Why did Quiet let a crush get in the way of her vengeance?

Why did Quiet let a crush get in the way of her vengeance?

women r stupid

Because it's a plot more poorly designed than any other in gaming history. Metal gear should have died after the 2nd game

idk, ask ocelot

>Metal gear should have died after the 2nd game
But then we wouldn't have Metal Gear Solid.

there is nothing to suggest is was romantic
>inb4 "She's in love with the legend"
it's not a literal interpretation, unless you're incapable of understanding subtext and/or are 5 years old

she didn't

it was big boss that was an asshole playing the long con and never got in contact with venom

She showed Venom her ass and brought him for a shower.

Why is she so ugly

for someone who claims to not care about his appearance you sure do criticize looks a lot

joosten got jealous when the first digital model was revealed as she thought it was more attractive than her, when in reality it was only slightly less so, so she asked the 3D modelers to tweak her down

>after the second game
You mean after the game with the worst plot and cast in the series?

Kiefer Sutherland is the epitomy of sex. It couldn't be helped.

Too bad they didnt tweak the horseface

Japanese writing is

Women use (or in Quiet's case, try) their pussy to get want they want sex means nothing. There are guys like that too but a majority are women.



What is this meme?

>she's so hot
Yeah, hot trash

>He thinks Kojima understands subtext

She found something more important than revenge. She let it go. She moved on. She decided that revenge wasn't worth it.

Bad writing

apologize for your words and deeds

Subtext, like stories about submarines?

Because they forgot how to write interesting characters with depth and have them go through actual development.

Much easier to have her strip inflight to make the travel time interesting.

>Skullface, tries to get revenge, fails, dies
>Venom, supplanted with revenge that doesn't belong to him, succeeds, dies
>Liquid, eventually tries to get revenge, eventually fails, eventually dies

>Quiet, chooses not to pursue a path of revenge, dies

hmm yes what an intriguing narrative and important message about revenge

Never you fucking hackfraud, Quiet is super lame

At least Quite died for something. For someone. It was her choice. That makes a hell of a difference.

Name 1 way that the events of TPP would be any different if Quiet died in Cyprus. Her entire story arc amounted to nullifying her own existence. That was her bravery and her triumph, be able to reverse the effects of her own role in the story.

You know what her real role was? Being the neighborhood girl with the big tits and no shirt for the Mother Base crew.

Venom would have died alone in the desert.

She didn't, her vengeance was always directed at XOF and their collaborators, who turned her into a monster.

If you listen to the early game guard dialogue you'll hear them talking about her hunting their friends and her actual hunting grounds are physically located along the main road that supplies OKB Zero and the soviet main base.

In fact, initially she's using you, she deliberately pulls her punches and lets you win during her recruitment mission so she can gain access to DD intel and resources, during the fight Ocelot comments a lot on how she's just toying with you.

The crush comes later when she sees for herself what a badass you are.

She's the only character on motherbase that has your back, literally every other member of the principal cast has an ulterior motive and is using Snake in some way, you can't even trust D-Dog because he's really Ocelot's dog.

She didn't. Quiet/The Nurse/Paz/Ishmael are all the same person, and she doesn't really care about V. He's her mission.

You know she isn't real, right?

have you seen her love interest...sexy as hell

She's a woman

Because Quiet figured out pretty quickly that the man she wanted revenge on wasn't Venom, and that man had long since disappeared never to be seen again.

It's the same reason Volgin stopped dead in his tracks and killed himself, because he realized that his one chance at getting revenge turned out to be fake and that was pretty much the only reason he kept existing in a state of pure-rage.

Venom is REALLY hot. I mean damn, I'd switch allegiances in a hot second for that piece of ass.

what about d-walker?

Huey's invention, arguably even less trustworthy.

Because she's a woman. Regret your words and deeds.

He never died in the desert.

He would have preferred to be alone anyway

No woman can control herself near a Chad like Punished Medic

I only know 1 person in history who died and got up, user.

because at the beginning of the game big boss made her feel hot

Because the old Big Boss charisma is just that strong. Nevermind that Venom is not the real Big Boss and he lacks any of his charisma, the illusion makes it real.