Mary Skelter comes out in the west TOMORROW, are you getting it?

Mary Skelter comes out in the west TOMORROW, are you getting it?

>sweet a new dungeon cr-
>it's anime shit

Don't have a Vita, so no. Coven needs to hurry the fuk up and get confirmed for a PS4 western release

Is it on a relevant system (Read: not the Vita)

What is Coven?

Coven and the labyrinth of refrain. Japan only dungeon crawler originally for the Vita that is getting a PS4 version this month, that is also only confirmed for Japan

What is it?

>Thumbnail looks like an interesting color scheme and art direction
>Moeshit portraits
Interest gone as soon as it sprung up

I thought it comes out the 19th in burgland. At least that's what Amazon/GameStop had listed.

>hot pink blood

why they do this

Only Nightmare/Marchen blood is flourescent pink, human blood is normal

I wish Japanese games would have art styles like Valkyrie Profile again

You and me both bro... kinda got excited there for a second

That's a child's face you pedophile.

How many shitty fanservice dungeon crawlers can possibly be made a year?

You're correct. That is a childs face

don't necessarily lose hope if a game has an artstyle like that, considering EO's had that for years and is some top tier stuff. Although I too have no hope for this title considering I see 5 characters and not one of them looks over the age of 12 fucking damn it Japan you strike gold with Bertrand once and never again what the fuck I want more old men too old for this shit fucking damn it.

Because its a child?

The west overall has basically the opposite stance compared to us in that anything sexual is usually no big deal but their are strict guidelines set for violence. Skeletons cannot be depicted (check the appearance for a corpse in WoW in Asia compared to the rest of the world) and blood can't actually be depicted, which results in that hot pink color which I actually kind of like because it certainly became a defining factor of the art style for series like Danganronpa or however the fuck its spelled.

>people can't handle or enjoy moe art style in games

sure glad I'm not those sad souls

I enjoy moe, but some variety would be nice. Japanese artists are capable of so much more

Is this good or is it shit, I'm not getting fooled by another Mei-Q.

It's good, got good reviews in Japan and so far is getting good western reviews too, will probably be the first Compile Heart game with a positive metacritic score

>Compile Heart
It's shit

It looks decent, but it reminds me of how I've hardly ever used my Vita and how the disgusting overpriced 64GB memory card I bought for it randomly decided to shit the bed like a year after buying it. Fuck Sony for not using regular SD cards.