Why do people watch this monster?

Because he's right

why do people repost shit threads?


He has a point, you know.

It will be a glorious day the moment all idealists are rounded up and executed.

he is right

he right

We all know you're a butthurt commie, idealist-kun. You're just upset that White identity spells the permanent end for you and your kind.

he right, also

what is his name?

No, marxists deserve death too.
Anyone who thinks so highly of himself to go out to the street and riot over what he thinks is right is menace to any nation.
Individualism, idealism and freedom lead to disaster, and it has happened over and over again.
Telling everyone that they are "special" and "unique" is what has lead to this generation of whiny, special snowflakes.
People need to be taught a lesson, that they are simply not free to do as they wish.

>ignores major game's main character is coon
>random halfassed twitter rant the same night
>not a fucking peep for 3 fucking years
>popular dude says N word


he _right

No, what's made this generation weak is a sense of entitlement to not work hard, and an active effort by marxists that have infiltrated the education system to stop people from learning about traditional Western values and principles.

People will have more freedom than we have now, especially to speak. Individual fascism and civic nationalism are the indisputable future.

>Anyone who thinks so highly of himself to go out to the street and riot over what he thinks is right is menace to any nation.
If the founding fathers hadn't been brave enough to do exactly this america wouldn't exist
pick a side you spineless centrist cuck

i too really hate those gosh darned niggers and think they should all hang

can i join the in-group now

Jews can go be executed too.
Religions have been a pain in the ass for a long time.
When they reform, like christianity, they are tolerable, but jews and muslims have been running around like animals for far too long.
They too need to go.

he is the most correct


Brad lied on the bombcast when he talked about Austin this week. Brad said Austin had written a good article.

pewds is /ourguy/

Pewdiepie is the modern day Socratesm corrupting the youth, and Youtube his Athens.

>How dare you believe in things

Fuck off, nigger.

Pew-"all niggers must die"-pie

And what did that independence lead to?
The exact same thing but with less taxes?
Not being forced to speak the fruity gay version of English?
The founding fathers did absolutely nothing of value at all, just spawn a nation full of people who think they are above their own nation and that they are entitled to have a say in how that nation should be ruled.

No, you will not, none deserve freedom because those people use freedom exclusively for wrongdoings.
Civilians are simply way too stupid and easy to manipulate to let them live as they wish.
That's why all political discussion will eventually be supressed in it's entirety.
That's not a civilian's concern.

I think he's just had enough and is purposefully trying to get rid of his audience.

Hey, can I RP as le edgy "fuck happiness and ideals" guy too? :3