted it had a shitty lineup, and had bad practices (before they changed their mind and made it better) but still wanted to get the xbone because MUH GAMERSCORE. He's a faggot

>exclusive game gets announced
>everyone is hype
>game gets delayed
>delayed again

Scalebound and soon to be Crackdown 3

That sounds like a somewhat serious addiction.

Why would you ? Gears 4 is much better halo 5 is the worst in the series

Is this your friend?

If I dont like anime games is a PS4 worth getting? I dont like looking at little girls in G-strings.

Mmmm probably not. I mean p5 is really good though, you can emulate it through ps3

still better than PC parts that need constant replacements and upgrades

I basically gave my dad my xbone. Fucking GameStop would give me $20 for the old 360 so we gave it to some kid.