Will loot crates ever die, or will they be replaced with something even more heinous?

Will loot crates ever die, or will they be replaced with something even more heinous?

Probably government regulated once they catch to what shady companies like Valve are doing
At least you can't sell your stuff in Blizzard games

How can you get more heinous?
>We've noticed that a lot of people receive skins they are not interested in or plain don't like. So you'll be happy to know we're doing away with lootboxes altogether. Everyone will receive all skins and cosmetics so you can choose from the ones you like.
>To use these skins you will simply be charged for the amount of time they're equipped. The rate is so low you won't even notice.

Overwatch boxes are the least interesting reason to "level up" ever. Oh wow, a bunch of shitty sprays and voice clips you'll never use, and if you're really lucky maybe you'll get an alternate color skin or something!

At least they're easy to ignore since it's always a bunch of useless cosmetic trash.

Pay to play matchmaking

>for pennies a day!
You know, that may actually be MORE fair, at least you're not rolling the dice on it.

Developers always find a way to make things worse. Though actually, I suppose it's not the developers, but the people in marketing. I'm not sure what it will be, but they'll find a way eventually.

If there's any randomization in what you're buying, then it should be considered gambling and must be banned.
- All trading card games need to be banned unless you know exactly what you're getting, AND they can't have limited edition because that's time-availability based gambling.
- If I open a bag of chips and get 3 chips less than the guy next to me, that's illegal gambling and needs to be stopped.
- If I buy a movie ticket and all the good seats are taken when I get there, that's illegal gambling.
Also if prices every change for any reason, including inflation, then that's gambling because the value of what you bought is now different.

Even if you follow every law to the letter, if collectors start paying more for your item than it's worth, then we need to retroactively go after companies for creating future gambling.

China already does this with LoL skins.

>That reaching
Try again lad

If lootcrates were free to gain and open in every single game, it would be totally fine.

Posting should be banned because posts that happen later don't get the same prime time spots as earlier posts. That's a form of gambling.

Id love to see a Diablo-esq RMAH but with specialized ammo for a CoD game of some kind

Imagine being this cucked

No arguments here.
I subscribe to the mentality that I enjoy unlocking things in games. So to have things buried behind a paywall feels disappointing; not because I wanted it, but because there are things in the game I won't earn through gameplay but actual paying.

Card games are objectively jewish tricks and everything would be better if you could pick the cards you want and buy them
Who the fuck enjoys having shoeboxes full of shitty cards that will never be used?
Do you have autism?

I don't know if I'd ban lootcrates outright, but there's no issue I see with listing the percentages or chance of what you find.

And this shit occurs at ~30-40 euro games like Overwatch and others

Yes! I accepted it in TF2 because it was f2p when I started. Freemium mobile games are shite, but at least they let you play a bit before you have to pay.

>Who the fuck enjoys having shoeboxes full of shitty cards that will never be used?
You either use them to make joke decks, turn them into shit like cardboard carapace armour, or dump them onto your local trading card store. Every place I know sells bulk singles by weight, and will by by weight too. You don't get much money but at least it's not clogging up your garage. Failing that you could jump dump the entire lot of e-bay with a description like "brothers old cards" in the hopes of baiting someone who thinks they might have the chance to get something good.

The pic you posted was replacing the worse system. That one is cosmetic only and you can get everything by playing the game pretty easily without some insane Korean level grind.

Lootboxes in general aren't bad in and of themselves, unless they are too damn hard to get and full of game critical items/characters to force you into a pay wall.

Other popular system before and after those include just straight up paying to unlock things you need, perk systems that make early players over powered so they keep investing to beat up on new players that leave, and retarded time gate grinding shit.

And the big one is timed resources/unlocks like you see in a lot of F2P games and mobile.

> You can resell them at a HUGE fucking loss or try to scam people
So are there any real arguments for having random card packs instead of just ordering what you need?

Not unless you like the draft format.

They're gambling, they're just not regulated because its video games but sooner or later they will be like south korea and china

Who plays mobiles game anyway

Also in TF2 you can even sell a bunch of items on the market, so it's the best type.

Too bad it's a ded game.

it always gets worse, never better

>you can RENT these skins!

Cosmetics and loot crates were a better solution than subscriptions or in game advertising on how to pay for updates and servers.

There are many ways to apply this gambling based revenue scheme to various things.
How about paying for a loot box which can contain visual quality elements, visual setting unlocks for the options menu and various shaders? Too much? Then how about making a game with little base content and selling content via those boxes? You know, just having hundreds of DLC-like modules you can get by opening special random loot crates and perhaps being lucky. Classes, maps, factions. Imagine the Minecraft guys were to release Minecraft 2 and you'd have to unlock biomes and enemy types via gambling crates - I bet that would work. Bethesda could offer random boxes with those paid mods they're trying to sell. I bet people would buy them like mad.
On second thought you could even do it with the game itself - buy a game box and it either gives you the base version, the digital deluxe version or the collectors edition or stuff like this. I remember when people said DLC were anti-consumer and wouldn't get bought and now they're everywhere and everyone buys them without second thought. This doesn't seem any different.