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What is it?

It's when an episode ends at a sudden twist or perilous situation.

Please look forward to the DLC that will continue the exciting story of Marvel vs Capcom: Infiniteā„¢

Thanos, having taken the Satsui No Hado from Ryu, approaches Death and Jedah and tries to kill them with it. Fades to black before it's able to show if he was successful or not.

That sounds too stupid to be true.
Why does Thanos want to kill them and how does he take the Satsui?

How can lesser fighting games even compete?

>Thanks to the FGC this shit keeps getting allowed

so is capcom just waiting until x amount of time shit out ultimate infinite with vergil and akuma?

I'm pretty sure they are doing season shit like SFV now

HEY! You need to act surprised and be hyped when that happens, you shithead!

If you know your Marvel lore, Thanos does everything in an attempt to win Death over. Using the timestone, Thanos finds out that Jedah and Death conspired together and used Thanos as a pawn. He makes a gauntlet that takes the Satsui No Hado from Ryu by punching him in the gut. It ends with Thanos charging up a hadoken.

Meant for

Eh. DBFZ killed it for the few hours it was active. and by the time DBFZ comes out MvCI will be only be hitting triple digits at best.

And what of Ultron Sigma?

Even if true, Marvel comes out tomorrow and DBFZ not before summer 2018.

>should we give them perfect recreation of comic costumes for the marvel character like we did with the capcom characters?
>nah marvel gave us the go ahead to let us redesign them so lets give fans are redesigns!

X shoots him and they die.

What does this mean?

DBFZ had 50k views when the beta times were up.

>caring about the story in a fighting game
>caring about the story in a non-canon crossover

>needing a story to be canon to care about it
What Ifs used to be the tightest shit

wait, the game is already out on console or something?

He takes it with some glove that sucked away Ryu's Hado after Thanos fugged up Ryu, Thanos literally does the hadouken pose which was pretty cool.

When Capcom bragged about their story mode, YES we'll give a crap about it.

fuck off, FGC shitter

The game's gameplay looks decent-ish. I'll pick it up for 5 dollars.

>Game has 6 satans

That's an often parodied scene from Kochi Kame where a couple of guys are showing their collection of toys to some guy who's not familiar with them and he comments that they all look the same. Think of how all He-Man figures used to basically have the same build. You can replace the toys in the image with basically anything that has lots of similar looking variants (like all these different artworks of Jedah here.)

tl;dr Lots of Jedahs, but they're all the same.

If the game end up floppping, this will make it even more hilarious.

I was excited at first but I don't think I feel like having to block Nova/Chun-Li/C.Marvel/Ultron pressure while being in the blockstun of their team mate's super.

I don't have assists to keep those fuckers away.

I'm already tired of reality stone.

Are those 4 just a lot better in the game than everyone else or something?

They're all Magneto functions with diagonal air dashes, so their pressure is more scary than the other characters.

The even more scary thing is the whole TAG ANYTIME LOL making multi hit supers lock you down and forcing you to guess mixups.

chun special + active switch = free opening

>post yfw you realized that you don't get to fight Morhan, mind stone MODOK, Grandmaster Meio, or the symbiote monster, and they are all just background props while you fight 5+ Ultron drones or B.O.Ws

>Yfw the B.O.Ws have wolverines berserker barrage

has anyone posted the monstrosity of the story yet?

Not having the Symbiote have some form of battle seemed really weird. Essentially you fight Jedah solo for three fights in a row, and then you fight him again with the power of cutscene Dante.



Does my nigga X do anything cool in the story mode?
He's all I care about at this point

I think he deals the final blow to the big bads.

Too bad he sucks gameplay wise. Hope you like Ultron

Fuck. After marathon most of the series, which by the way, X8 is fucking underrated and it makes me angry that they finally got the formula right again only to never make another game.

>mfw didn't buy MvC:I

>X8 is fucking underrated

Maybe by the press but most people agree it's oen of the better ones


I'm just disappointed it ended on a cliffhanger with Axl's headgem and shit. They finally got their groove back and they end it

>Capcom shills have been tirelessly pushing this game for months
>Mfw it's gonna fucking flop

X does everything. He gets equipped with a blaster that has the stones in it and does the final blow to Ultron Sigma

The best was seeing James Chen fucking broken after getting his ass beat in a real fighting game.


>that excellent adventures episode with J Wong shiling and alcoholic Gootecks trying to act interested in this shitty game
Fuck me that was awkward to watch

Link it.

That's pretty cool, I guess.
Doesn't make up for the lack of a game in over a decade

Honestly I have no idea how great X is but I see few sticking with him. The "meta" seems to already be decided now and X doesn't seem to be part of it. People are calling him a shittier Arthur.

T7 legit looks worse than Marvel. Have they even updated Tekken in any way since the 90's?

>talking shit about a game he hasn't even played

To be fair, wasn't he doing the same thing by implying James chen does not play real fighters?

Or did you get an early copy of MVCI?

They've dedicated an entire month solely to this "tutorial"

>that fucking slur
Holy shit, all these fucking idiots that defended this shit are becoming depressed alcoholics. That's what you get for shilling for jews.

Will Mike Ross ever return?


I mean they're doing a solid job. More people are hyped than before for MVCI and more people are shitting on DBFZ than before the same marvel shills came out to say DBFZ is bad and you should get marvel.

How can he be worse than Arthur when he has an air dash and isn't floaty as fuck?

Arthur seems to be better for some reason. I don't know why but I've seen people cheering Arthur and using him and saying he may be top tier. When the discussion comes to X it's like "Meh....BUT ARTHUR THOUGH"

No clue why.

The true test is when DBFZ comes closer to release and people will have real opinions on MvCi from playing it as opposed to the usual suspects sucking its dick as harder than anything since than SF X Tekken.

I never play for the meta, so I guess whenever I get around to infinite, it'll be the maverick hunting duo for me even if they're shit strictly because I like them as characters

There is no hope that they will do something good with MHW

The stones give you more ability to play who you want. You may be forced to use some meta stone but having to use some specific stone is better than being forced to play Zero may cry or some Phoenix team.

>mfw Xturd cucks find out DBFZ is another Persona 4 Arena casualfest and drop the game
>mfw MVCI stays alive on esports money and niggers

>Capcom shills that have been pushing MvCI are still so anally devastated by DBFZ

stop using racially insensitive words

there's a somewhat decent chance firebrand and nemesis were brought back over other characters just because it'd be easy to put them in the story by just having them job, whereas as integrating vergil or wesker would be too much work. So yeah, I think it matters when it actually influences the roster.

I'm pretty sure this game will end up being just as broken as umvc3, unless it gets patch support

But P4A was great? I wish more fighting games were like it.

Is Monster Hunter a playable character or not?

They're DLC

It feels like X was added in full just to bait purchases alongside Sigma out of cynicism rather than genuine care for the character, even despite him taking the hero role in the story.

>another Persona 4 Arena casualfest
You do know that a lot of people preferred P4A to BB and GG right? And that a lot of BB and GG players played that game as well and really enjoyed it. And that the high level play of that game was a lot more technical than the low level. And that it was basically 1v1 Marvel.


That was such genuine anger. I can't stop watching it.

I was though james was the epitome of a manchild. How is he such a prominent person in the fgc again?

The roster is half MCU dick sucking and the other half is mostly returning Capcom characters that no one would miss over other favorites.


I get more and more upset when "FGC" players who have been having a good time with their free copies in training mode defend the game because "The gameplay is so sick! You can tag at anytime so the unblockable bullshit is easier than ever!" YEAH NO SHIT YOU'RE ENJOYING A FREE COPY OF THE GAME AND CAN HAVE THE ENJOYMENT OF STREAMING IT A WEEK EARLY.

God damn you, Capcom. Why do you always take 2 steps forward and 3 steps back?

does Firebrand do anything cool?

Did they even take one step forward with this game?

If Spencer wasn't in the game I would not give a single fuck about it desu.

I find it weird people try to act like Spencer is the least offensive of those.

Arthur is from a classic series that is well remembered

Chris is from their best selling franchise

Spencer was from a single game in the 80's that everyone forgot about until 2010 or so when Capcom made a shitty remake, and everyone forgot about that shitty remake.

I cannot think of a Capcom character less deserving than Spencer. I'd rather have DmC Virgil.

Rearmed was a good game though. It had enough positive reception and sold well enough to get a sequel even. It was the sequel to the remake that everyone hated but it's frankly a really underrated game that gets memed on because of a bad story even though the gameplay, level design, and music is great.

Why did he even leave? Haven't followed for a while.

Because he fucking despises SFV. That's genuinely the reason. I think the actual show of Excellent Adventures has some sort of contract or licenses or something that prevents it from showing other games though which is why they made all the spinoff shows. Mike doesn't hate doing the show but he refuses to play SFV anymore, but the show is locked down to SFV. Because of it he spends all his time streaming Guilty Gear and playing League.

Suck a dick. Spencer has no right to be in the game and no one remembers or cared about the shitty game. It was 8 years ago, and people forgot who the fuck this character even is. ANY Capcom character would be a better choice. Random enemy from Toadman's level would be a better inclusion.

I mean you're free to feel that way and I'm not even necessarily going to argue, but Capcom loves to add obscure or underappreciated characters in their crossover titles either for gameplay reasons or just for the reference and Spencer does objectively have very unique gameplay in Marvel.

That's because ComboFiend forced his main in the game.How can I single guy do this and everybody at Capcom be ok with it, beats me

>streaming Guilty Gear
That honestly makes me very depressed to hear about that. Capcom has so much control over the figure heads of the FGC and it's entirely those fgc members fault, but they didn't realize until it was too late. Some of these guys are at a point where they would much rather play what most people consider better fighting games, but can't because of contracts, being paid off and so on. Honestly if these guys didn't treat Capcom as the only ones to care about when it comes to fighting games for so long. I don't think we would have any problems with this honestly.

Spencer was in Marvel 3 long before Combofiend ever had a job there though. You can say that he shouldn't have been picked for Infinite, but it's pretty obvious Capcom's roster for infinite was largely based on who they could reuse from 3 and Spencer landed in that category.

They have plenty of options for that matter.For instance, Phoenix, who had a game released last year.Even Amaterasu would be a safer choice, she's getting a remaster soon.


Okay but for the real shame tell me.

Does any Capcom character do any important thing? What does Firebrand and Spencer do?
