Which group of the girls do you prefer Sup Forums?
Which group of the girls do you prefer Sup Forums?
right all look like the same character with different hair so left
Zoey, Laura, and Honkers
all on my face
Finally a challenging comparison that isn't entirely skewed or biased to either case of the debate.
It's just a shame the left side is basically cherry picked.
Why did you choose obscure as fuck characters for the eastern examples?
>two characters from the same game
Right is basically the same girl but consistently somewhat attractive while left is diverse but ugly as sin
nice bait weeb
How can weebs even compete?
Hint: they can't
hey dick ass you still didn't fix heather being in western
they quite literally all look the same, doesn't matter, weebs BTFO
>thank god this image isn't biased
>too bad its biased though
This is more fair to the west than to the east, but even so, the east looks better.
Reality is that the west has become obsessed with creating "real women" while the east continues pumping out hot as fuck stereotypical waifu and sex objects. Nothing wrong with that.
Personally I wish the west would rein in some of the SJW design principles and the "heh, lets make so many women fucking ugly and 'realistic'", and keep things pleasant for the eyes.
The east could use with a little bit of realism and a slight drop in the anime-y-ness, but is still preferable as when I spend dozens of hours staring at virtual face, tits, and ass, in any context, I would prefer them to be 9/10+ fuck material.
Heather Mason's designed by Westerners?
>having to pad the left side with Heather and Polish games
Man I never realized how bland and samey eastern waifu design is
Heather is from a eastern developer and game though?
>I would prefer them to be 9/10+ fuck material.
they don't even look human
they don't even look alive
>designs based on actual women
>male fantasies of what women should look like
I'll take the non-sexist side, thanks.
Western inspired by Eastern
>male fantasies of what women should look like
Speak for yourself
I like you
It's cherrypicked like how the Western side isn't showing any ugly AAA game designs
>male fantasies of what women should look like
Said no one ever, they were never meant to be taken as such a way, they're just characters.
But then again you probably know that given that you are baiting.
I prefer the ones on the right, but in this picture they're all portraying the same emotion which is jarring.
The left has some great girls and I really appreciate the different emotions being portrayed, but having played the majority of games in the image, I'd definitely prefer the right side.
So you're gay?
no, female
>a comparison that isn't stupidly biased
You are a charming, beautiful man. You are beautiful, sexy, and charming. Thank you.
>isn't stupidly biased
>picks some of the more obscure and timid eastern girls
Yeah, no
top right is from dead or alive, a series that literally sells off of its fanservice
why are there no colored women? this is blasphemy!
See? I can do it too OP
>left; carefully selected best looking women out of all the western games including one japanese game and a fanart
>right; randomly collected moeblobs
That's called a cherrypicking OP.
I prefer cute anime girls
Fanservice is not at all telling women what they should look like, that's a very skewed way of looking at it.
>including heather in western
Why are white men so picky?
Same with black women.
They're perfect for each other
That's female sender though
You're not even posting the good western ones, OP
You should probably kill yourself
>No Capcom fighting game girls
>Cate Archer front and center
Well done.
You say that, but look at this post: Men who buy Dead or Alive want to be attracted to the women in it. They're not saying "every women should look like this" but they are saying "women that are attractive to me look like this" and therefore "attractive women should look like this." Otherwise, why bother buying a fanservice game if you aren't attracted to the girls?
half of the girls on the eastern side look asian.
aren't asians colored race?
Cummy goes against the shitpost faggot OP made
>Everyone loves Pacific Island women
>Except Indians
What a bunch of cucks.
I barely recognize any of the characters on the right side except for one DOA character, someone break it down? who's on the bottom right?
you're retarded. the right side looks shit.
This group
Elika a top cute.
Xana will be my eternal favourite, though.
Flat chest is worst chest.
>someone finally posts the fair comparison
That being said, mediocre in eastern games tends to still be serviceable. Western games have a real "all or nothing" approach to designing women.
C'mon boy.
>Elika a top cute.
Sequel to PoP 2008 when?
Right side
Big eyes > anything
Here OP
With good on both sides
What absolute shit taste
flat and budding are best, anything else is disgusting
Does the bottom right woman have a dick?
I want to marry Heather
TracerxMax SFM when?
Rem is CUTE
So you're gay.
>tits are disgusting
Flat is fine on traps and men. I want my women to have breasts.
>Sequel to PoP 2008 when?
Announced next year, r-right? ;_;
I like both
west girls best girls
I don't know if there's a way the West can win with my waifu Millia in the mix
Well then I'm sorry to tell you you're gay.
Glory is cute! Cute!
>liking breasts makes me gay
I have no response. I figured it'd be my jacking it to traps that made me gay. But apparently it was the women.
Who'd of thought?
Eliminate one until only the best is left
Son are you just playing dumb or what
>Including Jack
Well shit nigger. Might as well cross them all out now because of the immense shit taste.
Funny how the girls on the right are the same "ideal" face with different hairstyles. Funny how the girls in the left are less "ideal" but still way above average. Funny how neets and neckbeards are in this thread debating the beauty of fantasy characters. Have you guys ever looked at girls in real life?
Funny how one of the girls on the left is made in japan.
Lara, Heather and Tracer are eastern designed. Pretty sure Chloe is by the based french along with SE and French designed girls always look good.
>Have you guys ever looked at girls in real lif
Yes. The prominence of landwhales and the general race to the bottom in destroying any semblance of standards makes them overwhelmingly disgusting as fuck.
Only a little. Just trying to stir shit with loli lovers.
I did like Lana
Come on man
>two wicther character
>the bitch fro lis
>literal whos on the bottom
>literal whos on the entire right side
I can list a bunch of Eastern characters better than most of this trash, like Heather, Haruka, Claire Redfield, The Boss, Meryl, Eileen, Chiaki, Chihiro, etc.
Western games usually have bland attempts at realism, which makes bland looking characters
Heather being on Western is such a blatant mistake I wonder if that was done on purpose. Certainly shows that the anti-Jap fags are a bunch of ignorant shitposting faggots looking for any excuse.
If you're talking about a dickgirl, then yes.
>every character is instantly recognizable
>generic anime kawaii uguu
>generic anime kawaii uguu
>generic anime kawaii uguu
>generic anime kawaii uguu
>generic anime kawaii uguu
i want to be a easter videogame girl
western girls look dirtier than the eastern. So my bet is on the Western girls.
Because OP picked obscure as shit easter girls.
While also picking nothing but the Iconic western game woman.
Besides Heather. Which is silent hill 3. Konami's Japanese made game about a cult loving american town.
I play basically nothing but Japanese games anymore and I can't even tell you who the fuck 5/8 of those bitches are.
We're an endangered kind here at Sup Forums
Seems mods banned a lot us last week
Always remember that a loli a day keeps the normalfag away
Why would you pick a side and not just choose and pick whatever you like
Because if I don't know who to hate, what am I to do with myself?
Though come to think of it, mods are just in denial
>Some weeb took a little girl as a sexual thing.
Not even surprised.
>Finally something that isn't biased
>Too bad it's biased
>That SO4 Remi design
If only the final game kept those designs