Lets have a Dragons Dogma thread, because the /vg/ thread is dead for some reason and I have a question

Lets have a Dragons Dogma thread, because the /vg/ thread is dead for some reason and I have a question

Whats the deal with going shieldless as a fighter? A quick google search tells me that shieldless fighter pawns are more aggressive and wont use shield skills, which makes sense, but is there any advantage for the player character to go shieldless fighter? Or is it just for fashion or w/e?

>but is there any advantage for the player character to go shieldless fighter

They have no ranged attack, so going fighter in general is just gimping yourself.

iirc you keep shield on but don't assign any secondary skills, and the pawn will just perfect parry everything when needed.


return of /ddg/ when

When DD2 get annonced at TGS next week

Just fashion if arisen.
For pawns I'll parrot what he said Don't make your pawn ever go shieldless, just don't give them any shield skills (and remove the one they have) or the AI turns passive. They'll perfect block enemies' attacks which "stumbles" them.

Reminder that if you die before meeting the seneschal your vocation decides what lesser dragon you become

when DA drops on Xbone and PS4 probably


Post witch loli

How do you remove the last equipped skill? Right now my pawn just has the "grand" sheltered poke, but I want to see what no shield skills is like

>Rerelease still two weeks away

I hate waiting.


>When death shows up to ruin your day so you kill yourself first



>tfw not enough upgraded bows to go around so i give it to my pawn


tfw i made a pawn named qtchad4u

tfw it always gets poor ratings

Got a kick out of the look the arisen gives Rook here.

How do you make a character so thicc?

My girl isnt milfy but if i ever make an Arisen in the future please post body sliders so i don't kill myself

Legs 12

Is ng+ rook a higher level?

It's the same shitty rook

That blows

Don't be stupid user, how can Itsuno be working on DD2 when he's so obviously making DMC5?

redpill me on this game

See this Dragon? You can climb it

Wolves hunt in packs
All roads lead to Grand Soren
They're masterworks all, you can't go wrong
'tis weak to ice and fire both
Abandon all delusions of control
Kill the dogs first

I really like the horn, I don't think I've stopped wearing it since I got it no matter what class I'm playing

Delete this right now

I know that feel, cept my pawn ran to fight him.

How do you make an attractive female waifu?

very carefully honk honk

Autism and dedication

a half-finished sandwich that got dropped on the floor but it's still pretty good

Is it possible to rebind the attack buttons to R1 and R2 like it is in Dark Souls? This game looks really cool and I want to buy it but I'm going to be too annoyed by the controls if I can't rebind them. I'm on PC btw.


You can if you are using the steam setup thing for your controller or DS4windows but the standard controls work pretty well and binding attacks to the shoulder button might make your skills awkward to use

You don't.
Embrace the potato face.

what gloves are those?

Post your husbando

Dragonwing gloves. Can get em from easy BBI quest (killing 5 goblin shamans) or just doing the bloodred crystal collection quest and Barroch sells em

Grigori is not for sexual

I keep getting wrecked by bandit fighters, the ones with skyrim helmets. What do?

I know this user is joking, but anyone who seriously believes that there will be any announcement at TGS has just a few days to reconsider and spare himself the pain of disappointment.

either run past them or come back when you're stronger

If only it was that easy.

any advice for a sorcerer run?

They are quite clearly setting up a surprise reveal for Deep Down, after working on the game secretly for the last four years, thus taking the spotlight by storm. The suspicious lack of evidence is all the evidence I need.


Figure out one good facial configuration and be stuck with it basically forever because anything else you try to make looks subtley off/weird in some way after that. Small relief achieved when playing as the opposite sex for a while due to different options and hairstyles having different appeal.

r8 my squad

Are Striders and magick archers supposed to be weak against fighters? I can beat the strider bandits easily, it's only the fighters that give me trouble.

Stay away from enemies.
Have spells with fast cast times.
Keep the Wyrmking's Ring.

But I see anons in this thread posting great looking female waifus?

Play mage
Switch at level 10 to Sorcerer. If you aren't at Gran Soren to do that you can go to Bitterblack to do it.
When you are a high level switch back to mage and farm DP so you can get some of the mage augments.
Wyrmking's ring is the best
Make your pawn a sorcerer too.
Holy enchant makes your focused bolts hilariously broken.

Yes: don't.

No, the fighters are just literally the hardest enemies you'll encounter earlygame.

Sort of related.


striders and magic archers aren't made to tank hits, remember to dodge around a lot when you play as those classes

Yeah, they're not going to drag people away from DDO by releasing a DD2 any time soon. But even so Itsuno apologised on Twitter for not announcing his new project at E3 so there's a decent chance that'll get an announce at TGS, if nothing else it'll help some Anons move on.


Make your pawn a sorc. Hire only sorc pawns who have the same spells as you. Enjoy total destruction of all you face.

It's kinda implied that the smaller dragons you fight are Arisens that died before fighting Grigori.
Red vocations makes you a drake, blue vocations makes you a wyrm and yellow vocations would make you a wyvern. This is reflected in their fights.
Drakes use mainly physical attacks, wyrms spam spells and wyverns are very mobile.

Make sure your Arisen is a cute midget.
Make a cute midget sorc pawn.
Only hire cute midget sorc pawns.
Make sure everyone wears a pointy hat.

But that's a herd (or flock) not a squad

>The weaker enemies in lighter armour are easier to kill than the stronger enemies in heavier armour


I don't get it.


Well it's only the fighters that can wear heavy armour. Normal magic arrows do no damage and even the charge-up attack barely scratches them. I picked strider because I wanted to play as a *teleports behind you* type of character but the attack power is shit.

>I'm sure to win because my speed is superior

That's how it is in real life, tho. Mayweather is the undisputed champ because he's the fastest.

Of his division, Sure. If they were both in their prime Tyson would rock him any day of the week though

That just means your atk value is low.
Level up, get augments or upgrade weapons.
And consider assasin.

Nah, Tyson would never be able to land a punch because his weight makes him slow.
The reason why there are weight divisions is because the lighter contenders would always win against the heavyweights because of superior agility.




At the onset of the game's events they're bandit leaders who have been fighting and killing for a while and have gear and experience to reflect that. You on the other hand are some backwater bumpkin who's been fishing and flirting with Quina for years. Put simply the bandit leaders have an advantage in combat early in the game.

Well you're not going to get the best skills at level 1 are you? You can double jump and roll, you already have the superior manoeuvrability, it's just a matter of knowing how to use it. And if you want to be Coldsteel stop shooting arrows like some fag.

I like you user

Do all methods of fixing the sky in post-game really lead to a temporary trade ban?

>go to itsunos twitter
>every tweet about dragons dogma is filled with DMC fans just asking where DMC 5 is.
it hurts user

>this is your brain on DEX

Where is that implied?

From the talking dragons in post-game.

I'd be friends with hungry drake

Can an arisen be a mom?

>craving a rpg
>had beaten DD after it first hit PC with 100 hours played
>couldn't touch it for months
>launched it tonight
>made a new game and put my old pawn as the new lead

So first play through I played a fighter, now I'm a mage. So I guess I'll pick a archer as my new pawn and play through her life next. As a note, Mage feels really odd. Sort of slow. any advice? Have to remember I put over 100 hours into just playing a Fighter.

>"/vg/ thread is dead for some reason"
>DD thread on Sup Forums EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

mmmhh I don't know sweetie, maybe if you fuckers were to actually create these threads over at /vg/ instead of Sup Forums then the thread on /vg/ wouldn't be dead in the first place?

I want to play DD again but after completing BB for the first time a while back I started NG+, used metamorphosis to change my character into one I don't really want to play any more and changed vocation into magic archer from assassin even though I have no MA equipment. Now I load up the game, see all of the work I have to put in to fix this shit and just alt f4 instead.

First Arisen and Pawn, with 100 hours. Started new and have my Pawn as the Arisen now.

I can't believe Capcom cashed out with DDO instead of making DD2. Fuck this gay earth.

The pawn is definitely cuter.

I just noticed, I just realized I fucked it up. Hadn't looked and was going off memory.

going to restart now

Mage a shit, become Sorc as soon as possible. If more than one character (Arisen and Pawn, both your own and hired) tries to cast the same spell every instance of the spell will be based on the quickest casting. So if your pawn casts bolide and halfway through that a hired pawn casts bolide then the hired pawn will begin with the spell half cast already, and if you wait for the last moment before they finish casting to begin casting it yourself then you can fire it instantly. So get pawns with the same spells as you. Let pawns cast whilst you lay down battlefield control then piggyback on their castings to unleash carnage.

game is waifufag trash. the evidence is for all to see