What am I in for Sup Forums?

What am I in for Sup Forums?

For what? Bloodborne or Cainhurst specifically? Either way best game in the series

Logarius. Now I know. Fucker's the only boss that's proven reeeee-tier thus far. Honestly feels like a boss straight out of DeS and DaS 1, where positioning and knowing his moveset are the most important things.

I don't get why everyone always has such a tough time with him.

you must shoot it

I'm a newfag, (haven't played a Souls game for over half s decade). What I'm finding hard about him is that he's a massive change of pace from the previous base-game bosses, which rely on a single gimmick
>Cleric Beast = get behind it
>Gascoigne = parry/dodging without lock-on
>Amelia = not being afraid to get under a boss's guard
>Witch = avoiding mobs and planning your strikes on a timetable
>Shadows = patience

Logarius is forcing me to be patient, utilize terrain, position myself to be immune to reprisal, and knowing his phases.

It's a great fight, but a huge change of pace.

The best boss fight in the game that's what.

He didn't post Orphan.

Strange way to spell Ludwig.

Got him lads. Best fight of the game hands down so far.

*oneshots your ass*
did you actually think Id let you rush a BLT build, fuccboi?

Try and backstab with while he's charging his shit so that you can parry him during the second phase. Anyways just focus all your time getting up close and personal to him, he gets stunlocked easily and his attacks have pretty long windups. Also don't panic when he uses the sword, wait for a good opportunity to strike it or you'll die if you're not careful.

Uhh, I think you mean Gascoigne, sweetiekins?

one of my favorite bosses in any souls game, that cutscene is great
>crumbly old skeleton
>fumbles around trying to grab staff
>stumbles out of his throne
>stride gets steadier

Ludwig was more annoying to fight. Why the hell do people love him just the music and lore surrounding him?
As a boss to fight he's pretty overrated.
Logarious was hard, but I learned to parry from him, and there's so much variety of aggressive and athletic tactics to fight him.

Ludwig is just overwhelming, and even if I learned to avoid his moves the more I died to him, it was a different feeling of being overwhelmed. It was like waiting for a window to attack for minutes, and seeing that shitty cut scene so many times without being able to skip it whenever he goes into phase 2.

>Why the hell do people love him just the music and lore surrounding him?
No, the fight itself is incredible. He also has the best phase 2 in any souls game.

The phase 2 is probably the only enjoyable thing about his fight. THAT I will give you.

20 fps.

I think it's the first boss that can't just be wailed on with brute force until he goes down
you're forced to adapt

Better performance than PC

OP here, I haven't finished the game yet, but it's a solid 8/10 so far, (the load times are nowhere near as bad as people say,) still, a 60 fps Bloodborne would elevate it to a solid 9/10, maybe even a 9.5.

load times were fixed forever ago


Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks user.

>die to this guy a trillion fucking times
>beat him once finally by the skin of my ass
>he's super easy every single other playthrough for some reason

A bleach character.

He strikes that fine line that made Souls great. He's fair, but tough, yet every time you fight him you learn more about how to beat him. It turns frustration into a comfy process of figuring out his tricks until you can wreck his shit with barely any damage taken. 90% of Bloodborne's bosses aren't conducive to that since dodging is overpowered and endurance doesn't mean shit most of the time so you can just r1 spam.

Not on the ps4 pro. It's a lot better.

Phase 2 is pretty cool lore and music wise, but I found the fight itself to be piss easy especially compared to the first phase, it seemed like he staggered into a visceral ever 7 hits.

>Best game in the series
Well. It's the only one.

just wear a lot of arcane-resistant armor, like the student outfit, and use weapons that do physical damage to him. Even his melee attacks do arcane damage. During the beginning, don't hit him more than a few times before dodging to the side or you will probably get hit by his exploding-skull-"get the fuck away from me" move.

It's easiest is to use heavy weapons with big sweeping horizontal attacks, like Ludwigs Holy Blade's R1 attacks and the Hunter Axe's L2 attacks. They will break his poise and keep him from meleeing you. Back away and consider parrying him when he starts trying to melee combo you. The blunderbuss is better than the pistol here because your pistol shots go wild if you are standing on the slanted part of the roof. Lastly make sure you target and destroy the sword he lodges into the ground as soon as he's placed it.

Doubled down on /aesthetics/ and used the reiterpallasch it's transformed r1 and forward r2, along with it's transformed-normal l1 seem great for getting past his skull spam and scoring quick hits with solid damage.

Yes, just like Demon's Souls is the only game in its series too.

>no kots in Bloodborne


wow that's 20 more than the pc has