Trying to find gameplay footage

>trying to find gameplay footage
>"Hey whats up guys?"

Other urls found in this thread:

yeah, I dont like those assholes either.

>what are your crosshair settings?

>atmospheric horror game
>trying to find walkthrough with awesome in-game sound
>find 20 videos of some faggots talking over the actual game

fuck you faggots

>search for "x gameplay, no dialogue"
>"Hey YouTube itschabooooooi!"

How do expect to get views if you aren't unique? Dumbasses

thats why i always watch world of longplays

>guy uploads the entire game
>has several parts
>it's no commentary but each video has a 15 sec intro

>How do expect to get views if you aren't unique?
>everybody doing the same thing is unique

>"Hey guys, what's up?"

>X Official Trailer...REACTION

>Greenscreen facecam

>Video starts
>"So an elephant walks into a bar-"

>person vocalizes at all

>Official reaction to video game trailer.

thank god e-celebs are going to die now that pewds fucked them all over

>literally just pauses at random points and says what's already being shown on the screen

so is he /ourguy/now cuz that based af

>Implying another one won't rise up to replace him


>video starts
>009 soundsystem starts playing
>words start appearing on a windows xp notepad


>Trying to find game clip
>"Hey guys, what's up!"
>I'm the only one watching the video, feel second hand embarrassment for him

Firewatch developers ended up taking down his Firewatch gameplay since he said nigga. As a result monitization is getting pulled on a lot of his shit because other developers were too pussy before to stop giving free money to worthless internet trash.

>check profile
>been active for 5 years with less than 3k views

>can hear the guy typing and breathing into mic
>Types super slow, correcting every word multiple times

hey gamers

He's his /own guy/, all we can do is keep tabs on how far the madman goes. Personally, I won't give him views until he bankrolls SD and becomes Jimmi's right hand.

>Way too long intro with shitty wubstep starts playing

>is doing a guide for Victoria 2

It's kinda poetic, the ground zero of this cancer ended up being the chemotherapy that cured it.

>Heyverybodyyy, welcome back to...

He's a decent person but a horrible entertainer.

>video is 2 years old
>has 32 views

>trying to find gameplay video
>bulldyke starts grooming children

>watch obscure game that someone has happen to stream on twitch
>i'm the only viewer
>streamer says ''Yo, why aren't you talking - you might as well leave if you ain't gonna chat''

>watch gameplay footage
Reccomended Videos:
Nier Automata Walkthrough Part 12: A2 Kills 2B
Persona 4 Gameplay Part 142: Adachi Bossfight

>watch the video from AVGN about Megaman
>he makes a ton of criticisms and points out problems with Megaman Legends
>I can't argue against any of them, and he makes too many valid points.

Truly the worst feeling, when someone rages on a game you like, but they make too much sense and you can't help but agree with them.

>biggest e-celeb of all time
>bad entertainer

There's a difference between appealing to plebs and being bad at your job. He's arguably the best entertainer in the world right now. His fanbase being cancer is a calculated business decision. The only reason he's publicly taken a stand against SJWs is because his fanbase is growing up and is at the age where they involve themselves in politics to seem deep and because they want to feel 'special' by going against the institutions/publications that insult /their Pewds/

Fucker's a genius.

Some one should make a yourube called SILENT GAMEPLAYS
is just the video of the game with the guy face playing then on the top right, realy small
his expression NEVER CHANGES. he seens bored all the time.

He did fail to mention it is a pre-OoT game though. But AVGN is a character and since James has even said he likes Castlevania 2, I'm sure James has no issue with MML.

>search query + no commentary

problem solved.

>Check the Youtube Wiki
>Guy fucking killed himself years ago

>video is about the struggle of north koreans
>3/4 of the video is close ups of a white guy talking about himself

why do white people do this?

>hey i have x problem
>rest of the page is people saying "sameproblem" or describing a brand new issue alltogether

He probably does have no issue with it, but still, playing through the game, you tend to notice the flaws more. Like all the tutorials.

You need to go back namefaggot

works for me :)


pm'd you the fix

What do Sup Forums think of theradbrad? Hes okay imo

>try to find gameplay footage

>guy has a channel dedicated on a game series
>makes videos explaining the lore and cool trivia behind them
>you can see how much he loves playing and talking about the games
>small fanbase, about 300 subscribers
>makes a stream once, pretty fun and comfy
>suddenly finish playing one of the games
>no more uploads
>dissappears for almost a year
>comes back, posts a video explaining everything
>lost gf, job and got depressed
>suddenly that video is also gone
>no more uploads

>Tell me what you think in the comments below

>watch a video called "MY LIFE in North Korea vs. South Korea"
>gets mad when it's about personal shit

>go into stream
>You're the only viewer
>Streamer starts trying to have a conversation with you
>Immediately leave

>whore gets donation from some rich virgin


>want to watch a video to just see the game's story
>some faggot is dubbing over everything all the characters say like it's a children's book

>not just liking it because it gives you enjoyment rather than its perceived quality by some fictional character

>human tries to socially interacct with me

>stop necroing

This is the new cancer. faggots acting like forums are suppose to be anonymous chan sites where discussions magically delete themselves and so you have to pretend old posts dont exist. of course, if you make a new post about an old topic the same smug 10,000 post faggot will say 'lolo use the search/read the sticky/suck the cock

Thanks for the spoilers, asshole.

>"...and make sure to SMASH that Like button!"

>cheap Trump joke

I sometimes want to make a YouTube video where it has a long ass intro and then the video ends.


>[game] walkthrough no commentary

>guy makes in detail analysis of games and sometimes even movies
>about an hour long each, with quite an eloquent vocabulary and explains his points thoroughly
>"ok guys, I'm gonna try and make this youtube thing my job"
>renames channel
>starts posting 10 hour long play sessions of rpgs nobody gives a shit about
>been like that for almost 2 years now

rip Archengeia

>want to watch a cutscene from a game
>guy named something like "[adjective]Productions[/spoiler]
>intro with shitty music, an even shittier montage of games the always classic disclaimer "no copyright intended"
>video is just the cutscene and nothing else

>remember to like and subscribe

>video of high-pitched gamers who can barely figure out simple controls
>they start talking about politics

just search "[game] longplay". Nobody ever talks during longplays.

>"alright guys, let's see if we can get 30 likes on this one"

is that a real girl or a character from a japanese video game.

Who is the Gregor of longplayers?

>cover of the game
>revealing woman
>uploaders face making a retarded face

bideo game, you can see the polygons on her shirt collar

THERE MUST ALWAYS BE A POP CULTURE KING. By randomly selecting people to be 'heroes' or celebrities, the elite trick normies into thinking that some day they too can be stars. When this person gets too popular, the elite then tear that person down to make him or her into a villian so that they cant use their fame to undermine the elite's agenda. THERE WILL ALWAYS BE A PEWDEPIE, the only question is... will the next one be OURGUY?

>play modded Minecraft
>find new or old mod
>only official documentation is a forum post with dead photobucket links
>find mod overview
>shitty graphics intro with dubstep music
>prepubescent voice
>long rambling greeting
>constant jumping and crouching
>barely gets into mechanics at all
>find another mod overview
>its in russian

Fuck you.
Now i have to watch all of his videos again.

>video of guy playing a game for the first time
>he figures out the mechanics quickly and plays the game decently enough

>video of guy playing a game for the first time
>takes him over 7 minutes to figure out the mechanics and doesn't edit out the stupid mistakes he made

>good Trump joke

>its called entertainment, who cares about how well he plays

>obnoxious gamer with screechy voice and an barely-understandable Australian accent
>has over 3 million subscribers
Why the fuck is this so common!?

>doesn't edit the footage because it takes away from "muh authenticity" and it's apparently entertaining to watch someone take 15 minutes to figure something out
Game Grumps.

That made me smile

I watch this video every year

What fun are gaming channels? I can understand watching a playthrough with no commentary, but what retard needs commentary?

The closest thing to a "Let's play" I liked was Conan.

>Thumbnail/preview is a relatively normal looking part of the game
>Its actually a video of someone recording their tv
Its 2017, how does this keep happening?

>>takes him over 7 minutes to figure out the mechanics and doesn't edit out the stupid mistakes he made

So skip to 15 seconds. Its a minor incomveniemce at worst.

Why is his teeth yellow?

Mouth guard

>says he finished Fallout 3 several times
>his aim is fucking atrocious
>somehow he doesn't know how to use V.A.T.S. for the first 5 episodes until people start calling him retard
>8 million views

lol i thought pbat. minus the movie part.

literally who

>start video
>let the bodies LET THE BODIES
>notepad.exe opens
>slow typing: heyy gusy[backspace]guys it's xy agin[backspace]again, if you liek[backspace]like my videos please susbr[backspace]subscribe

Wow, that's almost as bad as these shitty greentext cliche threads. When will you underage faggots take notice of this irony?

videogames were a mistake

t. underage youtuber

>video starts up
>no commentary/intros/anything just straight gameplay