Let's try something fun, Sup Forums...

Let's try something fun, Sup Forums. Go to metacritic and find a game that deserves the score it got and then a game with obviously paid reviews.


pic unrelated

I've been away for a while, been blowing through my backlog. Is Uncharted 4 that bad?

>implying "critics" don't eat up normie games like uncharted AND botw

So you're saying the last of us had paid reviews? I agree.


shut up nigger

Could you please stop breaking the board rules?

Let's try something fun, Sup Forums. Post a picture are guess which corporate cock I suck on daily basis

>Not paid review

>all these games are rated above average but due to retarded critics they're seen as bad by everyone


It's not bad but the story is weak and it's 90% climbing up cliffs. It's worth $35 - $40 max

everything uncharted is bad t b h

>implying stingy Nintendo who doesn't even like paying its YouTube affiliates would bother paying off reviewers

They'd have paid to boost ARMS and the Wii U/3DS Amiibo tie-ins instead of bothering with Zelda if that were the case.

thats not against the rules you doublenigger

>above average
Most games on metacritic have 80+ and AAA game 90+

sure, after you stop being a nigger

That's what I'm saying, game rating systems are fucked, for some reason people see 7/10 as average and anything below that = shit, which is retarded

>first post is ACfag


Why did FO4 score higher than NV? They were both buggy pieces of shit at launch. The difference is that NV has a very nuanced speech check system, and the dialogue to match, and mostly developed and functional RPG mechanics

FO4 has none of that stuff, and nothing that really replaces it or makes up for it. Just a shitty voiced protag with shitty dialogue and very little actual influence on the story/dialogue.

>Could you please stop breaking the board rules?
Could you stop being new?

Why are you trying to find logic in critic reviews?

Because if some random dumbshit like me can see the glaring cracks in the monolith then why the hell does it continue? A complete lack of objectivity seems to be a prerequisite for getting a job critiquing video games, and that's just alarming to me.

Fallout 3 I can legitimately believe the reviews were paid. The game is ugly. The mechanics are clunky. The story is contrived and quite honestly boring. It has a multitude of flaws that aren't made up for by some really good positive aspect. The game doesn't even have ADS. Even in the first 10 minutes of the game there are game breaking bugs. And I can only imagine how awful the performance is on consoles, let alone PC. How can it possibly deserve let alone have a 93?

On the launch day of Switch, it literally only has BOTW and some shovelwares. Which of these do you think is the system seller for a new console?

And do you think normies are gonna buy the Switch if BOTW is only 80+ tier game? And do you think Nintendo is gonna let the only system seller they has at that moment to get less than stellar reviews?

So you guys can't read, huh?

Why are you so fucking butthurt?

You'd have to be more stupid than the average consumer if you think that's the case.

Look at this thread and tell me who exactly is butthurt.


>muh nintendo bois dindu nuffin even though this thread was literally started by a butthurt nintendo fanboy

Uh.. why are you trying to turn this into consolewars? Could it be that you actually have no argument and try to blame some imaginary boogeyman?

It started as a console war thread. I'm not "turning it into" anything.
You're probably OP

>It started as a console war thread
Except it didn't? Are you seriously saying uncharted 4 is a good game and represents sony in any way? Then the consolewars starts in your head. I think everyone on Sup Forums, even sonyfans unanimously agree that uncharted 4 is not only the worst in the series but also a shit game. But ofcourse, you don't see anything past the logos ontop and have to force your consolewars everywhere. Go fuck yourself and leave my thread, retard.

>nintendo reviews are always honest
>sony reviews are always paid
>b-b-b-but I'm not totally not starting console wars I dindu nuffin
Kill yourself, fanboy

Anything that is 90 to 100 is paid review. 89 and below are unplayble shit.

>nintendo reviews are always honest
Who said this? Where was it said in this thread even once? Exactly, in YOUR post.
>sony reviews are always paid
Same as the above one
>b-b-b-but I'm not totally not starting console wars I dindu nuffin
I didn't. You are literally making shit up at this point. I don't know what causes you to hallucinate but you are seeing shit that doesn't exist and blame other people for it.