This is top kek
This is top kek
Is that the Sup Forums flag?
who cares
Is the answer "we did it on purpose because there's no such thing as bad publicity?" or was it "we wanted to virtue signal but the only way to do that would be have some easily removed offensive content so we made some."
What was it supposed to be?
more like the Sargon flag
>white supremacist symbol
I think all this shit is really just trying to eliminate Internet culture, because of their obstinance to so much surveillance and other measures. Like the agencies and parties want Sup Forums and edgy redditors gone so then they can steamroll their surveillance and SOPA shit with no problem.
Shit like this only empowers Sup Forums and its retardation. Why did they take it seriously to the point of removing it?
well how did it get in the game
I'm not even surprised if they added it on purpose just like Tracer's ass.
Why is the kekistan flag considered a hate symbol? It's just a shitty meme. Or does Sup Forums take it THAT seriously?
All big games do this because they are desperate for pandering to gamers.
I'd argue MMOs do it mainly because they need to bolster player count.
at least they look happy
Why are all these faggot libcuck journos such fucking liars? "Le white supremacist symbol" give me a goddamn break.
This seems like a coincidence more than anything. Bungie was never one to jump into political shit. Hell Halo 2 was burned to the ground for the sake of political shit
>that fucking awful facial hair.
The only one who might be able to grow a beard is that fuck with the hat.
The rest of them need to shave that garbage off.
Why do white supremacists always look like the dregs of society? We really should just exterminate them all.
Because people cherrypick pictures of the other side to make them look bad. Everyone does it.
>kek is now related to white supremacism
Time to sue Blizzard, I guess.
>Symbol of Sup Forums
>Not white supremacist
I wonder if Blizz ever imagined making Orcs say Kek instead of lol would have these kind of ramifications
because they are?
Muh perfect genes and master race
I'm curious as to how this will effect Destiny 2 being on Bnet.
Will they really want to be on the same platform that the "white supremacist symbol" Kek was born on? The way they freaked out and instantly apologized because one of their designs just happened to look a bit like it suggests not.
Real white supremacists don't let Schlomo Goldenbergsteinowitz know who they are, so only the retards get identified.
Imagine literally buying a meme flag, imagine actually purchasing, using funds to acquire, a flag based around a meme. How autistic can you be?
At last I truly see.
There's literally nothing wrong with White Supremacy. You'll never see other races consider their own submission and disenfranchisement a virtue. You'll never see the Prime Minister of China declaring that Han Chinese Supremacy is evil, unlike the TRAITORS leading white nations.
Decent looking people usually find better ways to spend their time than ranting about minorities on forums and messageboards.
some people do take it THAT seriously.
it's kinda like project chanology though, only the most socially stunted autists on this site bring it into the real world.
In a year or two it'll be looked back on as being another insanely embarrassing chapter in 4chans history of bullshit.
The good thing about it is that it's kind of painting Sup Forums as the asshole of the internet again, so maybe less people will be posting here over time.
>american patriots
>ak47 not M16 on shirts
yah, americlaps are dumb
> 9/15/2017
Fucking Americans boil my piss lads.
>You don't see the guys being victimized by whites claim that their supremacy is wrong
Gee I wonder why
Internet hate machine.
This. This seems to be a pretty easy way to get people to talk about their shitty game.
It's weird, I wasn't a white supremacist until after I put this fucking logo on my character, now I found myself burning crosses, joining KKK meetings, and shitposting on pol. This logo needs to be removed ASAP
>You'll never see other races consider their own submission and disenfranchisement a virtue.
Japs. Every time they have someone else waltz in and dick slap then it takes a long time for them to do anything other than claim it's the best thing to happen to them.
A little from Column A, a little from Column B
I wonder how many times each of them has spammed the phrase "nu-male" while all looking like unwashed faggots
>you shouldn't take pride for the achievements of others from the same race as you!
>but you should be blamed for the crimes of people from the same race across the continent 300 years ago!
Gotta love leftist doublethink.
>There's literally nothing wrong with White Nationalism
What emotion is this expression attempting to convey?
>You'll never see the Prime Minister of China declaring that Han Chinese Supremacy is evil
Not the current one maybe, but this will soon change. It has to change. Asia will not survive a single century more unless it becomes multicultural and starts accepting refugees and immigrants.
>it's kind of painting Sup Forums as the asshole of the internet again
But it's bringing the fucking whiny stormfront faggots in.
It was fine when it was weeb outcasts
The answer is
>we made a design with chevrons, but someone said it looks like some bullshit we don't want to deal with so we're going to delete it instead of deal with some backlash.
Its the nu/pol/ flag
It was a coincidence. The gloves are called "Road Complex" and the symbols are just road symbols. The 4 white lines are just a cross-walk. The arrows are turn signs.
You can't even point to Reddit on this one.
This is cringey as fuck, Sup Forums
>but you should be blamed for the crimes of people from the same race across the continent 300 years ago!
Accepting that you benefit from the results of terrible things your ancestors did isn't the same as accepting blame for it.
is this loss?
is this an "alt-left" thread or something
or are these all just retards conflating "kekistan" with Sup Forums
no this is jeff
alt-left think you should take blame for shit you didn't do
alt-right thinks you should take pride in shit you didn't do
Both are wrong.
>"This is probably the fullest my beard is ever going to get."
>You can't even point to Reddit on this one.
But the picture user's referring to is literally from Reddit. Am i missing something?
Guess this game will become irrelevant just like Yooka-Failie. Developers are going to have to learn that virture signaling to the alt-left is not going to sell any games.
Sup Forums - Politics
here's (You)r (You)
>multiculturalism and refugees are a good thing
Top kek, I hope this is bait
>Sup Forums
>Not just Kekistan at this point
Nigga please. These retards outnumber ever Sup Forumstard 10 to 1. And Sup Forums thought it'd be a fucking good idea to bring everyone's attention to Sup Forums. Now they get to reap the consequences with the rest of us.
Sup Forums is kekistan and kekistan is Sup Forums. You are one.
So what is the reason why it was put in?
Accepting that you reap benefits because of advances your race has made isn't the same as taking credit for it.
Because it's based on the Nazi flag and normalfags can't handle the bantz.
I love to see the day when Sup Forums stops in their tracks and think
"Man, this Kekistan thing is actually quite embarrassing, we shouldn't associate with that old shit anymore."
Remember, this Kekistan bullshit is the reason why more newfags are infesting this place.
>21 years old
then he died on heart attack.
>There are people who think it's bad that a reddit the_donald meme got removed
Nah bruh, I dont give a fuck about your politics, Buts lets call an orange an orage.
But it is accepting that you have it "too good" and perhaps you should possibly be forced to give up some of what you have to make things more "fair"
who cares about any of this shit after the election, though I guess that would explain the population change you're suggesting and subsequent conflation
>the artists who crated the item has been dealt with. The elder council decreed him a heretic, his soul has been feed to the beast as a sacrifice to diversity.
>Normalfags can't handle the bantz
Wait, Sup Forums cant handle banter?
I guess Matt and Trey pretty readily proved that true already though.
Japan isn't multicultural though and has remained homogenous. One of the reasons why post-war relationship with Japan was a smooth sail is because we didn't pressure them into ridiculous situations that would cause their country to be economically ruined. Basically it came down to telling the Emperor to denounce his deity like status and reduce their military down to a defense force only. Even our own military was up in hot debate in the late 40's on whether it was a good idea to declaw the Japanese military.
Now take a look at it now, you have people in the West (see: Progressives) who are eyeing Japan's homogeneous culture and ethical background as problematic and want to change that. It will cause a backlash, one that will draw Japanese close to Nationalism.
There's no such thing as the "alt-left" tho. And the alt-kike died a month ago.
>leftist can't even form an argument against my point
Almonds: activated
It has to be just because they mentioned refugees specifically. Immigrants can be whatever but there's no benefit from artificially inflating your population with nonskilled people from a wartorn country.
Because Kekistani faggots aren't white nationalist you fucking drop kick, they're faggot civic nationals.
There are more normalfag "kekistani" on Sup Forums than tried and true pre 2016 election Sup Forumstards at this point. Sup Forums IS Kekistan.
It just looks like a generic sportswear logo. That's probably all the thought that was ever put into it.
It's not even fucking "kek"
>we live in an age where a meme about a Turkish snack indirectly leads to political pressure being put on a AAA game developer
>perhaps you should possibly be forced to give up some of what you have to make things more "fair"
Only Marxists and Californian women think that way. It's not a zero-sum game.
They're certainly a good thing for me at least. So long as they aren't in my country and only infest other countries that is.
It makes your enemies weaker and more divided, allowing you to be more powerful by comparison. What's not to love?
Then why keep harping on "privilege" if you don't plan to do anything about it?
t. butthurt redditor projecting
>why can't people just accept my hateful and racist ideology!!! waaahhh!!!!!
you are literally BLIND.
What is that bullshit on his chin? Fuckin' millennials and their shit beta genes.
>you are literally BLIND.
Funny coming from the leftist shitter that believes in the magical fairy of equality.
>Japan isn't multicultural though and has remained homogenous
they literally celebrate Christmas by eating KFC
They don't accept immigrants that often but theres a FUCKTON of Western influence floating around
>we live in an age where a peaceful Hindu symbol is seen as hate speech if you simply draw it
If you boil things down to basics then you can make anything sound stupid. Context matters.
feminists? sjws? white supremacists? I just realized this could apply to all of them ... damn
>not seeing yourself and your own race as the master and ruler of the other 70% of the population because of the genes you were born with means you're somehow submitting to the "inferior" races and are trying to kill off your own superior race you vicious nigger loving TRAITOR
This is literally your post.
>There's no such thing as the "alt-left" tho. And the alt-kike died a month ago.
So the starbucks fueled ISIS represents the mainline democratic party, and the tiki troupe the republican? Sounds believable .
>the roaches did everything
>terrible things your ancestors did
literally everybody's ancestors did "terrible" things. the only difference between peoples in this regard is that white people ended up winning during the past ~300 years.
explain how equality is a bad thing.
hard mode: no racist language.
It's what we deserve. We should be thankful that we're being slowly killed off in a peaceful manner, and not brutally hunted down.
We've been the bad guys throughout our entire history, oppressing and murdering anyone who looked different than us and taking over their countries by lethal force. We deserve far worse than a peaceful ending.
This is what a falseflag looks like.
If you don't see how the system benefits you, you get a false sense of accomplishment and think others who have to work harder to have less than you are just lazy and stupid. You'll be less willing to enable change that gives more people a fair chance at reaching their full potential, because "I did it and nobody helped me". It holds society back as a whole. It's not about blame or about being better or worse, it's about seeing how social systems work so they can be changed to benefit everybody.