Are you buying any of these games?
Switch early adopters butthurt about the 3DS still getting new games please refrain from posting.
Are you buying any of these games?
Switch early adopters butthurt about the 3DS still getting new games please refrain from posting.
I'll buy Deep Strange Journey and the new Dillion game.
Superstar Saga Remake and Lady Layton. That's it so far.
Alliance Alive for sure, maybe Radiant Historia.
Nigga I don't even have time to try the Etrian Odyssey demo because I'm too busy playing Samus Returns and Monster Hunter Stories.
why would anyone buy fe warriors on 3ds after the travesty hyrule warriors was
>Dillion game
Dillion Harper is my favorite nintendo character
I'll be getting EOV and Alliance Alive for sure.
I'd get DQXI 3DS if it got localized, too.
Why is the Dragon Quest box at an angle?
>Sinking 100+ hours into a genre that's notorious for falling apart in the second half of the game or taking half the game to pick up
I will NEVER understand JRPG fags
I'll get EOV and maybe Radiant Historia since I never played the DS version. DQ11 maybe as well just to see how it differs from the PS4 version.
After playing enough of them and learning your own tastes it becomes pretty simple to sort the shit from the good stuff.
A game that lasts 100+ hours but falls apart at the halfway point still offered 50+ hours of genuine entertainment which is way more than most other game genre can boast to offer.
DQ XI and FEW are also on the Switch.
Why would you even buy FEW on the 3DS.
>EO shit
cool games otherwise
Muscle memory is hard to break.
Is Legend of Legacy any good?
More like
>JRPGs typically have a plot focus
>Plot falls apart in the second half
>Get none of the payout for 50 hours of work
Not to mention that realistically a very large amount of those 50+ hours aren't going to be very good ones.
No worries user. Had a good chuckle when I noticed it.
Someone spam threads for Alliance Alive when it comes out, I'll definitely forget otherwise.
Fatlus almost single handedly keeping the 3DS alive is what this image is telling me.
>radiant historia
>strange journey
Already playable on 3ds, old art in both versions look better
Another remaster. One of a great game but it's disappointing.
Ps4 and possible Switch version will be better.
>Fire Emblem Warriors
Basing expectations on the Zelda Warriors 3ds port I don't think this port will be good.
For me I feel like SMTIV:A was the last truly worthwhile rpg we were getting. I plan to buy SJR since SJ is my favorite SMT but still, this roster looks overall disappointing.
I need more stuff like Stella Glow
Hey guys, should I play EO1&2 before playing 4?
RH and SJ are getting new story arcs, for what it's worth. I agree about the art part though, especially the party view in battle for SJR where it's the giant box showing the full character.
Not only will this never happen, we will also never get the full song CD ever released to us. Life is suffering.
you can but there's not really any continuity between them and IV is a better starting point for beginners
>strange journey redux
why have I never heard of this and when can I get it in english
4 is probably the best place to start with it
they're not really connected so you can start with any of them if you want though
If you want to do EO1&2 you can do EOU 1&2 at this point. Classic mode is the same original story, just with some tweaks and improvements they learned from future games implemented.
But I want it to be Popo's turn every turn
Okay, thanks.
EOU2 classic is pretty different from the original EO2, though.
>actual game
>actual game
>inferior version of a ps4 game
>shitty port of a musou
>actual game
Decent but not really on fire. Better than vita I guess but that's not really an accomplishment
None of this even looks remotely good.
Like literally, the artstyles in play both conceptually and ingame are fuck ugly holy shit.
>inb4 dude fuck graphics LMAO
Well let me know when the 3DS gets a game with actual decent gameplay, let alone an RPG.
March 18th 2018 is the current date. Given that it's overlapping with RH:PC though, I imagine one of the two of them will get a release date change when we get closer to then.
>not playing first and foremost for the gameplay
if you ain't breakin that battlesystem, then ur a fag
Supposedly with RH you will be able to use old art for portraits but still so that's nice. I just don't get why RH and SJ were remade when they're not even ten years old.
Updated version of SJ. People are pretty mixed on the game. The new content looks lackluster so far, a new character that looks like waifu bait was added, and the new art is inferior to the original. As I said, I plan to buy just because but I'm not sure I can say it will definitely be the superior version. It comes out in Japan next month but for the US I imganine some time in spring 2018.
Here's the Japanese box art, probably the international versions as well.
The thing is these games being remade are great games, just not games that really needed remakes. I guess SSS makes more sense then RH or SJ but still.
If I'm playing a game for gameplay the literal last thing I'm playing is a fucking JRPG my guy
>thinks all JRPGs are slow & turn-based
this is why no one cares about your hot opinion
I'm hyped for Etrian V, MD2, DQXI, and Alliance Alive.
The Radiant Historia and Strage Journey remakes can fuck right off for completely ruining the original artstyles, Fire Emblem is dog shit, and I never got into the Mario and Luigi games.
3DS has some of the best RPG gameplay of all time, like Etrian Odyssey IV and now V.
I think SMT IV:Apocalypse is the best JRPG there is gameplaywise and it's only on 3DS too
>these games
Maybe Alliance Alive and DQ XI. D E E P S T R A N G E J O U R N E Y if SJ doesn't burn me out.
Otherwise, my money is going towards Switch and Wii U shit.
Already have EOV preordered, planning on getting Radiant Historia and I might pick up Mario and Lugi and Alliance Alive if I have the time
As a huge jrpg fan gameplay is always the most important thing for me, it's where you spend the most time in the game. Not every jrpg is anime trope ridden group of teenagers fight god with 20 minute long special attack animations.
SSS makes the least sense. SJ might actually have changes to the plot and/or gameplay. Might.
SSS is a fun adventure, but you forget it as soon as you're done with it, and now it has an added bonus of looking uglier.
>still playing first-person dungeon crawlers
>in 2017
Why don't you play a better game? Fallout 4 perhaps?
But Todd, how can I play FO4 If I don't own it?
If a JRPG doesn't have that cut and dry turn based battle system going it 99.99% of the time is called something besides "JPRG" like SRPG, ARPG, etc
yokai wath 3 ammurika edition when?
Nearly all of those are shittier versions or ports of existing games
The 3DS is dead
There hasn't been a better time to be a DRPG fan since 1985.
>Mfw just upgraded to an N3DSXL today and am prepping to hack it with b9s
I must just pick shit JRPGs then. What are some good ones I can play on 3DS? I have a Vita too but I feel like most of the JRPGs are gonna fall into the anime trope ridden group of teens category
download the demo for etrian odyssey 4
SJ actually does have some gameplay changes and they kind of piss me off.
The game will have a easy/normal/hard mode selection. Initially I thought this was a great idea as a hard mode gives veteran players more incentive to play. You would think that the normal mode was just the base difficulty of vanilla SJ but fucking hard is base SJ. Basically both easy AND normal are easier then the original game and if you want the old difficulty you have to play hard. Easy and normal will have new apps that lower the challenge, one example is a sub app that tells you where a teleporter leads you for example.
Overall I'm not huge in the changes as they feel only made for newer players with nothing really for people who already played the game.
>unironically using bullshit9
Press any button to get sold out kohun.
I thought boot9strap was the new hotness.
Well what exactly do you like user? Could help with recommendations.
Nothing on 3ds comes to mind that is absolutely amzing but ds has some excellent jrpgs. One game I absolutely love is dark spire. The game is basically like a old late 70's/early 80's crpg. The game is in first person and has you never see your party, has a art style inspires by western comic book art, brutal difficulty and dungeons, and a cheecky sense of humor. I highly suggest it but it can be pretty brutal for newcomers.
Here's some screenshots of the actual game. I absolutely love the art personally.
whats the version you need for cfw on the n3ds
also they need a new handheld when you get stupid acronyms like gbasp its time for a change
I believe for n3ds any firmware is fine. It's only on o3ds where newer firmwares will make it not possible.
Wow that art is seriously fucking awesome
As far as JRPGs go I really enjoy SMTs combat system I just never stick around to finish an entire game for some reason. I always liked the capturing monsters aspect of Pokemon but the combat is admittedly pretty ass and simple, 2 and 4 were my favorite gens because of the exploration though.
Xenoblade Chronicles X I also attempted (and intend to try again) but the game defies my attempts to get a handle on the mechanics. There's just so fucking much in that game its hard to wrap your mind around all the little pieces.
Tried Final Fantasy 4 Heroes of Light and Final Fantasy X. Didn't care much for either of them
Tried a lot of 3DS RPGs demos from Etrian and Bravely Default to Monster Hunter Stories and nothing really ever jumped out at me enough to buy
Oh and also Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, god I hated that.
I've got a PC that can emulate pretty much anything but I haven't tried the new PS3 emulator yet so I can't say for sure on that one. A WiiU, a 3DS, and a Vita, oh an 360 (I remember microsoft bought some JRPGs up at the start of the 7th gen that might still exclusive so I figured it might be worth mentioning since I can't emulate that one). As far as systems I have access to.
anyone hoping for another 100$ n3ds deal
Is warriors gonna be worth getting on the 3ds? I ain't even buying a switch
friendly reminder to EOPs that Alliance Alive is really good and everyone should play it
The Dark Spire is a dungeon crawler so if you played things like Strange Journey or the early SMT games you should know how it works. Atlus actually even was th ones reponsible for bringing it to the west. Sadly actually copies are pretty rare due to bad sales but that shouldn't matter if you emulate. Also it has a great soundtrack.
For something more simple and easy I would suggest Chrono Trigger. It's the "essential" jrpg really. It is trope heavy but it more embraces it and has more fun with them. The combat is simple and the game has a total play time of only about 20 hours so it shouldn't take long.
For monster collecting there are the Dragon Quest Monsters games but based on your comment I imagine you may not really like them.
For something less typical maybe try the Metal Max series. They're much different from many jrpgs in terms of approach and tone. The games are set in a comical version of a post apocalyptic wasteland, think Mad Max but as a comedy. You're character is a simple boy who decides to become a bounty hunter. No saving the world, no fighting god, no collecting crytals, just go into a bar, see what weird monster needs to be murdered, and go on your way. The games give you tanks, these will be often how you travel and battle enemies, that you can customize in various ways to fit your play style. It's a great series that I think someone more used to crpgs might enjoy. I suggest Metal Max Returns on the snes if you're interested.
It's not on freeshop though?
>3DS has some of the best RPG gameplay of all time
Metal Max sounds amazing, Chrono Trigger sounds like something I need to get a better feel for the genre as well. Will add The Dark Spire to my list as well but probably after I have a bit of traction playing JRPGs as I haven't played the dungeon crawler SMTs actually
I appreciate it user
>pripara on Sup Forums
fine taste user
Metal Max is a really great series that doesn't get the praise it deserves. Sadly despite having quite a few games in the series only two are in English, one of those being a fan translation.
Metal Max Returns in a remake of the first game, Metal Max, that was originally released on the famicom. Here's a little gameplay video just to show you a basic look at the game. This quite early in the game.
Hope you enjoy user.
Anyone know if Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2 has a better story than the first? The gameplay was fine but there was no reason to go through the dungeons because the story was shit. inb4
>playing EO for the story
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon pulled it off.
>The new weapons show up on the tank
Im sold holy shit
I refuse to buy a 2DS until FFTA3 comes out and since that is never happening for whatever fucking retarded reason who cares about these shitty RPG's
I'll probably pick up Strange Journey and the Mario and Luigi remake. DQXI I will pick up on PS4. As far as stuff not on the list, I am currently on the fence about Ultra Sun/Moon, and I just picked up the Return of Samus remake.
I am actually surprised Nintendo managed to have a rather decent line-up for the 3DS this year, although I imagine a lot of their stuff has already been in the works for several years now.
Enjoy. I admit some of the criminals can be a real bitch to find so I wouldn't feel bad using a walkthrough.
Also get ready for one of the best boss themes.
Probably gonna get the Superstar Saga remake, nothing else looks that great.
>Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2
Does anybody know if you can play the new Radiant Historia but with the old art and no voices?
I am on the fence on that one
Valkyrie profile would like a word.
FE warriors isn't exclusive. But more importantly:
every atlus rpg I've played lets you turn off voice acting but I'm not sure if the portraits thing is just a rumor or if it's confirmed
I believe they have said there will be free dlc that let's you switch to the old art. As for voices they haven't said anything but I'm sure there is a option to turn them off. I'm pretty upset about the new art as well. I don't mind new art but holy fuck does it just look so lifeless and dull.
Thanks for the response. I guess that is ok.
Thanks. I really hope that DLC thing is true.
>playing the remake instead of just playing the original on his 3DS
>believing the /hbg/ memes instead of just having a good time
It's true but I just looked it up and apparently they're actually charging money for the old portraits. It's fucking bullshit it isn't just a in game feature but I guess it's something. Do note that there is some new characters in the game and they will keep the new art portraits.
Here is a list of all the dlc, they actually released info on all of it.