Last Divinity thread reached limit, here's another

Game is real gud. Genuine question, is 75k concurrent players considered financially successful for them? Idk the scope of some games, I remember the tomb raider that sold like 2 mill and square said it was a massive failure.

Other urls found in this thread:

You are comparing sales expectations of a triple A developed game with an advertising budget higher then Divinity's entire budge to a kickstartered game.

Div 2 just like Div 1 is a massive success financially and in quality.

Seeing as the game was in early access for nearly a year prior to now. I would say yes.

I'm not comparing them, I swear 90% of this board is illiterate. I'm using it as an example, I don't know where the bar is for this game, nor its scope/scale. Anyway, other divinity discussion: Can you reroll party members at the mirror as well or just yourself? I'd like to keep their equipment and just tool them to be a bit better and keep them but if I gotta use mercs/other people I guess I can.

>sold 300k copies
>45k are backers
games a bust user
wake me up when it hits a million sold

Awesome, I'm glad! I loved the first one and love the writing/humor in both. And the combat so, so good. I'm interested to see what they have in store next

>gay skeleton sex

1 took around 4m eurobucks, not sure what their final sales figures were but they broke even quickly and easily. I'm expecting it's the same or better for this game.
As for respec, you can.

Should I wait until all my friends come online to start playing or should I just press on ahead in my single player save like an autist

Can I be a lizard slut?

I never got around to playing OS1 should I go back and do that before playing this or is the overall plot not relevant?

Is it possible to complete the game with only your main character? No NPC companions.

Pick "Lone Wolf" Talent

Takes place WAY after 1, I'd say it's not relevant and so far an improvement in every way. The tutorial areas are a bit long but eh.

So my companions cannot, just me?

>all companions in os1 were boring af
>all companions in os2 (except sebille) are interesting and likable
That being said, I wish I could make a full skeleton party.

You can do it to all of your party members.

You can.
>start as fane/skelly
>recruit fane if you're not him
>hire two skellies when you get to the ship

Me and my brothers are playing 3 man tactician. It took a few tries to get a party setup working but it's great now.

So what's the consensus on damage type split between the group. Is it better to have a party that evenly splits between physical and magical damage, or should you focus on one so that you can shred through enemy defenses faster?

>get separated in that underground maze of death with those void burrowers

Describe The Red Prince's cock

>tfw grew up with 2 older normie sisters and never had a brother


If get over 100% resistance to an element, does it heal you?

And here I was taking my time around Fort Joy when I should have been rushing ahead. Thanks frend.

Yes, 110% heals by 10% and so on

So for those who've played both, is OS 1 or 2 better? Never beat one but got fairly far into it and wouldn't mind finally beating it, but at the same time 2 is looking pretty good.

I must know before I buy... is there lesbian sex? I rp'd my last Divinity OS protags as raging lesbians and intend to do the same here, but unsure since there seems to be a greater emphasis on premade characters.

/u/ is my home board, sorry.

2 is way better in every aspect
Everyone is player sexual

Fuck if I know, but stacking physical is working better for me. Enemies don't have enough elemental weakness to bother breaking the armor.

Can you get over 110%? I was thinking that perhaps demon, sophisticated, leader elemental bonuses and the right gear could get me there

Up to 200% I believe


If you need to make threads about the same subject over and over, you might want to just go on /vg/

On tactician I found that stacking physical is better. I gave my wizard a bow because with wands he often just sat there and diddled with himself.

Can you screw yourself over by killing everyone? I love playing an edgelord.

Demons says it raises the maximum fire resistance is raised by 10, so I thought the was a cap. I'm going to try.

Is there a way to make your whole party go in/out of stealth mode?





>completely clean and empty bedroom
thot that films porn constantly detected

Do others quests and come back later.

kill yourself, neo Sup Forums. how about that?

>kid says we can get on his boat to leave fort joy
>tell him brb, go to clear out the rest of the fort
>come back, kid and boat are gone

So they can pay attention to stuff like that but they can't design a hard mode without egregious stat inflation?

Sebille is decent once you realise she just wants to be a tender waifu, but has too much allegorical rape baggage to be the pure and innocent girl she dreams of being.

At what levels do you get civil abilitiy points?

>friend has played about an hour ahead of me
>warns me that that cave is death and that I will die 100%
>go in anyway
>kill all frogs first try

I mean I used all my rez scrolls but it was worth it

The frogs in the Fort Joy elf hideout?
Bumrush the electrofrog, cast rain so the others can't immolate themselves with poison.

Is Divinity 2 just another Diablo clone?

How are mods coming along?
Also, did anyone try the GM mode? How is it?

Jahan was great you cunt

very different game

much better than diablo 3, almost as good as diablo 2

Divinity 2 is neither a Diablo clone nor is it the game that the thread is about. The thread is about Original Sin 2. Divinity 2 is a solo action RPG.

>75k concurrent players
Steam stats I assume? The game is on GoG too so actual numbers are higher

Have your skeleton run into the middle, and have your other party members go up the ramp to the nearest frog before the encounter starts. Ignore the mucus blob, since he will die when the summoner does. Also don't stack so close together.


Or Multiplayer RPG.

That's actually stellar for random Inidie game on Steam that's not built around multiplayer.


Whereever I am, I must also shorthand

You can play Divinity Origin 2 with up to 4 persons online. Everybody taking the role of a character. You can even disagree with each other on dialogue and the then fight to see who get to speak.

It's built around co-op

is there even any spellbooks for warfare/necro?

Yes, the there are talents called Lone Wolf and One Man Army in the game just for that purpose

ahh so that's why it's popular. co op shit. every underage retard and his faggot friends. well, kiss the series goodbye then. onward to casual bullshit

>Divinity Origin 2
Divinity 2 and Divinity: Original Sin 2 are completely different games, dude. Divinity 2 is a single player game. The Original Sin series is optionally multiplayer.

How the fuck do you handle these fag crossbow magisters who teleport and haste themselves and get 6 shots in before I even get another turn?

Why in the shit is the Red Prince the one who gets the "Summon Cat Familiar" spell? I can't manage to give it to anyone else.
Did this happen to you guys, too?

>the have identicle twin brother who likes all the same shit i do

Never alone bb

Somehow it ended up that hes a virgin and im not though

It's the only viable tabletop/DnD RPG game/maker on the market since Neverwinter Nights. The fact that it's so difficult is also a major draw. People love being challenged.

How do you retards unironically have trouble with frogs
Are you trying to solo it level 1 without lone wolf or some shit?

Did you miss the last game or something?

>is there lesbian sex

Lesbian romance yes but i dont know if the game goes Dragon Age on you

The Dark Souls of Diablo games


Not sure but when you meet the cat, he mentions that in his home land, a black cat was a sign of good fortune.

Idk it seems like every level or 2

How is this anything like diablo? lol

Goddamn I miss me some Neverwinter Nights. I love this but it's a way different vibe. Neverwinter felt oppressive and brutal at every turn, this is a lot more quirky and subverses expectations a lot (which I like, just two opposite ends of the spectrum).

That must be it. Thanks, user.

It's nothing at all like Diablo.

If this image means anything at all to you, then you'll immediately understand both how the game plays and just how difficult it is.

Is anyone working on a camera mod? I'd just like to tilt it a bit more.

Pretty sure I've only gotten one and I'm level 5

The game gives you party members

Other players can play as these party members if desired

That in no way makes the game "built around co op"

Shit the game offers talents you can spec into specifically for soloing the game (Lone Wolf, One Man Army)

Can we all agree that

Beast > Red Prince > Fane > Ifan > Sebille > Lohse

It's very much built around co-op. If you start a multiplayer game you straight up make as many characters as you have players at the beginning of the game instead of recruiting them

>lone wolf
You can still have one companion with you and get the benefits

Co-op is totally optional. The game is "built around" the stories of the main characters.

is there a way you can see your companions attitude towards you?

Anyone with enough IQ to solve this? I'm completely stuck. If it's incorrect the stream will stop at the incorrect pipe yet the blessed water stream stops at a point where it would fuck over the blood stream. and no they can't take the same path. and they all have to be correct at the same time.


Are you serious? Something they specifically patched out of OS1 for balance got put in OS2?

right click > examine

So Delorus got set on fire and burned to death while I was trying to save him. Is he worth restarting for? I assume there's more ways out of this place, and I'm only here to find some souljar anyway.

Why do other PCs die before Act 2?



Is that a rotating pipe maze? Those things are for kindergarteners, dude.

It's capped at 110% I just tried. Not work the trouble if i had to say.

It's built around co-op but solo play works just as well since all the combat is turn based and you usually want to run around as a group anyways. They even have a co-op only thing with the arena on the first island where you can fight your own party members. Can't do it solo

So you're locked into your current party. All of Act 1 is just an opportunity to trial run all the characters.

Malady didn't have the power to save everyone. She was stretched thin just saving the ones she did.

exactly, which is why it should be easy but it doesn't follow its own rules.

he doesn't leave if you tell him to wait, pay closer attention to the text

Do I need to complete the ritual a third time once I unlock my third source slot?
My game seems bugged as fuck. I'm doing the ritual and going into the little world but it has 2 void creatures there and one of them takes literally 1 damage from everything despite not having any sort of buff or anything.
