"It's like Overwatch but with"

>"It's like Overwatch but with"

anime retard

In 2018 we are gonna get so many Battle Royale games and each one is gonna get described with "It's like PUBG but"

I atleast want to see a Medieval battle royale game.

>It's the Dark Souls of

CliffyB or Randy will come out with a new battle royale game and claim they had been working on it since before h1z1 was released and describe it as the Dark Souls of battle royale games.

>It's the Dark Souls of
>It's like Skyrim with
>It's a GTA clone


>game concept that has been around forever
>"so it's like X in Overwatch"

>Game requires 2 people to play

>it's a spiritual successor

Anarchy reign to madworld.
>There will never be a madworld 2

with cheese

How did he not get shot for th-
Oh never mind

in this 15 year old game you provide an escort to something and defend it from attackers
>oh so it stole payloads from Overwatch
this game from 2001 has a mode that revolves around controlling a central point to earn points and win
>oh so it stole KOTH from Overwatch
this game from 2007 has abilities and different classes and whoever gets the most kills wins
>oh so it stole deathmatch from Overwatch
so this game from 2011 has you capture an objective and then escort a cart from that objective to an endpoint
>oh so it's an assault/escort map from Overwatch

this game was truly the death of original concepts

>You'll be entering a living, breathing world

what is stopping her or him to bash his face in?

MOBA character spins
>it's like Garen from league of legends
any champions ability
>it's like X from league of legends

I want to marry Sakura

I can't wait to see all the AAA publishers doing it

That would be pretty racist and problematic don't you think?

Why is this a bad thing? As far as I know, the battle royale genre is pretty new. Comparing it to PUBG is like comparing 90s online shooters to quake, it was a prime example of what defines the genre.

don't care what game it's ripping off just replace everyone with skeletons and I'll play it

See that mountain? You can climb it.

It's like Dota 2, but with skeletons

Maybe someone will actually make a good Battle Royale game.

Sorry bud but we need to sell the game to Chinese markets and they're too scared of spooky skellies

>but with masked skeletons to make it less spoopy
fixed it for you
