Character has a unique class specific to them

>character has a unique class specific to them
>it's shit

wtf wear shoes you hag

I dunno alot of FE girls have nice feet

Fucking sub-humans!

Are those just really fluffy hot pants or HER fur?

Too high fantasy for you.

>Dog bitch
Found your problem. It's not a cat

pretty sure thats a rabbit user

>ywn never get your kid a stuffed sub-human

When are lazguz/targul/beast people getting added to heroes?

From the concept art, her tail blends in perfectly with her shorts, so it probably is her fur

I want to impregnate Panne

Pube pants

I want to f u c k Panne



>Tfw one of my friends got her as his 5* pity breaker when he was new to the game

"Athena the insect queen" he called her, not salty at all, haha.

>I want to impregnate Panne

Literally the content of my next chapter for A Change of Tactics.

>Panne and Yarne just walk around without pants


Athena is good though she has like the second highest speed in the game

also nice trips

Fuck you Rapha and your Skyseer Bullshit. The fact you are a better item finder than everyone else is the only saving grace you have.

>characters have two classes at the same time
>special npcs have a special class
>it fucking sucks and you're stuck having it equipped at all times.

Best Girl

her old and new design is retarded why wear heavy boots if toy turn them into sandals

>Literally the content of my next chapter for A Change of Tactics.
Just wanted to say I'm a tremendous fan of your work, user.
And if anything your oneshots are even hotter. That Cynthia/Severa one was fantastic and A Bargain at Twice the Price is one of my favourite fics ever.

>Whoever marries Panne took the risk of eternal rugburn
w e w

Thanks! Really glad to hear that! I actually have continuations planned for both of them, but not sure when it'll happen, don't wanna delay ACoT any longer, the good stuff, with all the girls joining in needs to happen sooner!

>Marry Panne
>Morgan gets speed for days

dont talk shit about my wifw

She's a pet and deserves to live out her life in a cage

You telling me that's all pubes?

More like she's a slut and deserves to live out her life on my dick

>what would the man-spawn would

No worries, user, I'm glad I ran into you so I could tell you how much I enjoy your work! I was actually a bit of a dilettante with regards to FE, and your fics were so good they got me into the games more.

I'm really glad to hear you've got continuations planned for my favourites, but just release at whatever pace you feel is best. Whatever you update is worth reading, and it's just really nice to have someone who's actively working on such a good series.

>character has feet

> In game model does not

I'm still disappointed that Beastbane does nothing if she isn't in the Tangel class. I thought I could make her (and Yarne) into an awesome cavalry- and pegasus-slayer, riding around on a gryphon and fucking everything up. But nope, can only do that if you are stuck using a Beaststone.

>those thighs
>that furry butt
>those feet
I'm finna bust

I think Yarne wears a loincloth, actually

Definitely not. The only reason it hangs down like that is to conceal/protect that delicious furry cock.