So what's the consensus on the demo?

So what's the consensus on the demo?

I'm really enjoying it. The music is beautiful, battles are fast, visuals are great for the most part. I seriously can't find a single thing wrong with this.

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>I seriously can't find a single thing wrong with this.
It's on the switch.

Has it been confirmed as Switch exclusive, or is there a PC version planned? Not sure if I should pick it up on release or wait.

switch exclusive.

Works for me. Cheers.

The dialogue should be skippable or at least faster. I only played the Dancer, but it was great aside from having to go through the boss dialogue again.

That was a problem I found shortly after posting. Maybe there will be an option for that in the final game?

I had a bit of a problem with the visuals. The environments and world seem so much more high quality then the character sprites. And the battle encounter transition screen hurts my eyes. The lighting was really dark to the point where it sometimes looked like I had screen glare due to the lantern the character holds.

Combat was fun, music was great, little too much text for my liking, but I figured it was just because it's supposed to be the beginning of each character's story.

Only thing it needs is the ability to zoom the camera in outside of battle and skippable cutscenes

Smart of them, this is going to be one of the games I get a switch for.

yup a lot of people have been waiting for something like this.

>I seriously can't find a single thing wrong with this.
You can't skip cutscenes or speed up text.

I loved it but the VA was extremely shitty. Imo.

It has Dual Audio

really liking it, just wish the sprites for the characters were higher quality so you could see more detail

I think the dark lighting is to show off the lighting effects you can pull off with the simulated 3d.


Only problem I had with it was that the pause menu was waaay too laggy, otherwise everything was great.
I do agree that the character sprites could be a tiny bit better, though.

Vignette effect was a bit too much, otherwise pretty game. Combat was fun, but I want to see enemy hp. Combat sprites of the main characters looks weird compared to the enemies, both in detail and size. Voicework was good.

thank fuck for the japanese voices. they were much better.

if anyone takes the survey, be sure to mention the dual audio as a positive thing.

Where is the survey?

I think it looks neat, I would try it if I had a Switch

I got it through my e-mail.

It was good, shaping itself up to be a great RPG. I do wonder how long each characters story will be and if playing through all 8 characters will have enough variation to not get at least a little boring. So far we see there's the 8 different lands each character is from and in between are these spaces where you have battles, not sure if there's gonna be a bigger world to the game or what.

Got an email for it. Might be able to google it.

For those who didn't get the email:

I played it for about 5 hours and absolutely loved it.

My only complaints are the lack of a job system (Though being ainspired by Seiken Densetsu 3 is a good excuse for its lack of inclusion.) and that the demo doesn't really show off character progression.

Okay, I just told Square-Enix that they need to let me beat up children in the full game.

I wish I could send Asano some fan mail


I really hope that was just something missing in the demo, because yea I lost on the dancer boss twice and gave up because I didn't want to click through that whole scene for a 3rd time.

It's really fucking good. I just hope it's not one of those moments where a demo shows such amazing promise, but the full game isn't really able to completely deliver

The boy wanted Olberic to train him, and they won't even give you the option to beat his ass.

I just want a copy for pc. Is that too much to ask?
>inb4 buy a switch
I have one, I'd just like this type of game more on pc Also I lost the controller modifier for the joycons and don't have the pro controller or whatever/playing in handheld mode feels pretty shitty.

For some advice, use the single target dark skill boosted when you break the bosses' guard. It does more damage than unleashing 4 normal attack