What are your favorite puzzle games Sup Forums?
What are your favorite puzzle games Sup Forums?
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Talos Principle was alright until the recording puzzles. That shit is literal fucking aids in every game, no exceptions.
You put a lot of work in this didn't you
The Talos Principle
>Talos Principle was alright until the recording puzzles.
What the hell mate? Those are some of the most original AND best puzzles!
And what other game has such things anyway?
1st, 2nd, 4th, 3rd
take doctor with you to nurses station so that he can explain directions while the receptionist waters down his medical jagrgon, and afterwards walk to door let in dude, and walk all three to southeast room.
>answering the question
Needlessly complicated for an unsatisfying payoff
Are you fucking kidding me
1 and 2 take no time, 3 might take a little, 4 they're already sad, 10more minutes of sadness isn't gonna do anything and it will take awhile
you got me, I didnt realize until the last one
Fuck I hate you OP.
i don't get it
Shit, I didn't realize there was anything to get until I read your post.
Care to explain?
Forget it, I'm at a loss
The positions of the people are locations on a 4 panel comic, northwest could be read as top left for instance. The actions they're taking are the actions of a certain 4 panel comic. It's loss. Took me way too long to spot it first time I read it.
This has me at a loss
That Buckley meme comic about abortion.
Come on dude. Like, kudos to you, but come on.
get ye flask
I want to agree, because they're really time consuming (and because I'm fucking awful at those kinds of puzzles), but they were kinda satisfying once you got good at them.
1. Open the door. It is assume I am on the opposite side of the door and thus can open it.
2. Fire the idiotic receptionist and hire one who can do a simple job.
3. This one literally cannot be answered because I would need to know what I am translating.
4. I suggest an on-site therapist who is happy to help them cope at the earliest opening.
Btw: this is not a trick puzzle. There is an answer to the puzzle, and it is located on the sheet of paper. There is not a trick in the wording. One of the answers is right, and all the others are wrong. If you can't explain your answer, then it is also wrong.
You have 5 minutes to complete this. Time starts now.
>Just realized it's Loss
Nevermind, I'm going home.
They are relatively easy puzzles to solve but because it's a video game it's fucking annoying to do even when you know what you are supposed to do.
>this is not a trick puzzle
So I just google the answer. What now professor?
Then I fuck your mother, become your stepdad and take away your vidya games you little shit listen here
Is just like the train question worded badly
Shit, now I see why you have tenure.
>It's another vidya related text, non vidya related image meant to derail the thread to talk about said image because "It's fun"
These kinds of threads trigger my autism more than anything.
It's June 18th
Very wrong, 20 points from hufflepuff
May 19th
August 17.
Also wrong, but not as wrong as the other guy. 10 points from hufflepuff.
Knowing month, and also knowing it's not a month with a unique number narrows to july or august.
With that info, he has a number that belongs to one of the eliminated months, leaving august 17
Is it possible for a game to be overrated and underrated at the same time?
July 17
Oh shit this is an old one, let me see if I can remember the logic.
Well first off, Albert's statement proves that the day is a repeat number. Since he knows neither of them know the date, it means the month has to be a repeat (just knowing the month isn't enough) and the day is a repeat (otherwise if it was a single day like '19', the Bernard would know the answer)
So the day has to be overlapping between at least 2 months. At the same time, ALL THREE of the months' dates must be overlapping since there is no other way Albert knows Bernard can't know the date. The only month that fits this pattern is August.
The part that always gets me is the last part; Bernard now knows the day (because Cheryl told him) and the month (from deduction). However Albert still only knows the month. Bernard's statement doesn't seem to add any new information.
Where am I fucking up?
>Knowing month, and also knowing it's not a month with a unique number narrows to july or august.
>With that info, he has a number that belongs to one of the eliminated months
>leaving august 17
Inaccurate. The eliminated months also share 15, 16, and 17. You have to somehow narrow it down from there.
wait no im retarded its aug 17th
July 16th, but Bernard is apparently a wizard.
Oh fug, i got numbers mixed up.
How does that work? Both 14 and 15 were also numbers from eliminated months. The whole reason he knows it's August is August is the only month where ALL numbers given are shared/eliminated with other months.
Feeling pretty confident in my answer, it's June 17th.
Albert was told "17", Bernard was told "June". Albert knew that Bernard was either told "June" or "August", but he doesn't know which.
Bernard was told "June" so he knows that Albert could either have been told "17" or "18". If it was "18" then it would be obvious to Albert what the date would be since no other date has 18 in it. But since he doesn't know, it must've been 17. So now he knows, and by saying that he now knows, Albert now knows it too by following the same logic.
Took me about 6 minutes :/
Yea i got discombobulated. Answer's obvious from there.
July 16?
Imagine being so autistic you can't give a straight answer and give your friends ten different dates when they ask for your birthday
also july 16
MISTAKES WERE MADE (passive voice)
1. L
2. O
3. S
4. S
Albert thinks Bernard doesn't know, so it can't be the unique days May 19th or July 18th, and because he still does not know that means it can't be July so it's not July 17th.
If Bernard then knows, that means that he must have a date with only one month option, which is August 17th.
Why did Albert say he knew what the date was, based only on Bernard's ability to solve the puzzle? He only knows the month. Clearly,
the fact that Bernard could solve the puzzle,
combined with knowledge of the month allowed him to pinpoint a date. So we are looking for a date in a month that has at least one unique date, and in which knowing that Albert can solve, results in a correct answer.
>Cheryl then tells Albert and Bernard separately the month and day of her birthday RESPECTIVELY
fuck me
That comic was so bad.
Absolutely right. Nobody explained it thoroughly, but I'll just assume you actually figured it out, and explaining it is just really hard.
I'm still not getting this.
I'm with in that I can follow it to eliminating all months but August, but I can't go further from there. How do people keep making the leap from August to a specific day?
I'm the guy who googled the question earlier so I guess I'm gonna have a new step-dad now. Hope this is helpful for you.
>got it
>I can follow it to eliminating all months but August
Let's translate the comments by A and B into the most understandable ones possible.
>A1: By knowing the month, I know it is not a unique number
This eliminates all months that have unique numbers: May because of 19, and June because of 18. All the numbers in July and August are repeats.
>B1: By knowing the date, and by eliminated May and June, I know the number.
This means that July 14 and August 14 are eliminated.
>A2: I did not know before, but I know now.
Eliminating the two 14 dates gives Albert the answer.
What is the only date where knowing the month, and eliminating both 14 dates gives you the solution?
1, 3, 2, 4
1 is highest priority because the guy could be dying right then
3 is next priority because a deadly miscommunication could be made if they don't understand each other and it is the shortest walk away
2 is low priority and won't take very long, and the man may be a family member or grief counselor of 4 that needs directions to their room
4 will take some time and checking in with 2 may solve the problem on its own as he may be more qualified to counsel them
got pretty obvious at number 2
A knows that B cannot know the answer. B could know it only if the date was either May 19 or June 18 since all he knows is the day, and those are the only unique days. Since Albert only knows the month this means that it's neither May nor June.
B says that now he knows for certain. This means the day couldn't have been the 14th, because in that case it could have been either July or August. Therefore it's either 15, 16 or 17.
A says that now he also knows for certain. This means it was in July, because if it was August he couldn't possibly know whether it would have been the 15th or the 17th.
So, it's July the 16th.
This is the same point I always reach and get stumped on when these problems are posted.
I believe it's August 14 in this example. Bernard knows May and June are out because of Albert's first statement, and Albert knows it's in August for the reasons you posted. August 15 shares May with 19 and is eliminated by the unique date through Bernard's admission, as is June 17. Thus the only day with a triple-month and double-day that doesn't share a month with a unique day is August 14.
I tried to explain my reasoning but it's a lot harder to explain than it was to figure out the day for some reason.
>repeat months
July, August
>fairly certain that Bernard does not know too
>repeat days of repeat months
July 14, July 16, August 16, May 16
>at first I didn't know, but now I know
>implying it can't be May as May 19 does not have a different month of the same day
>can't be August as there is a same day but of different month (June 17)
It's July 14.
It's still a puzzle.
>this thread
I really really like the environment of the game at least, I wish there were other games that looked like that, like a Rune Factory/Harvest Moon/whatever farming game you like that looks like that
Best explanation so far
You are making an error in saying that it has to be in August. He rules out July because it only has 2 dates, but both of those dates are repeats. Rework the reasons why you are eliminating months.