Dragon Ball FighterZ


*Characters listed from their initial appearance, of course including later stuff.
*This only takes into account moveset quantity(including transformations and potential support stuff), not moveset uniqueness.
*Moveset source must be manga for DB/DBZ(primarily) and anime for OVA/Specials/Filler/Movies/GT/Super. Games are complementary only.
*Being able to fly(in some way) and fire ki blasts(this doesn't mean having a dedicated ki button) is a requirement until a character that doesn't have either or both gets in.
*Yeah, lots of Super characters have potential, but they must first show more moves.

-Kid Goku(flight with Nimbus)
-Roshi(flight with Gamera)
-King Piccolo
-Base Goku

-Kid Gohan
-Base Vegeta
-Imperfect Cell
-Future Gohan
-Majin Vegeta
-Super Buu
-Ultimate Gohan
-Kid Buu

TV Specials/OVAs:

Anime Filler:

-Lord Slug
-Meta Cooler

-Kid Goku (GT)
-Baby Vegeta
-SS4 Goku
-Super 17
-Nuova Shenron
-Omega Shenron

-Merged Zamasu

Other urls found in this thread:


nobody likes your fucking master list go back to /vg/

nobody likes your fucking master list go back to GameFAQS

nobody likes your fucking master list go back to Neopets

DBZAOTA is the saddest thing I've ever seen in my life

>Majin Vegeta
No more clones plz
>Kid Gohan
>Any Ginyu force member other than Ginyu himself
maybe as assists, if at all
>Imperfect Cell
You'd best be joking nigger
>Any movie Villain other than Broly, Cooler, or Janemba
waste of a slot desu
lemme stop ya right there

Everything else seems reasonable.

They might not be popular but Turles and 13 do actually have movesets.

>Didn't even bother removing Yamcha and Tien, when other posters of this shit have.
Sad and lazy.

Nobody likes your list of all characters in the DB universe that exist and yell out their move names out loud. Go back to deviantart

GT will be in the game.

>potential moveset
>normals: vague description
>can't even post scans of a character because he knows they have no normals to begin with
ZOATA's been btfo'd so many fucking times, he's fucking stupid.

>No grenade-chucking, pressure point pressing, using-stone-pillar-like-Litchi's-Matenbo Tao Pai Pai
It's not fair bros

He's probably just a dumb carefree kid to be fair.

>Literally 18 with a different hairstyle

Whens Bardock?

Post cool shit from the beta

No one actually likes GT and Super is the product Toei is trying to push right now. They wouldn't waste their time on GT, it's not like the BT or Xenoverse games where they can churn out 120 samey characters so it's not a waste of resources

AOTA is cancer here, srk forums, gamefaqs and reddit

at least, that is...

I feel bad about severe autists, shit like this is their only joy in life,..

I'm predicting these msy be the next reveals

>Gotenks (Super Saiyan 3)
>Gohan (Adult)
>Super Vegito
>Super Buu
>Kid Buu
>Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan)
>Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rose)
>Master Roshi

P.S. Your list sucks dick and you should kill yourself for spamming it.

I'm sure Turles has enough to draw from but if people want their fill of Evil Goku, I'm sure Black would be chosen over Turles in a second what with him being more relevant with Super and everything. As for 13, he just seems a bit obscure. He hasn't really had a presence since RB2.

>Literally Goku with a scar

Whens Future Gohan?

>literally Goku without a different hairstyle
When's Roshi?

Is there anywhere we post feedback for the beta.

Young Roshi/Baba/Shen spin-off when?

>Literally old Krillin

Whens Broly?

>literally non-canon Kale

When's Janemba?

>literally reskinned Buu

When's Launch?

No one cares what toei wants only Namco matters and since GT banners make them a lot of money in Dokkan you can bet that we will see GT chars in the game.

friendly reminder that frieza is the best character in the game until tien gets his trailer

>Literally who
When's mighty mask?

>even an Arc-developed DBZ fighter priding itself on anime accuracy is not safe from fanfic character cancer
They always look so fucking out of place. Will we ever get a DBZ without stupid fucking "original" characters added to it ever again?

Is Bamco responsible for shoving this garbage into everything? Why can't we JUST have something faithful to the animu without donut steels in it? Xenoverse should have acted as a quarantine for that shit.

-SSB Goku
-SSB Vegeta
-Young Gohan
-Majin Buu

-Ultimate Gohan
-Kid Buu and/or Super Buu

>Pretty Likely/DLC potential
-Black Rose (with Zamasu?)
-Merged Zamasu

>50/50 Chance [Unique things can be done with them]
-Ginyu Force
-Dabura (with Babidi?)
-Kid Goku
-Master Roshi
-Super 17
-Omega Shenron

>Low Probability [Poor moveset potential or not relevant]
-King Piccolo

>Wild Cards
-Towa & Mira


>Mighty Mask
>literally gotenks-lite

When's Pikkon

>Future Gohan
>Literally Gohan with one arm
When's Nail?

>Literally Piccolo without shoulder pads
When's Gogeta?

>Literally "I can't believe it's not Piccolo"
When's Zarbon?

because having exclusive Z characters fucking suck. That's why.

Also if you dhc during Death Ball super the full animation still plays
Has a lot of potential imo



>Literally a worse Salza
When's Recoome?

She alledgedly was designed by Toriyama himself.

>Literally cuck Vegito
When's Hit?

>Basically autistic 16
When's Supreme Kai?

Literally this.
I still dont understand why some people are so opposed to super/GT/movie stuff.

>Literally "nothin personnel, kid"
When's GT Goku?

Yeah, DHCs in this game work differently from Marvel, in that the character you switch out from completes the super they were doing first. Definitely could mean some cool shit could be coming.

>DragonBall Fighter Z

>Literally pink Cell with a dickhead
When's Omega?

>Supreme Kai
>Literally pink Zamasu
When's Champa?

When's best boy?

>Best boy
>literally a turtle
When's puar?

>GT Goku
>Literally brownwashed white genocide Dragonball Goku
When's Janemba?

Then why does she look like those retarded Towa and Mira characters?

Hello underage. I bet you shit on original DB, too.

Nobody's opposed to Movie stuff, and people are opposed to Super/GT stuff because it's all trash.

DB and DBZ are the only parts of the franchise that are good. People accept that the movies are retarded but at least they retain a consistent sense of style with DB/DBZ.

>Literally fat Beerus
No seriously when's Champa he's fuckin based.

>literally demon buu
When's Cooler?

Because he designed them aswell

You've got to be shitting me. I knew Toriyama was coming up with some questionable shit in Super but if he designed Towa and Mira then I've lost all hope. He clearly doesn't give a fuck anymore and is just in it for the money.

Still a "boy" (male). That said
>literally a catgirl version of Peasuke
When's Dub and Peter 1?

Fuck that shit. LORD BEEBUS 4 LIFE

>Literally Nu-Frieza
When's Mai?

Toriyama hasn't cared about DB for years.

I like the original DB the most, fuck off. It just sucks having only main cast character to play as.

>literally a pedo
When's Garlic Jr?

buu is a demon

rest of the roster, start accepting it

-Ultimate Gohan
-SS3 Gotenks
-SS Vegito

-Kid Buu

>Peter 1
>literally a nobody
When's Bulma?

>throwaway character designed for a non-canon videogame is better than anything in Super

Good work, Toriyama.

It's not like he care or if it's just for money, the problem is that he can't fucking draw correctly even with his artstyle now.

>Broly as DLC
>19 before Black
So close. People have to be more realistic.

>gohanpedros would rather have ultimate than GREAT SAIYAMAN

Say what you want but Bardock's outfit in DBH(no mask) looks so fucking sick. It's the best Saiyan/Frieza armor since Turles.

When's the open beta? I only got to play for like 30min before it shit out and then had work the following sessions.

>Garlic Jr
>literally just Pilaf with a cape
When's Ox King?

Toes might be a shit design, but my dick loves it.

>Ox King
>literally Farmer without the shotgun
When's Tarble?

Its ober.

>Ox King
>literally a fucking cool dad with a cool hat
Yeah, when IS Ox King?

Isn't it in like January?

DBZ has far and beyond plenty of characters for a fighting game roster, we don't need GT and Super contaminating another game. Xenoverse handles that just fine.

you have to be delusional if you think they will pass the chance to sell Broly as DLC

base roster is for unpopular minor Z villains like Nappa and Dabura

I missed all the beta times, and only got to play the trials match with random characters. It was still fun as all hell and it made me more upset I missed the actual beta times
How was the actual multiplayer? It felt like Trunks and maybe Android 16 could easily throw their ultimate(?) out of neutral easily enough, if you really wanted a destructive finish.

Open Beta is January, apparently pre-ordering gets you in earlier.

>better than anything in Super
lmfao stop thinking with your dick she looks retarded.

Fuck you, Peter 1 is rad as hell. You could at least insult it by calling it an Epoch that can't time travel.
Also, fuck your post. When's 18 year old Bulma?

Why do you think they've literally never once sold Broly as DLC before then? It's not roster size, he's just in fucking everything these days. If you want to lock a popular character behind DLC then it'll be Bardock or Black.

>contaminating another game
What do you mean? It's a fighting game. If a GT or Super character has a good moveset then what is the problem?

There's no way you can seriously dislike a design or concept enough to hate the ENTIRETY of a character. SS4 design might not have been great, but Goku's techniques and normals were fine. Hit has a penis head but his abilities are perfect for a fighting game.

I seriously can't see the problem.

I don't want him, he has like 2~3 cool normal moves.
He is just another fucking Goku, more than Bardock, Black or Kid Goku.
But yeah, he will be in the game just because he is "cool".

>18 year old Bulma
>literally a slut
When's pre-Gohan Chichi?

Android 16 Lvl 3 is super easy to land. Just end an aircombo with a dunk, and input the commands for Hell's Flash.
Always works.

>you will never fuck Bulma

I think she was 22 there.

>they've literally never once sold Broly as DLC before then

there's always the 1st time and the story is set during Super so no canon characters won't be in the base roster

>"Haha, you fell into my trap!"

>when SSB Goku/Vegeta use stuff form his own arc

Dude is in the base roster guaranteed.

DBZ games literally do not care about canon ever.

Actually though, I just had a thought. Has young Gohan shown up in any of the story mode scans?

Holy shit what is going on?

>Has young Gohan shown up in any of the story mode scans?
No, and for obvious reason.


Something completely unnecessary but looks really cool.


Movies are canon you cuck, tori says so

>Cell player does full screen Energy Field for no reason
>DHCs into Goku's Kamehameha to try and make it safe
>18 uses her super that teleports her above the opponent for a guaranteed hit
>18 player DHCs in Trunks for more damage
>Cell player DHCs in Vegeta to try and stop Trunks I guess
>18 player DHCs into Cell's Solar Kamehameha, kills Goku and Cell since assists take increased damage and weakens Vegeta