Buying Crapcom games

>buying Crapcom games

stop being racist against blacks

You can't be racist against animals idiot.


yes, YOU can

The Hunchback of Suzaku Castle

No, no you can't. That would be speciesism. Even then i'm wary to say they're animals, more like parasites, or those pieces of shit that stick to the toilet bowl.

What's wrong with the left one? That right one looks pretty bad tho tbhh

Im assuming left is what was previewed, right was what was in final product? Either way, fighting games are for social retards, only slightly below mobas on the autism scale.

im calling you black you retarded imbecile

Left one looks fine. Right one's anatomy is fucking terrible

And it was obviously a shit joke considering my op was nothing but defamatory for niggers. You're fishing in a well faggot.

i was right, you are a stupid animal racist against its own kind

The left is SFV, why does everyone hate fighters on this board?

>swiggity swoogaten coming for that hadouken

Right one is nucapcom

>fighting games are for social retards
Are you retarded? Smash bros series are the most normie social game ever created

>Buying Crapcom USA Games

Is it just me, or has the Capcom shilling been incredibly obvious on Sup Forums this past year? Most people on Sup Forums I'd figure refuse to trust Capcom in this day and age, but then there's threads outright defending stupid shit. I feel like it's always worded in a way that doesn't equate it to Stockholm syndrome too.

Literally no one but you takes capcom or its shills seriously. Good job bumping the thread though.

It's usually obvious to tell when you see them bring up /r/kappa.

I have noticed this too, any minor criticism gets replied to with what seems like PR damage control most of the time.

It'll happen to you too Sup Forums with all your shitposting.

It's what I do.
Also I'm not referring to OP, but just generally speaking.

I'd say Monster Hunter threads are the worst case of it. Any criticism has shills calling you a Nintendo fanboy or something. They're all incredibly rabid too.

Why did he turn into a hunchback?

I hate fighters because I can never git gud.
But I'm with op on this one. Capcom has been going down the shit term for a while. I've seen fucking MUGEN builds with better content than Capcoms latest shits. Not only does the design look like shit but the game just feels like shit. You can tell when a game has had a considerable amount of time and effort put into it.
One thing I just want to point out in relation to the op pic. How come Ryus special hadouken doesn't make him put more emphasis on the word. I wanna hear him shout that shit with passion and to release it like he's unleashing some really powerful shit. It doesn't sound different from a regular hadoken. It's small details like that which add up to good fighting games.
Speaking of MUGEN games, I just might check out some since it's been years for me.

I dont follow fgc stuff too much but MHW threads are full of legit shills.

Uhm, are you sure its Capcom PR that's responding to you and not Genuine, enthusiastic Capcom fans? Don't be so quick to judge, next time you should maybe try reading the content of their posts before judging? These so-called "shills" might actually have a valid point!

Any criticism against MH World*

People think hes got a hunch back not realising it just his chi or what flowing around him cause his gi to move. Everything else look mediocre tho

>t. Amateur designer
I wouldn't have guess that at all. Looks like something an amateur would come up with.

So whose more autistic devoted capcom haters or the capcom shills.

I think your all retarded tbhwy famalam

Hi Mr. Shill.

How can they have devoted haters when their own work is the cause of the hate? It's one thing to have something good and havijg people hate on it and having something bad that deserves the hate.

It's easy to tell because they're always the first ones to bring up console wars or falseflag. They're all obnoxious and overly aggressive, even for Sup Forums posters.

>this thread

I will say one thing I do not like about SFV is the guessing game aspect but for the most part it is fun and is the most played game I'm playing right now. I don't like how Catcum is going with the pay to play route with new characters but I guess it is nice to be able to buy some content with fight money you can earn.

>play jedah
darkstalkers garbage should just stay dead

I honestly dropped the game a few days after release. Had it on pc and it was a disaster. So much needed to be updated and patched. It was really disgusting seeing people get away with it.

I wish I had dropped it sooner, took me until they announced Abigail at EVO instead of SSFV for me to finally drop this game.

>shilling for a company on the videgame section of a Cambodian cow selling site for free

>Daily waking up to shit on the shillers and the company they're defending for free

its just his fucking cloth being blown back and forth while doing super, look at it in motion

its literally works and looks the same as it was in mvc3

more like whats with all the anti-capcom shills

there are no other Capcom threads on Sup Forums just shitpost threads like this

Exquisite bait

Make a Stryder for current consoles. Make it a revengeance clone FFS. An HD remake of MVC2 with the same set style with a few characters from 3. Where the Fuck is God Hand 2?!? Where's Lost Planet 4?! Where the Fuck is mah DMC5?

They gotta stop focusing on westernizing everything they make and stick to their guns.
They're terrible when they don't. They too autistic for western nuances. They need to focus on the nip pong bullshit.

Hi Mr. Shill.

So how long until Ryufag shows up?

MVC:I looks shit but SFV isn't even 1/4 as bad as everyone paints it and the retards around here scarcely give real reasons for why they hate it, it's just a meme. Sorry if someone going against the groupthink makes you feel insecure though.

>1 peso has been added to your Capcom Affiliate account

It happens in mvc3 but not to this extent.

>Capcom does stupid shit on a constant basis
>The quality of their games have been rollercoaster rides

There is a stride game for current consoles and its really fucking good

Have they even posted news about whether that game was going to get a sequel or not?

>it's just a meme
Keep telling yourself that.

That doesn't make any sense you retard.

>literally post a fucking fact
>instantly get raided by a bunch of faggots calling me a shill
and that's what Im talking about

>looking forward to Monster Hunter W
>looking for MVCI to bomb super fucking hard, people who greenlighted decisions lose their jobs

What is with this love-hate relationship we have going on, capcom?

Your a Capcom game.

>MHW threads are full of legit shills
Nope, just assblasted Switch owners. Good luck trying to convince people otherwise, though. Before anyone accuses me of being a shill, I think Infinite looks like shit and plan on buying DB FighterZ instead.

What am I supposed to see?

It literally is when mass groups of people who have never touched SFV, and perhaps SF in general, are made to hate the game based on secondhand opinions without much reason to back it up.

That or they're just Third Strike revisionists, I've always found it funny how fans of the actual shittiest installment in the series are so dedicated to painting every other installment as bad.

Hello Capcom shill

You clearly don't know the first thing about Darkstalkers. Jedah is low tier.

Will MHW sell more than the usual Nintendo exclusive MH's?

Can we just all agree Drake isthe greatest rapper of all time

He's not wrong. In motion, it's fine. It's like someone purposely paused a video for a split sec to get the photo. Instead of making shit up, complain about the actual shit in the game that needs to be complained about.

Give me one fighting game with no guessing game.

Doesn't make it not look fucking awful.

>shill cherry picks the best looking frame and it still looks fucking awful
Good job

Isn't guessing like a thing in competitive fighting games? I mean that's almost how real fighting or even sports in general work. Everything pretty much just boils down to guessing right with reads and stuff

>Any and all criticism of MHW gets deflected as Nintendo fanboyism (MH community criticizes fucking everything about the newer games, it's literally nothing new and has been like this for a long time now)
>Not Capcom shills in full force
If you say so.

holy shit dude are you serious

go pick some easter eggs cottontail

My question is, what is either side accomplishing by just shit flinging at each other?

The capcom virgin retards are gonna shill whatever and you guys are complete fucking idiots ifyou believe your criticism is going to do anything

>what is either side accomplishing by just shit flinging at each other?
Legit shills earn their bread by trying to silence negative discussion around the product and redirect it towards more positive direction.

Shills are the ones that literally start and encourage console wars.

Your higher ups are not gonna be pleased about that lie

Have Mega Man ever punch and kicked in a game before?

I actually spoke to one of those people for the first time at university this year. I had an interesting conversation where he told me their king can't be racist.

I actually agree 100% with what you say. I think that Street Fighter 5 gets WAY too much fucking hate, especially from random anonymous posters on /r/kappa and Sup Forums who probably haven't even bought and played the game, let alone are actually better than button masher tier. The people who claim to hate it probably haven't played it and have no reasons to hate it that hold any water. I think the only bad part about SF5 is how much DLC there is and how it taunts you with DLC you don't own on the character select menus, but that's just me. This could get fixed if it implemented a system like Rainbow Six: Siege.

I also agree with you about the "Third Strike Revisionists" People who have NO FUCKING IDEA that Third Strike is the shittiest Street Fighter game on the higher level of play (parries ruin fundamentals, zoning and neutral game) and try to pretend like it was the most god tier game ever even though they have no reasons to believe this. Like god fucking dammit, I like Third Strike, but the BEST FIGHTING GAME EVER? Come the fuck on, retards.

The left one is for comparison, from SFV

I genuinely enjoyed RE7 and thought it was fantastic. I think REmake 2 will be great too.

I'm super excited for World, as are most of my friends since none of them care about Nintendo consoles. Sup Forums seems to be the only place complaining about World outside of Switch port begging elsewhere.

Capcom def has ups and downs. I'm glad I have no interest in their fighting games. I'm gonna enjoy World, as most people are and you faggots can't stop it from being a good game.

Yes, all of them in fact. Without counting Marvel series, Tr4sh and Tatsunoko vs Capcom all Mega Mans are able to punch and kick in some way or another in their respective games. BN Mega Man is even able to transform into a magical girl.

Monster Hunter Stories is pretty good, the aesthetic reminds me of Mega Man Legends 3.

Not touching MvC Infinite at all, though.

Lord have mercy