How do we save arcades?

How do we save arcades?

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Make Fighting games exclusive for arcades.

get rid of redemption-shit

arcades are gone, accept it. The closest you'll get are ones like your pic related, where it's just stupid ticket earning shit and Pac-Man

Make games a quarter a play again.

Leave arcades to me bby

Wait what the fuck? This is the machine my sister used the most when we went. Can I get a quick rundown?

what for?

They're basically just jumbo phone games.

then nobody goes to arcades. Don't kid yourself getting someone to payi $50 to win a $5 mustache is somehow profitable and enticing don't ask me why

Why do a lot modern arcade game these days have shitty graphics? Like, Christ.
I remember playing the Luigi's Mansion Arcade game and the game was performing around 30-45 fps while the game models looked blocky as fuck.

pretty sure it was based on the 3DS game.


At least 50 of these in every arcade.

They don't need saving in japan, because people respect property over there.
The population density helps, but first we need to cleanse the world of niggers, including white ones, that deface and ruin equipment that is meant for everyone to use.

1. Pull the lever.
2. ?
3. Profit

What saved arcades in Japan is that you can't have huge cinematic experiences in your tiny apartments.
In America one can have crazy sound system and be loud and your neighbors won't mind because not everyone lives in an apartment.
In Japan arcades still provide experiences most can't recreate at home.

literally a slot machine for children

I tried. Niggers & mexicans ruined literally everything. Every week I would have to replace a stick or buttons on the Neo Geo, & nobody ever wanted to pay. Towards the end I imposed a flat price at the door & put everything on freeplay, but by that point so many machines were broken it wasn't worth keeping the place open. arcade games are a side thing at best. You can't really make a store just for arcade games unless you have a shit ton of machines. working on a resale store with a few machines on the side, but it's not something you can focus on 100% unless you're loaded.

>What saved arcades in Japan is that you can't have huge cinematic experiences in your tiny apartments.
Not really. I went to a bunch of Japanese arcades a couple of weeks ago and there aren't many of those types of games.
The first two floors are crane games or casual date games. Next is a rhythm game floor, which is 90% tap games with maybe one or two DDR machines. Then there is an "online game floor", with stuff like Kancolle, Code of Joker, Idols etc. The top floor is either a fighting game floor or a smoking floor with mahjong and horse racing games.

You've got me there, but the new Cruis'n game looks pretty bad for a game in 2017.

Is it to much to ask for developers to push graphics for arcade games like they used to?

Hmmm I would totally dig a really fancy arcade like when you walk in the mentality is like this place is so classy looking i dont want to fuck any machines up

Not really. These games are typically found in movie theaters or other captive holding areas. They don't need to look good, they just need to pull a few bucks out of people while they wait.

Arcade franchises seldom upgrade hardware so they can be updated easily with new HDDs or through online patches. All Bemani games (DDR, IIDX, SDVX, etc.) run on fucking Windows XP for Christ sake.

>horse racing games

Fucking chao garden on steroids I wish sega would rebrand those and bring them to steam the depth was insane.

wtf is arcades

You have 15 seconds to post your favorite arcade cabinet GO

The galloping ghost in chicago is as close to that as you're going to get. I went there though & at last 10% of the machines were about ready to die (they had 500 or so arcade machines but still). The maintenance must be insane at that place. They might technically be outside the Chicago boundary though. that city has some of the most retarded laws I've ever seen, & I wouldn't doubt there's some pinball machine laws on the books keeping people from starting up an arcade that isn't on the outskirts.

Imagine a store filled with giant phones that charges you microtransactions by the minute just to play candy crush. That's an arcade.

I work in an arcade, I had to show one of my coworkers how to reload in House of the dead 2, she's like 20

I hate what happened to arcades

What would you name your badass arcade?

>speed boost

>badass arcade?
Pitchford's Hobby-grade Playcentre.

Tekken 7 was arcade-only for like 5 years, they didnt save shit

Fighting games need to be released FIRST in arcades. And I don't mean just in Japan and Korea. Simultaneous releases in the US. This will force the FGC back into arcades for at least a year. Which will bring back the arcade experience and reform those relationships. Allow arcade weekly tournaments to count toward Pro Tour points. Not as much as majors or big tournaments, mind you. But some. This will keep them there. People will continue to attend for that and to play with friends. This makes arcades matter, again.

Next, the arcades have to do what newer style arcades are doing. Get rid of quarters and put machines on free-play with a buy-in to enter the arcade. Have a sign up sheet next to the machines to keep track of who is on next. This will allow people to play other games and machines while they wait their turn. Bringing activity to other games. This also alleviates crowd build-up around 1 machine.

This will revive arcades.

Is she cute?

You Broke It, You Bought It

In fucking Korea. Kids are told to stay away from arcades in Korea because they are popular hang-outs for gangs. Infiltration did an interview on this.

Honestly I don't know why arcades don't host tournaments anymore. Even a shitty casual mario kart tournament would drive in interest

Her and like 20 other girls, I'm trying real hard not to skirt sexual harassment but damn is she up there.


it was all over japan and SE asia too

Round 1 is pretty much the only arcade chain thats around but they mostly specialize in japanese rhythm games.

I dont count dave and busters because they only have "arcade" games like candy crush, cut the rope and other mobile "arcade" games.

>This will force the FGC back into arcades for at least a year.
There are barely any arcades left you mong

It's here in the US as well, arcades were notorious hangout spots for gangs and "troubled youth"

This. Also if fighting game dev companies also started sponsoring arcades, it would help control the environment and help them survive.

Remove smartphone games, but Im sure those are the reason why they're still alive in the first place
Maybe fighting game tournaments and pre release cabinets


im talking about tekken 7

Can I fish a 130 Whopper Plopper if my rod says it can only handle 1-13/4 oz> Baitcasting and spinning if it matter

I know of 3 that do in NJ. And it is working. It would do even better if they were allowed to allot Pro-tour points. This would also occasionally bring in the big name players of the area which would in-turn drive up more attendance.

I'm not!!!!

Where the FGC is small. 70% of the FGC is US. This isn't news.

Outside of Japan, arcades were killed about 10 years ago.

yes, there are a few dedicated retro game arcades here and there in major cities, and meme barcades that are just emulators inside of a shitty cabinet, and a few machines here and there at movie theaters or pizza places or amusement parks or something, but arcades are dead.

You know what killed them? PC gaming

Thankfully it does live on in Japan. I don't know what it is about their culture that makes them love arcades so much, but god bless them.

in the US?

more barcades

in jp?

more rhythm games

anywhere else?

less crime

Who /round1/ here?

Groove coaster is my shit

>SE asia too
Been to their arcades and there's no gangs there. What you have are a lot of shitty kids.

In the 80s, sure. Not anymore. While I can't speak for everywhere in the US, all 3 arcades that I usually go to in NJ are very clean, now. This is mostly due to them being around busy roads with police patrol. Arcades owners don't allow it anymore.

I wish VR arcades would be a thing in America

>in the US?
>more barcades

I hate those fucking things. It's just one or two machines loaded up with retro ROMs, and then a bunch of Playstation 2s and Gamecubes or whatever.

Fighting games are too niche to save arcades, even in Japan. How many people would be willing to pay $1 - $2 to lose 2 or 3 rounds, and then keep putting money in. The only people who would be left are the most hardcore, which is too small of an audience to keep any arcade alive.
Even in Japan, fighting games are typically a small part of the arcade. You have to go out of your way to find something with more than a few Gundam, Tekken or Nesica.

Yea. Barcades aren't a true arcade experience.

tfw no round 1's in San Joaquin valley or cencal. the nearest thing is dave and busters in fresno and the only worthwhile thing there is ddr A.

the FGC in socal had frequent tournaments at the old Super Arcade location (they hosted WNF there as well) and it still died despite its huge popularity.

though, a new super arcade is still in the works and it actually has a lot of space from the looks of things.

theyre the only marketable thing though. your target audience is in their high 20s and all the games they could play are online for free

turn them into bars

>go to a barcade
>it's actually just regular vidya
There's no arcade culture anymore. No high scores, nobody crowds around a cabinet watching someone really good play, it sucks man.

It died because it was too successful and had recently been renovated. The landlord thought it was a good time to jack up the rent, so they left.


420 friendly arcade, blaze on bros!!

I had an indoor playground near me that had an arcade inside.

Best shit ever.

No one does that in Japanese arcades either.

Obviously not, Japanese people are too autistic to interact with one another unless they're groping girls on the subway.

>Go to a barcade
>Madden, Fifa, a bunch of Single player games
>All the fighters are outdated by like 2 versions
>They bank on their clientelle being nintendobabies and playing mario party and smash for fucking hours even though none of the controllers are properly charged and they can't sync them properly and won't let you switch to a working console unless you cash our with your current server and start a new tab with the bartender leaving you with a PS3 that overheats and a copy of smash 4 nobody wants to play because we can play at home for free because what the fuck

FUCK barcades

The nearly autistic love of trains. If the train system dies in Japan, arcades will follow.

This. Also, the owner had a run in with cancer and wasn't able to control it while taking care of himself medically. Why not learn what happened before talking?

>tfw Dave and Busters is opening closer to where I live, for the first time in my area

no fuck that, I'd rather be at Round 1

Stop making games that attract autists and gang members. That was what killed arcades in the first place.

Make them places that normal people will want to hang out in. That was the whole point of arcades in the Golden Age.

The point of Arcades was that there were expensive games on powerful / gimmicky hardware that gave you an experience you couldn't get at home.
The social aspect could be a plus or a minus, if it was a competitive game then only having the local people to play against could be a minus.
You're not gonna get a revival of Arcades until you get an economic revival; everyone had a shit ton of money in the mid 80s and 90s, that's all done with, the wealthy elite stole it all and it'll never ever be back.

Yes they do, there were all kinds of people crowded around a savant-tier kid playing Chuunithm in July when I was in Japan. It was nuts.

The barcade i typically go to is filled with retrod cabinets.

Japan, China and Korea still have arcades and internet cafes are huge.

It's because of the population density and how it's all a walks distance away. I have to drive 15 minutes to my nearest arcade, fuck that.

That's the best name I ever heard.

>large and diverse collections of authentic machines, historical and contemporary
>keep niggers, spics, and anyone else that would destroy machines or disrupt the atmosphere out
>pay to enter and play as much as you like
>polite and knowledgeable staff

Unfortunately, there is no place in the world where such a business could turn a profit, so unless a very generous patron appears, arcades are dead and gone.

same, bro. i went to one while visiting a friend about an hour away from oakland. it was amazing. the best arcade ive ever been to. meanwhile on the other hand d&b is filled with drunk normies who cant pass 3 footers and wasting my time



My local one has a lot of great pinball machines, a few good old 4 player beat em ups, and a fair number of old classics and more recent classics like Crazy Taxi.
Its awesome and I should really get down there more, but its often really crowded.

While Round1 is filled with hardcore asians playing DDR and Groove Coaster.

Not kidding you, I love it.

Also I've seen people group around each other at the rhythm games section.

And Persona 4 Arena and Ultimax at my Round1 is GOAT

PC gaming is the fucking LITERAL OPPOSITE of arcade gaming! They appeal to 2 completely different crowds and have close to ZERO overlap! You're full of shit!

If anyone in Western Washington needs a hook up on arcades, let me know in this thread and I can give you like, 7 off the top of my head

That's another part of why they died in the US. Distance. Everything is much further apart here. Kids can't exactly drive to the arcade. Only in cities can kids reliably get to arcades. Where I live, when I was a kid, the closest arcade was a 20 minute drive away. I couldn't exactly get there reliably.

Nigger you better go back, the nesica cab at mine updated with Central fiction and what I assume to be million arthur arcana blood

there are no arcades that exist where I live anymore, all of the great arcades of my childhood are long gone. the local pizza arcade, the mini-golf course with an arcade, the mall arcade... all gone.

sometimes I wonder if there's more that I could've done to keep them around. do you think these places would still be around if I had frequented any of them more than once or twice a month?

>How do we save arcades?
You can't.

>You're not gonna get a revival of Arcades until you get an economic revival





I still have no idea how the fuck to register with NESICA

I have my BaNa Passport setup, but not the NESiCA

Even the employees have a QR Code at the machines that say how to register, but my phone is a piece of shit.

tfw you go beast mode on a heavy while all the asians are watching

but months ago obama said america has had the best economy it's ever had :'(

>You know what killed them? PC gaming
You're full of shit. What killed them was the birth of console gaming. Online console gaming was the final nail in the coffin. This is already an undisputed fact.


So...would a resale store that doubles as an arcade work? You could pay everyone in quarters.

I bet real money that those all still work.