Why are normies so stupid? I had to go down and read the comments just to see what sort of thoughts run to people's minds when they see footage of this game.

Why are you watching this?

Why are you posting via mobile phone?

Why are you using the word "normie"?



>Watching Youtube
>Using a cellphone
>Calling other people normies

You're the biggest normie here.

Because having a PC everywhere is impractical
Because I'm a dummy


death to phone posters.

To be fair, a normie isn't necessarily happy, in fact, most of them aren't.

Didn't this game already blow up among YouTubers like a few years ago?


normies aren't happy, they just have more things to distract them from that fact.

>le drugs XD
Granted this game is literally called LSD but I'm so tired of the "whoa whoever made this game must have been on drugs" joke everybody makes when any game does something even remotely surreal.

you know he played this a long time ago right?

Don't worry OP
LSD is actually really fucking nice and norrmalfags won't keep playing after 30 minutes so they'll miss every neat thing about the game

>reading youtube comments
>having the audacity to call anyone else stupid

>making Sup Forums comments
>calling other people stupid

Way to show how new you are. You're confusing normies with normalfags.

>way to show how much you're projecting on your insecurities about the experience you have on an imageboard

What an insanely butthurt image LMAO

Better throw my phone away. Wouldn't want to be excluded from the elite secret online club for cool people who are not 18 years old or black.

Assuming that all normies are happy is just another form of insecurity

>Watch let's play
>It's shit

WHAT A SURPRISE OP, and yeah, I'm 100% sure you follow that dude ironically and not because you love his cock

why do you give a shit about youtube comments

>Le ebin /our/ guy pewdiepie ebin racism ebin nazi ebin kekistan kek thread

RIP your existence

well whether you like it or not this game literally is "DUDE LSD LMAO: the video game," not that that's necessarily a bad thing it just is what it is. There's a 0 % chance someone with a sober imagination could've made this game