You will never need to sleep ever again, nor you'll feel tired

You will never need to sleep ever again, nor you'll feel tired
But your favourite video game franchise will be erased from existance

Do you accept my offer?

No? Fuck you sleeping is cool

>no more nier/drakengard
let it 2b

i like sleeping

Can I still sleep if I wish?

You can still sleep but you won't gain anything from it because you no longer need it.
It'd be like drinking water when you're not thirsty at all

>Essentially get an extra 121 days worth of time awake every year for the remaining 50 - 60 years of my lifespan

Are you fucking kidding me? That's about 18.6 years worth of wasted time I can change into being a productive human being. Katamari's great and all, but I'll be fucked if this deal isn't one-sided.

That sounds awesome.

With no sleep or fatigue, I could re-create the entire franchise from scratch and make mad bank

Do your worst, faggot.
My favorite franchise died when its developer was put out of business by EA ten years ago.

My favourite video game franchise was already erased from existence.
Hit me with what u got, weather chicken

Who is the chicken on egg tv who keeps making these offers?

You get a thousand dollars a week
You take at least 10 shits a day, and you won't see a new game in your favorite series for the next 10 years.

It's already dead to me.

With that much free money i barely have to leave the house so i don't mind taking a shit
I've already waited 10 years for a decent Metroid so i can wait again

As long as it's just me personally so that every workplace in the US doesn't suddenly double its hours and halve its paychecks. Virtual On's been dead in spirit since 2001 and literally dead since 2003, and the new game coming in 2018 is a fucking visual novel crossover so I'm not hopeful. So nothing would change because I don't live in Japan, and Gundam Extreme Vs. still exists.
I'd take you up on it.

It's hard to say which is my favorite franchise.
But I do like the idea of being able to get work done during the night when it's quiet and not regret it.

How do the shits work?
Can I save all my shits for the end of the day or get them over with at the start?
Or is it true random?

I don't know what my favorite franchise is!
Am I still eligible?

Yes, then use my time to make those games and become super rich and famous.

My negro.

I'd rather sleep

Well it was fun knowing you Bioshock.

You can hold them in or force them out with coffee etc, but if you miss even one, you don't get paid that week.
The millionaire shit king is anal like that.

>you wont see a new game in your favorite series for the next ten years
Ive accepted halflife is gone. gimme my money. i already shit 10 times a day.


why is he so perfect

Wouldn't do it. However if it was to never need to eat or drink again, then I'd be all for it. You only give up time to sleep, whereas you give up a LOT of money over the course of your life devoted to eating and drinking.

I don't know, if I had 1k per week all I'd do is buy cars and go on drives and I can't really do that with a ruined shitter and a constant need to stop and shit.

It's 1/3 of your life wasted on sleeping
Imagine all the experience you could get
Image being 20 years younger with your current experience

I am sexually attracted to the this chicken

Mega Man X/in general being erased from existence would save me 80 dollars this week so I'll take the deal.

Sitting on my bed and thinking about life for a few hours more instead of sleeping?

You're missing the big deal of never being tired. Loop hole here is that never being tired means you can do a lot of things, only being limited by your sense of annoyance. Keep lifting, keep working, whatever you want.
video games

I would rather sleep forever

No fucking way, sleeping is the only escape I get from reality, except for death of course

yes, my series is dead anyway

>You will never need to sleep ever again, nor you'll feel tired
>But your favourite video game franchise will be erased from existance

Can this deal work in reverse?

Can you never create another video game ever again, and then erase ME from existence?

You will receive $2000 a month
But you will be forced to play your favorite online multiplayer game for 10 hours a day, live. Worth it?

No, sleeping is comfy

do i remember the game or not?

does it mean things it inspired will be wiped from this earth as well?

I've got some bullshit jaw disorder that means I never get restful sleep, so I'd probably take the deal either way.

>working for $7.14 an hour, every day, for 10 hours