Is this the best playthrough/let's play of all time?
Is this the best playthrough/let's play of all time?
Other urls found in this thread:
It isn't even the best Super Mario 64 letplay.
>he didn't post the best Oneyplays playthrough
what the fuck is wrong with you
Ummm... user...
Wrath of Cortex was funnier user
How are these obvious ads not banned?
>not Charge Shot
>not Gex Enter the Gecko
absolute shit taste, goys.
When was it that Sup Forums started actually watching others play video games instead of just complaining about them on an anonymous image board?
>not kingdom hearts
The mini osama rant was the best. Is there any hope they're going back to it?
>not Mario Artist
I haven't played Kingdom Hearts yet so I don't want spoilers
When did we never watch letsplayers?
The mini osama rant was perfect
Wrath Of Cortex is only funny because there's people who actually defend that game
The edited sound clips and them not reacting to them was probably one of the best gags I've seen in an LP.
Are these the people who say make up words and do constant Rick and Morty, Simpsons, and Family Guy impressions? Why aren't these guys considered Reddit like all the other LPers?
That part was infuriating. What Chris said made sense.
nah, sonic 06 by the grumps os best playthrough. Not the whole thing, but hot damn are there some legendary moments
Mario Artist is the hidden best.
They never touch rick and morty or family guy.
>Rick and Morty
I still don't understand this meme. They never once referenced Rick and Morty ever.
Not Rick and Morty but they do make fun of Family Guy sometimes.
This desu, Ding Dong wanted to be an asshole and Matt is just retarded.
No it didn't because cloning people isn't a thing. And animals that have been cloned were newly born, so if this was applied to Hitler then his clone wouldn't have done shit.
Is OC created for the purpose of marketing let's plays the most cancerous shit ever or what
Their Lord of the rings is one of the funniest thigns I've watched in a long time
tbfp's lp of beyond two souls is the best
Imagine being this reddit
Still can't believe they thought the combo meme was a real image.
I don't know why I'm surprised, they've given me plenty of evidence in the past of their retardation.
>Is this the best playthrough/let's play of all time?
No when pic related exist
>tumblr nose
kill yourself
>Not Polar Express or Rugrats
Damn straight
Fucking this
>this shit eceleb thread was at page 10
>some idiot bumped it
Stop posting e-celeb shit on my video game board. It is not video game culture, it is Youtube and social media culture.
e-celebs are NOT your friends. They only care about the likes and subsrcibes you give them so they can get paid. Relying on these leeches as surrogate friends is NOT healthy.
e-celeb threads are never about video games or video game characaters but the drama revolving around these literal whos.
>namefag whining about e-celebs
Fuck off nigger, bump.
>watching 100+ 20min episodes of some aspie 100%ing a game while adding no creative/comedic value besides the same catchphrases over and over again
>not Crash 2 or Spider-man 2
I dare you to prove this wasn't their worst.
>muh eyes
No, Chris was being pushy. Matt and DD got the concept and answered "no." But Chris kept acting like just because they said "no" they didn't understand. They were getting so frustrated that they even gave Chris better hypotheticals.
No, he's not perfect if he's 6 inches tall.
>What Chris said made sense.
Go away, Chris. The tiny clone did nothing wrong.
Hopefully never.
It's the worst for being the one that broke ding dong
>literally said he's a perfect fucking copy but small, simple as that
>kept trying to argue about the semantics for no fucking reason
Chris was right.
>has all his thoughts and would do the same thing if he could
>implying he isn't a shitty person by that alone
Fucking stupid.
Is it me or have they been not nearly as good as they used to be?
Hitler was an amazing person who accomplished a trillion times more than you or anyone you know ever will. He will be remembered and revered for as long as Jesus and George Washington.
>kept trying to argue about the semantics for no fucking reason
Semantics are pretty important when making a hypothetical
>literally said he's a perfect fucking copy but small, simple as that
As Ding Dong and Matt said, it would be simple it was just a shrunken Hitler, not a copy. Making him a copy is an unnecessary element Chris added, especially when he's fishing for a specific answer.
They're trying to limit the in-jokes because of how cancerous the fanbase got. They let up on this slightly in GTAV, and now the comments STILL won't shut up about Motifa. They're sick of the forced memes by the fanbase.
>make a post about an e-celeb in Sup Forums
>post gets deleted and I get warned
>make an entire thread about e-celebs on Sup Forums
>nothing happens
You would be implementing the "thought crime" mindset. He didn't do anything.
Yeah he accomplished fucking up so bad by raising Germany up and then making it fall harder than ever before, sure showed me.
Not video games.
Epic threads my bros! I love Oney Plays! I love E-celebs and funny voices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>know a guy is a serial killer
>go back in time and see him before he killed him
>"hurr he did nothing wrong he a good boy"
This is how dumb you are.
advertising is against the rules
Just about every human being has thought about doing bad things. That's why we don't punish people unless they commit an action.
Even after the war they weren't nearly as badly off as after WW1. He delivered modern science to the world.
What have you done?
>killed him
*killed anyone
That's not the hypothetical and he didn't do anything. Go to bed, Chris.
What are you talking about user?
And most people have the sense not to perform bad shit, Hitler didn't. This is an EXACT clone of Hitler we are talking about here. If he was in his shoes he would most certainly do the same exact thing over and over.
E celebs are not video games.
of course. i like funny boys.
Nothing will ever compare to this journey.
fuck off you STOOGE
>That's not the hypothetical
It's extremely similar
>he didn't do anything.
>changes the basis of the hypothetical to make your own point
>calls other people dumb
The clone didn't do anything.
I've never watched a lets play. I play video games.
>Arin is a SJW
>Jon is a redpilled Sup Forumsack
Not right now, but he's still just as evil, so therefore he should be treated as such. Why are you so dumb?
>This is an EXACT clone of Hitler we are talking about here
No, it isn't. It's a 6 inch clone under your supervision.
>If he was in his shoes he would most certainly do the same exact thing over and over.
Says who?
Hitler was literally right
jesus christ does she have anorexia in her legs?
What if your observation of him in the past altered the timeline enough that he wouldn't become a serial killer?
The fact they fucking argued makes them as a pair a thousand times better than Arin and Danny
Like, Danny's an alright person, but I fucking hate how much of a yes-man he is to Arin.
Watching them fuck with people online makes me want to live a little longer
>Not right now
Then he didn't do anything, so there's no need to punish him.
>Why are you so dumb?
Why are you calling people dumb?
>No, it isn't. It's a 6 inch clone under your supervision.
No, it isn't. It's a 6 inch clone under your supervision.
And there we go again, arguing about pointless fucking semantics. He's a smaller Hitler, with the same exact personality, thoughts, and everything.
>Says who?
>they end up teaming up with Jason and leading him to other players
Let's say it's Hitler's consciousness transferred into a tiny body. Is that better?
>Stopping a crime before it happens is a bad thing
Moralfags not even once.
>Try to give GG another chance
>Watch first episode of BotW
>Within the first five minutes, Danny is making a joke about drugs because of Hylian Shrooms
>Exit out
>Not right now
And that's the point. I'm not going to punish someone for what they *could* do. I'd be condemning a person to punishment on the basis of someoneelse's actions.
>*makes obvious observation in an excessively sarcastic and obnoxious tone* isn't that FUNNY guys!? haha i'm so jaded and cynical haha
Danny's also a Jew.
haha this game is STINKY!
hey chris would you be mad if you woke up and you were a poopy diaper
these fags aren't funny
everyone says theyre as good as or better than jongrumps
they just make silly voices and repeat eachother for 10+ minute videos
its like a fucking cymbal monkey
you are all retarded children
GG is pretty shit now, but at least we've gotten to see a reflection of Suzy's naked body
Sup Forums's the cool board
You know for a fact they are going to do it, it's not a "what-if" at that point, it's just you neglecting to be a decent person and put a stop to this menace of society before anyone gets hurt.