SoaSE thread
>discuss sins
>favorite faction
>favorite mods
let's have ourselves a thread
SoaSE thread
>discuss sins
>favorite faction
>favorite mods
let's have ourselves a thread
please respond
>favorite faction
TEC Loyalists.
>favorite mods
I never really dabbled in mods beyond Maelstrom. The big Star Trek, Star Wars and Halo mods were always WiPs and I kept holding off to see how they were when done.
I'm impartial to the tec rebels, because the ragnorev titan is dope as fuck
also I love star trek armada 3. fucking great mod and brings me back, as STA2 was a fun as fuck game
bsg mods aren't half bad either
and to follow that up, STA3 is finished. any updates now are just patches. would highly recommend
I just like the Anklyon's bulky fuck-offedness and creating starship grinders with dual starbases.
Fuck yes, TEC Loyalists forever.
Twin starbases are hilariously fun.
I do enjoy TEC rebels titan though, and I like playing Advent... Loyalists? I think.
Vasari can go rot.
they're all cunts in their own ways
culture cannon for advent, vasari phase jumping everywhere with their kostura cannon
and then the tec niggers spamming nukes
>dual starbases
>trade literally everywhere
>infinite credits
TEC loyalists because I love turtling in RTS.
Vasari loyalists(?) because I love being a migrating space empire that consumes every planet it encounters and is entirely one giant doomstack without any worlds of its own.
>Sins 2 never
>We won't ever find out what the Vasari are running from.
lore is something I never really got into
but soase:r is easily one of my favorite games on my list. it also stuns me when they throw in random optimization updates here and there, especially when 1.9 came out in april
How demanding is this game? I've always wanted to try it out, but I don't have a real computer, just a potato.
it can get pretty demanding late game when there are swarms of smaller ships, but I think if you drop all the settings you might be able to play it without too many problems
I dunno honestly, it's pretty old at this point so your potato may be strong enough to handle it. I believe SoaSE released almost a decade ago, Rebellion is a very refined expansion to it that came out several years ago but it's the same engine and same core gameplay.
I think the Coronata titan looks sexy af with those curves and I'd fuck it if I could
its single threaded, old and it shows
they also didn't really tone down the AI spamming fighter craft and mines so on a large map size with lots of players + late game, expect sub 20fps
some of that was remedied with 1.9 desu. I've noticed a lot less stuttering late game, especially if you're not zoomed in to a battle
> Windows 7 / Vista SP2 / XP SP3
> Intel Pentium 4 1.8GHz Processor or Equivalent
> 512 MB RAM (1 GB for Windows 7 / Vista)
> 128 MB DirectX 9 Compatible Video Card w/Pixel Shader 2.0 Support (AMD Radeon 9600 / Nvidia GeForce 6600 or Better)
> DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card
> 3.5 GB Hard Drive Space
> Keyboard and Mouse
> 4X DVD-ROM Drive (for retail disc version)
> DirectX 9.0c
> Broadband Internet Connection for Multiplayer
Well in that case, don't mind if I do. You can run this off half a potato.
>turns out the Vasari are running from the same thing the Ayyliums in XCOM 2 are running from
>Sins of a Solar Empire 2 and XCOM 3 are the same game, releasing Fall of 2019
>it's actually the fucking Tyranids
however conversely even a supercomputer will stutter at endgame
>TEC Loyalist
because twin starbases can protect any system for a really long while.
>Favourite mods
Only tried the Star Trek one, was pretty cool. Anyone tried the Mass Effect one if it's good?
Advent loyalists a best
Radiance cutest ship
I can't play any faction but Vasari, phase lane stabilizers are too powerful.
Is there a competitive scene for SoaSE?
What's the meta? What are the big strats/builds?
I play for fun, but I'm always interested in what the "pro" strategies are.