What girl that didn't have a route should've had one instead of shitzune?

What girl that didn't have a route should've had one instead of shitzune?

Best girl.

Sorry OP, but you broke the rule by having a more interesting image than your actual topic

Now what you should have opened this thread with was >title screen shows pieces of your achievements the farther you get into the game

but you blew it so now youll 404

It is not that Shizune is a bad girl, is that her route was written like utter shit, with one single good/bad choice, and the conflict between Hisao and the dad going absolutely nowhere. Simply there's no progression and her brother was a much interesting character in her route.


Alternatively, Misha or Miki.

That bitch with pink hair. Hanako is best girl

>Katawa Shoujo General #3355
Literally nothing left to talk about.


Shizune's little brother

Shizune's brother.

>Literally nothing left to talk about.

Favorite Track?

Get the fuck back to your containment board

I think that the small drawings appearing in the main menu as you progress, is a very nice touch. Heck it's almost my favorite feature of the """game""".


It is really cool, too bad it doesn't fill up the whole menu

If rumors about it are to be believed, I wonder if the route was purposely written to be shit because of the writer getting rumprustled at not getting to write the girl he wanted to.

Definetely Misha, she was a much better character than Shizune

While on the one hand that's true, on the other she's got a case of the gae. KS Redux that lets you play girl Hisao and either romance crippleboys or lez up the cripplegirls when?

Shizune is a bad girl because instead of throwing the dumb lesbian put of the window and acting like a heterosexual girlfriend for more than two scenes, she prefers to force situations where she and both of her lovers are together all the time. And all she gets for her autistic effort is her socially-retarded boyfriend's dick inside a spiteful lesbian's vagina.

i wanna mary miki!

I haven't played her route because this game was hot trash, but it seems like a simple solution is a threesome.

>that act when lilly goes to scotland and cucks you with a sheep

What the HECK where they thinking?

Unfortunately lesbians aren't bisexuals, they are just homos. And a lesbian that got rejected by her hetero target will do very retarded things, like fucking her target's boyfriend for no good reason and ruining their relationship forever.

>That bitch with pink hair

>play all of Hanako's route and checked all of her dialogue options
>you can't give her the chocolate
What the FUCK were they thinking?

>Misha is the only way Lilly and Shizune can communicate
>Shizune and Lilly were good friends before Yamako
>Misha mistranslated them both to escalate a conflict and drive them apart
>Misha did this so shizune would be alone and easier to romance

is this supposed to be obvious?


shizune is actually best girl, its just her route thats utter shite. To answer your question suzu or miki absolutely deserve an official route of their own, but the original writers would just fuck it all up.

100% belivable. its a Sup Forums original production after all.

Red Velvet will always be my favorite

wisona is the only obvious choice, but daylight is such a close runner up its difficult to choose.

best boy of all boys in any vn hands down. /ourguy/ through and through

Misha or Miki.
That said, anyone know of any good fanfics for the side girls?

I didn't think so. Is it confirmed somewhere?

I enjoyed the brief minutes with Miki more than the entire Shizune route. I mean, the sex with Shizune was pretty good, but sex alone a route does not make.

Alternatively, I'm a sick bastard that wants an Akira route.

fuck you guys, the nostalgia is forcing me to replay it. I didnt want to remeber the autism from my past.

shizune is the sexiest cripple, and has the most interesting personality. Its a travesty that he route conpletely dropped the ball.

I think I'll just settle with the soundtrack

Shame I never highlighted the duo stream from forever ago, though.