This is gonna make some kids gay


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or it might motivate them to achieve godhood


That's a flat ass.

Instead of making me gay it just made me frown and think "some faggots are into this instead of pussy"

I'm gay and this is dumbfuck character design.

I think anyone who is turned gay by that probably already was going to be gay.


You can't make anyone gay.
You can just make them realize it.

>Hated Bowser as a kid
>In love with him now


It's objectively superior

Probably because Bowsers design has changed over the years.

Rivalry fetish.

Kids are already gay. I'm gay. You're also gay

Why is this ok but a woman in a bikini is bad?


It shouldn't be. Hell, girls should be allowed to be topless.

>Ages 60+ identify as 95% exclusively straight
>Ages 30+ identify as 50% exclusively straight

hmm I wonder (((who))) is behind pushing all this fag propaganda in media nowadays to confuse people into thinking they're gay?

How? Nobody plays that stupid game.

Dentists who want less flouride in the water so they can get more business.

>60+ years ago
>Could be killed for being gay
>Current day
>Might get yelled at by a drunk closeted.
Yes, I wonder why people are more open about such things.

Except no one complains or bats an eye when a woman has a bikini skin

(((Who))) is behind this post I wonder?


>bikini covered when her stock skin is latex
Pic unrelated?

A strong white Christian man.
Praise be to God for making me gay.

Why would anyone even use that skin honestly?


Same reason anyone uses a sexy skin?

Trying too hard.

So you call Satan your God now do you?

Pokemon already did that.

Satin's a little bitch who can't get over me and my fine ass soul.

Yeah I guess I asked a dumb question

I've been a furfag forever but I never truly cared about Bowser until BiS.

Just more closeted back then

>not wanting to be the half naked buff dude

this is gonna make some girls lesbian

sure there is no (((slippery slope)))

Is that Batista?

Why do women always look like they have back problems? It's like somebody kicked them in the back. It's weird.

Why would anyone want to be straight? Women are the fucking worst. Pissy all the time, constantly sucking the money out of you, nags and complains nonstop, never faithful. Why the fuck would you want to deal with that?

Men are objectively superior. I thank God every day that I was born gay.

No that's Kevin Owens

Somebody has to take the hit.

Nature just didn't relationships into account when it made reproduction.

>why do these goys keep kicking us out g-ddammit

Failed male faggots are way crazier and needier.

Out of all the random things to obsess over.


it was a cohencidence

How the fuck do you jump to Sup Forums shitposting off of gayfag shiposting?

He is a robot who operates solely on Sup Forums memes.

Me on the right

>women have more soft and supple parts to grab and bite
>flamboyant fags are just as annoying if not worse than the most cuntified woman

Women being the worst isn't really even the main confusion, it's that women are just not relateable.

It's human nature to hang out with the type of people you readily identify with, it's always been that way and always will be, and yet for some bizarre reason the average man makes it their mission to spend the rest of their life with someone they can't really connect with.

>but women and men are equal!
Sure, that's why you're hanging out on a website full of men.

>The jews are why I can be open and marry the person I love
I'll have to thank them then.

are you excited for Australia to vote no, Gershowitz?

>>women have more soft and supple parts to grab and bite
Straightfags actually believe this.
>>flamboyant fags
Ew. No. Gross. Don't.

Gays are mostly Black Women in the bodies of men

Why would I want soft and supple bits when hard and firm bits are superior?

>women have more soft and supple parts to grab and bite

No they don't, women are usually fucking skinny.
Even if that was true, whoopdedoo, women have as much worth as the squishy part on my mousepad. Big deal.

I don't care about transsexuals or Australia.

>in uni
>cute guy is sitting right next to me this semester
>we talk every day

how do I know if he is a homo
How do I get him to be my bf

I don't know why this did anything for me when I was a kid. I'm not even that into charizard or furry shit in general.

You dont. You get really drunk and/or high and THEN you just make a move.

>Random question dude. Are you gay?
If he gets super defensive, he's extremely gay.

Subtle gestures user. Don't get too touchy too quickly. Also ask if he's had a girlfriend before

you were droning about muh marraige equality though, so you actually do

dumb jew fag

>work with dude at uni
>he always smiles at me
>we talk somewhat often
>dont know if he plays for the same team
What makes me happy makes me suffer

Both have pros and cons and if you restrict yourself to one you're the real loser here lol.

>fucking skeletons

Gay marriage was bad for you, y'know.



You can't make somebody gay retard. You're either into something or not

Why exactly does that relate to transsexuals or Australia?

>implying this changes anything for you
you're here to stay, Sup Forumsirgin

So's regular marriage for straights. Point is, I have options.

Why is this bodytype appealing?

>not wanting Aniki

I dont fuck skeletons. I lost my virginity to a chubby guy.

That's the way your body has to curve in order to support things like breasts in order to not fucking fall over.

I was able to come out to my family and I've developed more self respect for it. So I did gain something from it.

>false flagging

Bellies are a sign of testosterone.

That's a victory in my book

ITT embarassingly unsubtle bait

Don't let the door hit you on the way out kike

I found his Instagram by googling his name

Nothing indicates his sexuality.

He has cute pics though

If anything, Sup Forums made me gay.

Well at least you have good taste in men dumb faggot.

Cute but tough.

you can actually make people gay with brainwashing and pollution of the water, food and environment that surrounds them to disrupt their endocrine system.

the "turning frogs gay" meme is actually true, and humans are affected in the same way by damaging xenoestrogens like BPA

Maybe women don't like to hang out on this website because whenever they identify themselves as a women the replies are always the same fucking intolerant sexist bullshit?

>this whole thread

I'm not going anywhere?

Why are homophobefags so angry all the time?

Humans are flexible. Its not a switch you can just flip though.

Honestly this.

What kind of images does he have? Dont have to post or link, just generally describe them

if somebody says they're a girl. it's always a ploy for attention

This might have been a halfway decent point if this site wasnt anonymous.

>born gay.
boy you weren't born gay, you were made gay when your uncle molested you

Tell that to my friend who snuggled next to me when we watched GotG together