Any game, locations that give you nice feels or nostalgia when looking back
/comfy/ game locations
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Zero stress to be found here.
Chilling with stalker bro's was comfy, knowing they'd have your back if anything dangerous stayed into the area
This was from the hun campaign wasn't it?
Witcher 1 and Oblivion (with 'unique landscapes' mod) have the comfiest locations.
Oblivion had so many comfy locations and towns. It felt more alive in a way than any other game I've ever played. I really hope we'll one day get another RPG like it. Though with the direction Bethesda's gone, I kind of doubt it.
Skyrim replaced all the hand-crafted quests with function generated fetch chores, and it's one of the most successful games out there.
From a business point of view, it makes sense to cut features and cost of development when the returns remain the same.
Elder scrolls is dead.
Normies gonna norm.
Would you like to live in a house surrounded by rocks?
>being on the plateau
>knowing there's so much more exciting stuff out there once you leave
>exploring the woods, getting used to the controls
>hunting yourself some dinner
>making a campfire, cooking up some food >sheltering from the rain
Perfect World, but the combination of beautiful places and the music that makes this game comfy, flying slowly around the world listening to this
Oh man the feels. I started with 1.3, that map was one of the best to fuck around on as T's with friends if you weren't taking things seriously
Mulgore, the answer is Mulgore.
this map was the first one I played and still makes me nostalgic even though it sucked ass
Dying Light had some really nice safehouses.
Witchers 4th chapter will forever be the comfiest to me.
The two little safe houses in Bitterblack Isle are really comfy.
Lots of comfy locations in this game.
if doubles comfy meme will end forever
This fucking map/game
Hard to get any better than pic related
Lighthouse gets close
Bleda will lead us to ruin!
How'd that game turn out?
Starting villages in Pokemon gen 1-2. Kaer Morhen and your apartments in DXHR and MD are comfy as well.
Doesn't that guy get killed by a working joe? Or does the ayy get him?
I actually haven't played it since they added singleplayer. Sandbox was really fun. Gameplay was simple but exploring and scavenging is super rewarding, the art style is beautiful, and the sound design is fucking top notch. Super immersive and surprisingly comfy.
The game also does crafting really well. Making stuff like a bow or wolfskin coat is a serious investment of time and resources, and just getting the materials together for them is an ordeal as well. It makes it super rewarding when you finally finish it.
Even if you're up to your neck in supplies, materials, and tools, the game does a great job of making shit feel scarce: sooner or later you're going to run out of something and you'll have to move to a new location to find more of it, and you can't carry all the other stuff with you if you want to make it to another shelter without passing out and freezing to death.
my nigger
>wide open spaces
>plenty of aircraft
>all vehicles
>comfy towns
>clear blue sky
I love you El Alamein.
BF 1942 still best BF
What, are you playing Easy on slow?
Please post high quality pictures of the Nexus, I have none.
>playing RTS competitively
hello cancer that killed the genre
New Eden is comfy as fuck. EYE has such good atmosphere
>Stalkers! If you're looking for a place to rest, eat, drink, talk...or doing some work, then 100 Rads bar is the place for you
>The world fears the Zone's expansion. Join Duty, and save the innocent!
>Get out of here Stalker
that stretch of land from, and including lumbridge to varrock
underappreciated filename there
This. Every time I setup camp with this mod along the river is always relaxing.
Was Oblivion /comfykino/?
I think it was the alien that kills him.
This guy gets it.
Idk if you're joking about the stress, but alien isolation is honestly the most atmospheric and immersive game I've ever played. The setting, visuals, sound design, and gameplay are top notch.
I guess being a brainlet is pretty comfy
This game in general is so comfy
I unironically found this game both tense and comfy.
how about no
this will always be the comfiest game for me
this along with gold/silver are the most comfy pokemon games
Five Nights at Freddy's
(lol are you trolling?)
Fatar Flame
*bagpipes start playing*
Underrated. So many people focus on the grim/gory aspects of the Alice games, but there are some really beautiful levels too.
Why is Guild Wars 1 so comfy but 2 feels like an autistic anime?
nothing has topped pre-searing for comfy levels since imo
halome . nu/h3
I like tight little spaces like this
Whispering Rock.
It sure gave me feels
Balmora, home.
GW1 has a pretty tame, balanced, and consistent art style that creates prime comfort. It has that low poly but hand crafted graphical feel of the early/mid 2000s. GW2 certainly has it's moments of comfy in some areas but the art style is a lot more over the top and all over the place, so sometimes it looks great and sometimes it just clashes and looks really really bad. The distinct and instantly recognizable aesthetic style of Guild Wars is what makes it feel so nostalgic and comforting.
IronForge circa 2005
Because you can anime.
most disgusting city in all of WoW
alliance faggot
You can't possibly like the trashpiles vanilla Horde cities were.
What the fuck. Didn't Daniel Dociu art direct GW1 too? Why did he hire anime autists like Naomi Baker?
All that shit is stupid cosmetic crap and new face and hairstyles they put in after release. The base game actually still has a decent aesthetic. People are just awful and insist on outfitting their characters with the most obnoxious, sparkly shit imaginable.
>he doesn't like thunder bluff or orgrimmar
kill yourself
is morrowind comfy?
thunder bluff is passable, orgimmar is literally an africa tier mud hut shithole
but its our shithole, you scrawny pigskinned alliance fag
t. huehueBR
I'd say "kill yourself" too but I'm assuming you live (and enjoy living) in a shithole so you'll probably die in a drive-by tomorrow.
yeah and its ugly as shit not to mention completely not comfy, unless you consider using a rock slab for a bed sleeping 10 feet away from a designated shitting street comfy
the comfy meme will never die until reality itself becomes /comfy/
All the in between areas in Metro 2033/Last Light are comfy as fuck just because it's a nice chance to take a breath, if you will.
>running through pitch black tunnels fighting hellish demon shits
>crashing train cars and sneaking by a bunch of violent Nazis
>finally get to a settlement
>can trade ammo/guns, take in the sights, get a lap dance, etc.