Was it greatest or overrated Castlevania?
Was it greatest or overrated Castlevania?
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The greatest. SotN is overrated.
After having played it recently and comparing it to the other Castlevania's I don't think it is the greatest Classicvania. The greatest Classicvania is IV
It is easily the greatest of the classic formula, before the Metroidvania style.
outside of the item crashes and alternate stages I'm not sure it does anything particularly better than the previous classicvanias
>better than Bloodlines
scrub filter
Way overrated with that clunky movement and stretched out jumps.
Bloodlines and then Symphony of the night are still the best.
Dracula X was the most sought after though, specially in the states. Because of its rarity.
You can play as Maria and there are animated cutscenes.
Bloodlines was technically more impressive, but it was too short and not as difficult.
I like 4 but come on bro
It's up there.
SotN is massively overrated.
Not an argument
>not as difficult as IV
r u 4 srs
Yeah, I felt like Bloodlines wasn't all that challenging. and Eric makes it even easier
Are you serious
The controls are way tighter and the graphics are fucking great
it's the greatest normal castlevania
normal castlevanias arent that good of games and don't come anywhere near sotn in particular
Maria controls like a modern castlevania character.
Compared to IV, Bloodlines is a cake walk
Nigga what, unless you're using Eric who is completely broken, Bloodlines is harder than IV
Nah, the bosses in Bloodlines are too easy
I preferred 1 and 3 more.
Fair enough
But levels and enemies are not so forgiving in Bloodlines
I thought the water gimmick in Greece and the outside part of the leaning tower were hard, didn't think the other levels were hard except the 3 different perspectives gimmick in the last stage
IV is barely harder. And that's only because it's longer.
The clunkiness of the controls are disapointing. 4 is just so smooth, it's such a huge step backwards after that.
What kind of point is that?
If you want the game to control like 4 just use maria.
It's a great game but the level design is often a bit dull.
There are several games in the series I prefer over it.
>step backwards
I never really found IV's controls to be an improvement as much as a lateral move. I like them as a change of pace, but I'm glad the series as a whole didn't pattern itself after it.
Played through all of them recently. X and IV are a strong tie with SotN following up shortly after. All are worthy of their praise.
This is my personal favorite. It has behest soundtrack, and manages to take the Control scheme of the original series and make a perfect platform game out of it. The alternate paths, secret weapons, cutscenes, and different endings mix together with the above average difficulty to make a fantastic game.
Dracula as a boss is too easy, and Richter feels too slow compared to Maria, but overall I like it more than most. Bloodlines is my second favorite(especially with Vampire Killer as the name in Japan).
I love Symphony, but I don't like the impact it had in the series. Very few of the games that tried to copy it were good, and the term metroidvania pisses me off. I call games like that Metroid RPGs because Metroid and Castlevania existed a decade before Symphony, so it doesn't deserve the right to have its name in the genre
I haven't played many classicvanias desu. But it is a solid game.
>Very few of the games that tried to copy it were good,
At least there of them were, and one is even better.
Yeah. Dawn of Sorrow is incredible
Only after the patch.
What patch? Details please. I was unaware it had or needed one.
Dracula X, SotN and OoE are the only Castlevanias I've ever played, all of them were great but SotN was a bit on the easy side.
Which others are worth playing? I've tried a bit of Soma's games but I just can't get behind the soul shit. What about similar games?
1,3,4,Dracula X, Bloodlines, SoTN, Aria of Sorrow, Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin
Those are the only ones that should be played. Ignore the rest
There is no patch other than third party hacks. The game is great as it is on the DS cart
The controls are classicvania perfected.
>mentioning Dawn and fucking PoR, but not mentioning CotM or OoE
u srs
>no Adventure ReBirth or OoE
ooe is [shit]
You can disable touch stuff and add AoS portraits.
>no X68000
RoB > 3 > Bloodlines > 1 > 4
AoS > SotN > CotM > PoR > OoE > DoS > HoD
I haven't played 2 or Adventure/rebirth yet
>The clunkiness of the controls
>SotN following up shortly after
Brainlet detected.
I think it's safe to say that you can ignore all of those except SotN. Maybe play 1 to see how it all started, but the series is pretty shit overall.
It's safe to say that you're a complete retard.
lol nice comeback you bottom injured fanboy. Castlevania is a seriously overrated series, and you know it.
Maybe I don't want to play as Maria
That's just crazy talk, user. Of course you want to play as her.
Oppai lolis best lolis.
I want a muscle man in tight leather.
You're a fucking retard.
I'd play with her if you kow what I mean.
>ignoring CotM and OoE
user failed to git gud.
What are you trying to get at?
>Castlevania is dead
>Metroid hasn't had a good game for over a decade
Is Bloodstained the only hope for the genre?
>putting any hope in Bloodstained
What the hell are you doing?
Well it can't be worst than Samus Returns
The PSP remake is really good, despite being pretty ugly in a lot of areas. The new Dracula form is crazy fun.
It can always be worse.