>either zelda or mario was guaranteed goty
>original sin 2 comes out
>it's amazing
>the other two can't even hope to compete
It isn't fair bros, this was meant to be nintendo's year.
Either zelda or mario was guaranteed goty
I really couldn't get into the first game, would I like this one?
It's almost like those games have nothing in common.
Depends what didn't appeal to you specifically.
It's almost like Game of the Year doesn't rank games across all genres. . .
Oh wait, you're retarded.
your taste has been tainted by flashy hyper chinese filth
turn based isometric strategic combat will never seem good to you unless it has anime
>implying i can't like neps AND larian
>nonstop shill threads
>fav streamer played it for an hour
>get hyped and try it out
>play first game
>fucking boring lame ass intro
>fucking nothing for plot
>fucking nothing to do in town but boring ultra generic fetch quests and RPG storylines we've seen 20 years ago
I'd never trust anyone that called me bro the first time I met them, especially since I went through years where I couldn't give a fuck about the real one.
>Depends what didn't appeal to you specifically.
I don't really know to be honest, I just found it kinda dull.
nice projection but I hate anime, especially in vidya.
Personal GOTYs mean much more than announced GOTYs anyway.
What really pisses me off though is just how much shitposting DOS2 has gotten on this board. Usually compared to Deadfire, leading me to conclude that Obsidian shills are in massive damage control.
I'm pretty sure it's just a joke at this point.
it definitely felt like there was some larian shilling. the game also sold ~300k copies on pc. the game is a smashing success really. of course there's going to be a lot of people talking about it
>hasn't actually played the game
>he thinks i didnt waste 4 hours on the turd of a game before coming to that conclusion
maybe 2nd one is better, fuck 1st one is awful
The main problem is that D: OSII is the best game.
But, and there is a big but here, Nintenbros are way too delusional about their new games. Due to the fact that they appeal too much to nostalgia or muhh exclusive shit meme.
Just look at Samus Return, at 6-7 at best, but praised to the max because it´s lovely Ninty.
>Beast PC
>Red Prince
Comfy party.
It´s a meme you dip.
Is anyone playing a character other than Fane? Be honest.
You don't count.
We all know GOTY means shit in a year when Nintendo has its offering out there because everyone is sucking their dick. Now they also have their fingers in the RPG category with Zelda.
Is there any reason not to kill everyone in fort joy? I've got no one with thievery due to rolling an all-mage team and I'm hoping I'll get some free loot and skillbooks by straight up murderhoboing the entire place. I've already had my collar removed and found the kid that lets me escape on his boat.
Do Lohse and Fane have any quests in fort joy? I've already had the part where Lohse enters REMOVE ELF mode.
Also, full-mage is working out really well so far.
One aero/hydro, one pyro/geo, one mixed bag for CC, and a conjurer for extra oomph all around.
With proper positioning and by CC-ing the shit out of people whose shields have burned away I've managed to win every fight so far without taking a single death or even losing too much health. Shit's awesome.
So where's Gareth after you kill Bishop Alexander? Nigga promised to come back for me with the boat.
How do you remove collars for other party members? I was only able to do it for my main guy after winning the arena.
Because you're not playing as Fane.
>RPG Category with Zelda
So it´s another Skyrim ARPILLÍ MEME AGAIN?
No clue, haven't gotten that far yet. Only my MC has got his collar removed by winning the arena.
Said kid I mentioned in my post talks about knowing someone who can pop collars off, so I'm guessing it will occur once you leave fort joy and find the NPC that kid is talking about.
Get to the Seeker camp.
Rescue a lad named Gareth and some Dwarf lass will remove them for you at camp as thanks.
Is there a way to get more / start with more AP than 4? Other than the Glass Cannon talent
I rescued him already. Which camp? Fort Joy?
I'm currently where there are lots of Shriekers.
I can't get past character creation/team comp building.
Something tells me I should play as an origin character, and I like Ifan's story the most, but don't like his cannon class but changing it would feel weird.
haste, lvl 1 pyro spell
it's a buff that increases movement speed and gives +1 ap recovery
lasts 3 turns (or 2, i forgot), costs 1 ap, 3 turn cooldown
consider getting 1 level of scoundrel and the pawn talent on people.
1 ap worth of movement for free at the start of every turn
that means walking out of harmful stuff for free
positioning for backstabs for free
getting to higher ground so you deal more damage for FREE
This game does a good job of making elves into something different than pretty humans.
I'd actually be concerned if one of things blocked my path in the forest and my mother's tales about them eating children would have a grain of truth.
A dodgy ranger with magic is pretty versatile if you can stand taking single steps away from his canon.
No, its a classic sequel - more of the same, with some extras.
I hated the first one and stopped playing pretty fast. This one has so far held my attention and the combat is better. Don't really care much for the story or companions though.
The combat is identical though?
The only difference is that you can't open with crowd control, you need to do damage first (remove physical armor to apply physical debuffs, remove magic armor to apply magic debuffs).
The elves are basically bosmers though, right down to the cannibalism.
>Samus Return, at 6-7 at best
Too high.
He's on the boat once you leave the island and meet another npc.
Bosmers are elflets. They can't block anyone's path.
I made an OC Lizard character, Red Prince is in my party and I have taken Beast for now so I have a chance in combat, but will I meet more Lizards? I only want Lizards in my party. I am not even off the Island yet.
after you reach the boat you can get a female lizard and if you do the quest on dragons beach he will join you too
What? There's no female lizard companion.
11hrs in, damn is next area huge.
Really disappointed with how easy the second arena is with the first fight being far harder than the second one which is just a piss in the wind.
Armor system is atrocious and i can't wait for the mods to change it at least to allow simple debuffs and dot through.
It feels like a last minute addition that completely fucked up the game's balance, like why the fuck traps are even a thing if you can just stand in a middle of them soaking all the damage.
Characters need to deal damage against both physical and magical armor at once with any type of damage and it shouldn't be a hard counter against all stat effects, especially non-disabling ones.
Tactician is boring as shit, it's a teleport fest.
Holy shit this is the most reddit comment I've seen in a long time. Sort yourself out BRO
>People still can't tell you're undead in that outfit
why is this acceptable
>I have really dry skin
>he can tell an elf from a corpse
>why does new game cost new game price?
dumb poorfag
why is old game only $5 less than new game? is this the cod of rpgs?
>it definitely felt like there was some larian shilling
i only bought the game because of the Sup Forums shills
I'm really enjoying it
>It's another DoS2 shill post
Nobody with tastes like your tumblr "rpg" game.
Is it just me or are tanks useless ? - i mean AI - always ignores them and goes straight away for your Rogues and Casters. 7hrs in and i want to remake my party - thinking about - Inqusitor+Rogue+Summoner+Caster or Ranger.
it was 13 dollars on PSN for past week
its jew tier pricing on PC and why i pirated it over buying it
Are Larian fans such autists that they don't realize what they come across as to almost everyone, or is there a falseflag campaign against this game?
There's no way this is not getting GOTY, at least PC GOTY.
I've finished my download, gonna play when my friend can, I'll be pleasantly surprised if it's better than Zelda
>hard core TES fan since daggerfall
>play Dos 2 for the first time
I dont thing Ill ever be able to play todds games again now that i know what a good rpg is.
I ddint like 1st, but am loving this one
1 felt like a parody, 2 is more serious (but not too serious)
/vn/ when?
The idea of a 'tank' in the classical RPG sense just doesnt exist, your not supposed to have one character take all the heat. Make sure everyone has ways to survive taking hits (heals, armour buffs or ways to escape like teleport or flight or a combination of all of them) Thats not to say that a super tough sword+board is useless though, they can deal shitloads of DPS.
Uhm, no sweetie. White people can't make games as good as Asians. You're racist if you disagree. Japanese PoCs > Larianazis
I couldn't get past the first level in os 1 because I just found it that boring. I'm having a blast with this one so far though. Almost beaten it
the idea is to have your "tank" closer to the action than your less protected characters, the enemy will attack who they can get at, which should be who you want. Use Provoke to get an enemy to attack you next turn instead of an ally.
This. WOW spoiled so many people making them think the ai sould be retarded and just plow into a tank the whole time. It is amazing how many people cry that their wizards are taking aggro.
I did thr same thing. I was expecting it to be a "classic" rpg. After i got out of the fort i started over droped the tank role and made a cleric dps and two wizards.
you're delusional.
>Taunted blocked by Physical Armor!
Fane has a voice of a faggot, so i changed to play as beast
im liking the game but playing through it with a coop buddy, it kind of feels like the game wants you to go off and do separate things for a bit after fort joy, which is really annoying because he wants to hear every bit of dialogue while i don't care because im planning on doing multiple playthroughs anyway
Me and my buddy learned that early on, as a lizard I dodged the quest to find some little girl thats afraid of lizards, he spoke about it. As a dwarf he speaks to all dwarfs, and I speak to all lizards, and we each do the simpler tasks ourselves.
In that elven cave in the beginning I spoke to a lizard and a battle started, that he had to run to join, since I thought it might be difficult.
Does this game have dating?
When I played D&D we didn't even use the word "tank" in any way, we'd say "leader". That was usually a charismatic cleric/paladin with heavy armor and a shield who would lead the party, talk to officials, and usually be at the front when fighting starts because he is leading us.
I first got "tank" into my RPG vocabulary with World of Warcraft, and I thought its very funny actually, since I always think of tanks as cavalry, not bunkers or castles. A tank is meant to be very mobile shock troop, no?