Are there and Powerpuff Girls videogames? Anyone enjoy the show as a kid?
Anyone hyped for the new series and 4th Powerpuff girl?
Are there and Powerpuff Girls videogames? Anyone enjoy the show as a kid?
Anyone hyped for the new series and 4th Powerpuff girl?
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The fuck is this? Someone's OC?
that brown slut is OC, right?
>Are there and Powerpuff Girls videogames?
I played Chemical X-traction (a Power Stone clone) and one of the GBC games when I was younger. I enjoyed the former at least, but my tastes as a kid where very open.
> Anyone enjoy the show as a kid?
>Anyone hyped for the new series and 4th Powerpuff girl?
>Watching the Reboot
W-why does she have such big hips.
>kindergartener/primary schooler
>"grown-up figure"
Who is the audience of this show?
They fucking went and did it. They added a token black girl purely for diversity. Jesus Christ
>looks like a literal prostitute
>fucked up unnatural hair color
>literally ghetto/stripper name
what the fuck is happening
Want to hate her but I can't since her design resembles too much like Altera from Fate.
Yes, we get it. You don't like black people.
Can you stop spamming this thread?
> black
> fights crime
This wasn't designed by the original guy, was it? I don't mind having something like this personally unless she seems too much like Poochie, but it feels like it was done by a focus group rather than the guy behind the original.
Jewish pedophiles
How does this even work? Professor Utonium couldn't count and there was actually a 4th girl he's been ignoring all this time?
Why are her legs so much longer than the others anyways
I'm sorry user, welcome to 2017 - enjoy the progression.
Of course not. Craig McCracken didn't even know the show was being made until they publicly announced it. CN owns the license so they don't have to get creator's permission for shit.
>The Last Supper (2017)
The original Creator has nothing to do with nu-PPG, his only mistake was not ensuring CN can't fuck gis series like ed, edd & eddy creator did.
I'll keep an open mind and watch an episode to see if she's a good addition or not.
This is the only good CN show left. Prove me wrong.
Literally poochie tier
Why is she shaped like that it's so fucking weird
CN pretty much stole the rights from Craig McCracken, he's not involved in the reboot.
As much as I hate these stupid ass non-vidya bait threads I have to say, adding a black character for just for the sake of having a black character makes you seem far more like a racist than if you just made the characters whatever race you wanted. It just make you seem like you're scared that people might call you out.
She's kinda hot
I can't wait for the porn
Sonic Boom is a thing.
there was one on steam but it got taken down
I liked it, but it wasn't amazing or anything.
After Samurai Jack, I genuinely don't care if something is created by the original creators or not. Sometimes, change is good.
Steven too
She's literally sexy.
Gumball went to shit a long time ago. OK KO is only good show now, but I wouldn't give it too much credit. CN's thing is that they start shows off promising enough but by the second season they're a shallow husk.
>power stone clone based on PPG
user you know I gotta play this now
She's black so she has a huge ass
The fuck? Why are her hips shaped like that? And why are her legs so much longer than the other Powerpuff Girls' legs?
>Blossom and Bubbles twerking.
I'm disgusted... yet oddly aroused.
into the gas chamber, kike
>Bunny died for this
>That file name
We Bear Bears isn't bad. I don't like it much but I also can accept that I'm not the demographic it was made for.
lol,we all knew this was coming.
>fourth powerpuff girl
That's the FIFTH powerpuff girl, bitch
the fact that it uses purple like the one the girls made in one of the old episodes, and yet there's nothing else that references her angers me
Moved to Boomerang :^)
A adequate GIF for a adequate situation, I suppose.
Because I thought we were already done with fucking self-insert OCs destroying our very childhood bits by bits while violating any sort of dignity the series previously had.
The episode was about how she was the first powerpuff girl that was flawed and mentally unstable so Professor Utonium abandoned her on an island.
But now she's back.
oh god
Leave Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon to me.
So is she like their sister or just some one shot character?
>first black crime fighter
None of the other blacks mattered in this show until now. lol
She's supposed to be a teenager. Her origin story is that she's the first Powerpuff professor made but he fucked up and she was mentally unstable so he sent her off to live on an island where she couldn't hurt anyone.
You don't have to say it, I know it's fucked.
except you are the one coming up with these hypothetical situations fag
Should probably neck yourself with an opinion like that.
Also getting canned in a couple months.
>basically protoman: powerpuff edition
>turns the professor into an asshole in the process
>Always turned off from watching this show because of the art style
>Watch a few clips
>It's actually fucking funny and has a bunch of adult/political humor mixed in
Pleasantly surprised.
#1 Blisstina needs to be bigger, louder, and have access to a time machine
#2 Whenever Blisstina isn't around, the other characters need to be asking, "where's Blisstina?"
Have we learned nothing from the Fairly Odd Parents jumping the shark 3 TIMES?
He saying he wants to fuck that pirate bitch.
Literally the first black person to fight crime in Townsville
I cried at that episode when I was a kid and I ain't afraid to admit it
>bunny just wanted friends but she was too weird
I knew that feel, bunny
Do they even fight crime?
all ive seen was shitty SoL bs and panda twerking
Shut it joey
>The Professor got BLACKED
He was always an asshole. Don't try and pretend otherwise.
At least it felt pretty similar to Power Stone (kinda like the Billy & Mandy game). It was for Ps1 and N64. Most of the review I'm seeing on Youtube are saying it's bad though. (B&M might be better in that case, if you want a Power Stone clone).
Also she has hips because she's a teenager since she's the first and oldest powerpuff girl that's mentally unstable and abandoned due to being black.
What happened there?
>leaving a being that can fly faster than the speed of light on an island
Why didn't she just like.... fly off the island?
no forcing diversity on others because of your insecurities is what people are hating.
just like with the Ghostbusters movie, they didn't do the all female ghostbusters because they wanted to be original or funny, they did it to push a feminist agenda.
I have no problem with characters of any race, I just don't see the point in randomly adding characters to something for no other reason than "diversity."
not "dump what is basically his daughter" asshole tier
This is written like a shitty fan fic and undermines the entire premise of the original origin story and movie
great comic desu senpai
Is there any video of her? Spoonfeed me please
>Prof EVER doing that
He is literally a paragon of good and understanding.
Fuck this gay ass show.
they added a dog, a new human character, and a baby fairy oddparent
>that episode where buttercup joins the gangreen gang
They introduced three new characters, first it was a baby fairy of Wanda and Cosmo, then it was a fairy dog and finally it was a new girl that Timmy has to share his fairies with.
>Soul Sister stereotype voice
>Abandoned by The Professor as a child because she's black
They kept adding characters due to lack of ideas/falling ratings. First it was Poof (Cosmo and Wanda's kid), then it was Sparky (Cosmo and Wanda's dog that they forgot they had), and now there's a girl that Timmy has to share his fairies with despite her not even being remotely depressed.
The most important thing, is she just a one-off, a recurrent character or part of the main cast now?
>Her origin story is that she's the first Powerpuff professor made
That doesn't make sense, he was trying to make the perfect little girl, not superheroes. Did he fuck up with Chemical X TWICE?
Underrated post. That is creepy as fuck.
She's a teenager.
Professor Utonium abandoned her for being black years before the power puff girls were created.
>Also getting canned in a couple months.
pearl really grew on me